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Tiêu đề Accessible Media Vision and Guidelines
Trường học Northern Essex Community College
Thể loại report
Năm xuất bản 2013
Định dạng
Số trang 48
Dung lượng 1,2 MB

Cấu trúc

  • Process Management Participants

  • Project Members

  • Introduction

  • Executive Summary Recommendations

  • Media Definition

  • What is Media Accessibility?

  • What are the Accessibility Issues?

    • People who are blind

    • People who have partial or low vision

    • People who have color blindness or color deficiency

    • People who are deaf or hard of hearing

    • People who have mobility disabilities

    • People who have learning and cognitive disabilities

    • People who have seizure disorders

  • What Is Our Legal Obligation?

    • Background on Media Accessibility and Shifting Legal Analysis

  • Relevant Disability Laws

    • Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADA AA)

  • What Is Going On Locally?

  • What Is Going On Nationally?

    • Research on Accessibility Policies

  • What is NECC Doing Right?

    • Center for Instructional Technology and Distance Learning

    • Learning Accommodations Center Initiatives

    • Information Technology Initiatives

    • Marketing Communications

  • Other Accessibility Initiatives

  • Conclusion

  • Appendices

    • Appendix 1: NECC Accessible Media Vision and Guidelines

    • Appendix 1a: Sample of Web Accessibility Standards

    • Appendix 2: Strategic Goal 6 Priority Worksheet Accessible Media

    • Appendix 3: Dear Colleague Letter

    • Appendix 4: Legal Issues

    • Appendix 5: Legal Perspective from Massachusetts Community College Council

    • Appendix 6: Operational Definitions

    • Appendix 7: Process Management Tool

    • Appendix 8: Awareness Efforts

    • Appendix 9: Sponsor Update Introducing Phase I and II

    • Appendix 10: Faculty Feedback

    • Appendix 10a: Faculty Feedback Activity

    • Appendix 10b: Faculty Questions and Comments on Accessible Media

    • Appendix 11: Feedback from Students

    • Appendix 13: Captioning Quotes and Information

Nội dung

NECC Accessible Media Vision and Guidelines

Proposed Accessible Media Vision for Northern Essex Community College

NECC is dedicated to ensuring equity and accessibility for all students and staff by providing equal access to its programs, services, events, and activities We strive to foster an inclusive academic environment by implementing design concepts that eliminate barriers and enhance the experience for a diverse audience, utilizing both current and emerging technologies.

As a core value of NECC, we are committed to creating an institutional climate that deepens our appreciation for diversity

Legal Responsibility as it Relates to Accessible Media/Communication

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Public universities must ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities have equal access to their programs, services, and activities, as mandated by Section 504, unless it fundamentally alters these offerings or imposes an undue burden It is crucial that communication materials are designed inclusively, as exclusion based on design is not permissible Many institutions may not fully understand their obligations or the potential for civil litigation regarding accessible media Therefore, providing effective communication to individuals with disabilities is a legal requirement for public universities.

The United States Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Section 504 and the ADA, ensuring that public higher education institutions provide effective communication for individuals with disabilities These laws mandate that universities implement measures to ensure that communications with disabled persons are as effective as those with others According to OCR, "communication" encompasses the transfer of information through various mediums, such as the NECC website, course materials, and Blackboard resources.

Public entities must proactively plan and implement comprehensive policies to comply with the ADA, rather than merely addressing individual accommodation requests on an ad-hoc basis The OCR has consistently emphasized that failing to establish such policies constitutes a violation of ADA obligations.

504 in advance of any request for auxiliary aids or services A public entity violates its obligations under ADA by

“Retrofitting” and proactive planning for compliance has been strongly recommended by regulatory agencies

Incorporating accessibility as a fundamental design element from the outset is more time-efficient and cost-effective than trying to retrofit media following a complaint.

Universal Design enhances accessibility for all students, as evidenced by research indicating that captions significantly aid a wider audience Captions not only improve note-taking but also enhance comprehension and memory retention, while offering access to auditory information in situations where sound quality or background noise could be distracting.

NECC is committed to aligning its policies and programs with state and federal regulatory laws To facilitate this transition, the college will enhance training and establish clear timelines for achieving compliance through the newly established Strategic Goal #6, which focuses on developing accessible media standards across the institution.

Technical Guidelines Resources and Training

Northern Essex Community College is committed to ensuring equal access to all programs and activities for individuals with disabilities, relying on the collaboration of administrators, faculty, and staff To support this initiative, the college will provide resources, guidelines, and training for all departments and personnel to effectively utilize media products in compliance with established accessibility standards.

• Commonwealth of Massachusetts Information Technology Division, Enterprise Web Accessibility Standards o http://www.mass.gov/anf/docs/itd/policies-standards/web-access-std.pdf

• World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 o http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT (see appendix 4a for samples of technical guidelines)

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 21

NECC will have a systematic policy for exemptions on occasion A process for individuals wishing to request an exemption will be developed

Appendix 1a: Sample of Web Accessibility Standards

Sample taken from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Information Technology Division, Enterprise Web Accessibility Standards

Web Accessibility Standards aim to guarantee that all individuals can access state web pages, extending beyond mere compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and similar laws These standards tackle access challenges faced by users of various technologies, including those with slower Internet connections and mobile devices, while also considering the varying levels of computer literacy among users.

These standards are relevant for both external and internal agency websites, as well as web-based applications The primary audience includes agency heads, webmasters, content providers, application developers, and vendors involved in web development for agency sites It is the collective responsibility of these stakeholders to ensure that agency websites are accessible to all users.

The Information Technology Division (ITD) established accessibility standards with input from state web developers, including those with disabilities These standards are designed for all state agencies and their contractors to ensure accessibility in web design and application development They are grounded in existing laws and regulations and apply to all websites maintained by Executive Department agencies, regardless of their legal obligations.

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 42 U.S.C §2000d

(http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?FuseAction=Content&ID), which applies to all state agencies, and its implementing regulations (for example, 42 C.F.R §84)

• Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, 29 U.S.C §794d

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and its regulations, specifically 36 C.F.R §1194.22 for web-based applications and 36 C.F.R §1194.21 for software applications, establish important web accessibility standards While these regulations do not directly apply to Executive Department agencies, the Commonwealth has opted to adopt Section 508's standards as the foundation for its own web accessibility guidelines.

• Accessibility of web sites raises issues under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Telecommunications Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and other federal and state laws Published 1/20/05 Page 2 of 22 Enterprise Web

Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 151B prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in housing and employment, while Chapters 272, Sections 98 and 98A extend protections against discrimination in public accommodations These statutes are applicable to all state agencies, ensuring comprehensive safeguards for persons with disabilities across various sectors.

The standards are grounded in the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 and have been tailored to meet the specific needs of the Commonwealth Each Section 508 standard and W3C guideline was assessed for relevance and adjusted as needed to align with the Commonwealth's unique requirements, ensuring comprehensive accessibility.

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 22 implemented using currently available technologies and for compatibility with other Commonwealth policies and standards

State agencies must adhere to minimum accessibility standards for their websites, as outlined by relevant laws and W3C guidelines All new web pages created by the Executive Department after the standards' publication must integrate these requirements into their design Additionally, when updating existing web pages, agencies are responsible for ensuring compliance with these accessibility standards It’s important to note that these standards serve as a baseline, allowing agencies to establish their own higher web publishing guidelines to enhance accessibility further.

Strategic Goal 6 Priority Worksheet Accessible Media

Action Item Resources Needed Considerations

1 Prioritize and create timeline to implement action items

• Approval of Strategic Goal Team 6 formation

• Fast track formation of team to formally develop and implement compliance efforts

2 Develop and establish software, instructional materials, and media acquisition policies

• Participation from various stakeholders across the institution to collaborate on policies

• Institutional support to develop systematic plan to continually update and disseminate policies

3 Seek outside funding • Collaboration with stakeholders across the institution to research sources of funding

• Institutional support to help seek funding and seek partnerships with other institutions or organizations

4 Expand support and training for faculty and staff

• Increase CIT and Marketing and Communication staffing to meet the increase in accessibility training and support

• Software to support training (i.e Atomic Learning)

• Consider budget increase to support this need in FY 2015

5 Test web-based courses for usability and accessibility

• Training to increase expertise in assistive technologies

• Increase site licenses to assistive technologies as needed

• Consider budget increase to support this need in FY 2015

6 Create accessibility compliance checklists to address accessibility issues

• Collaboration from several stakeholders across the institution needed to create checklists as a starting point prior to adopting media and technology components

• Institutional support to develop systematic plan to continually update and disseminate checklists

7 Caption new audio and video files

• Make captioning software available through learning management system (LMS) and NECC’s media channels

• Phase in institutional funding for captioning all new video and audio files

8 Caption existing audio and video files

• Contract in-house part time paraprofessional captioner

• Increase Learning Accommodations funding to support paraprofessionals

• Phase in institutional funding for captioning all existing video and audio files

9 Audit NECC website for compliance

• Self-audits with specialized compliance auditing software

• In-depth audits for comprehensive analysis

• Phase in institutional funding for audits

• Prioritize high-traffic webpages for in- depth audits to highlight all accessibility issues and provide recommendations for compliance

10 Establish a process to bring existing PDF files into compliance

• Collaboration from stakeholders across the institution to make large numbers of PDF files currently published online accessible

To enhance internal accountability, it is essential to establish a structured process that includes outsourcing PDF compliance to relevant departments This involves urging various areas to prioritize the timely posting of PDF files and clearly identifying which content is intended for public access versus internal use.

• Purchase institutional license for Adobe Acrobat Pro or individual licenses as needed

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 25

Dear Colleague Letter

U.S Department of Justice U.S Department of Education Civil Rights Division Office of Civil Rights

Dear College or University President:

We express our concern regarding the use of electronic book readers in colleges and universities that are not accessible to students who are blind or have low vision It is crucial to ensure that this emerging technology is utilized in compliance with federal law, as many of these devices lack essential text-to-speech functions Mandating the use of inaccessible technology in classrooms discriminates against individuals with visual disabilities, violating the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Section 504 mandates that individuals must be given necessary accommodations or modifications to access educational benefits from technology in an equally effective and integrated way.

The Departments of Justice and Education play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights of college and university students with disabilities The Department of Justice enforces Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which applies to private institutions, while both departments share enforcement authority under Title II of the ADA, which pertains to public universities.

Section 504 mandates compliance for both public and private colleges and universities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education This legislation, along with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), extends its requirements to equipment and technology utilized by public entities or places of public accommodation in their programs, services, activities, and offerings.

Under Title III, individuals with disabilities, including those with visual impairments, must not face discrimination in accessing goods and services at private colleges and universities, ensuring they have equal opportunities to participate and benefit Title II further guarantees that qualified individuals with disabilities cannot be excluded from or discriminated against in public universities and colleges Both Title II and Section 504 mandate that individuals with disabilities receive equal opportunities to participate in college programs and services, preventing any unequal treatment compared to their peers Additionally, any separate aids or services provided to individuals with disabilities must only be implemented when necessary to ensure equal effectiveness.

The Department of Justice has reached settlement agreements with various colleges and universities regarding the use of the Kindle DX, an electronic book reader deemed inaccessible As part of a pilot study conducted with Amazon.com, Inc., these institutions have committed to refrain from purchasing, requiring, or recommending the Kindle DX or any similar dedicated devices in their classrooms.

The proposal for accessible media management highlights the need for electronic book readers to be fully accessible for individuals who are blind or have low vision Until such accessibility is achieved, universities must provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that students can access information, participate in interactions, and enjoy services with the same ease as sighted peers Relevant agreements can be found on the Department of Justice's ADA website, specifically by searching for "Kindle." Additionally, the Department of Education has addressed similar complaints from colleges and universities, aligning with the relief obtained by the Department of Justice.

Officials responsible for enforcing the ADA and Section 504 urge colleges and universities to avoid mandating the use of electronic book readers or similar technologies in educational settings if these devices are not accessible to individuals who are blind or have low vision It is imperative that universities prioritize accessibility when integrating new technologies, ensuring that all students can benefit from them equally.

Congress recognized that individuals with disabilities face significant disadvantages in key areas like education Ensuring full and equal access to educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities remains as crucial today as it was at the time of the ADA's enactment.

In his proclamation for Employment Awareness Month, President Obama emphasized the importance of enhancing educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities He stated that to create a world without unnecessary barriers, it is essential for every American to receive an education that equips them for future success.

Technology is crucial for the future, making technological competency vital for student success Emerging technologies serve as valuable educational resources, particularly benefiting students with disabilities by providing access to commerce, information, and education Ensuring equal access to these technologies in higher education is essential for achieving full integration and equal opportunities for students with disabilities Additionally, advancements in technology have made accessible electronic book readers both affordable and easy to obtain.

We aim to collaborate with you to ensure that technological advancements in America benefit all students The Department of Justice provides a toll-free technical assistance line to address inquiries about federal laws that protect the rights of individuals with disabilities For technical support, please call.

(800) 514-0301 (voice) or (800) 514-0383 (TTY) Specialists are available Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM until 5:30

The Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights offers specialized support for questions about accessible electronic book readers, available Monday to Wednesday and Friday from 9 AM to 5 PM, and Thursday from 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM Colleges and universities can seek technical assistance by visiting OCR's website We appreciate your attention to this vital educational matter and are eager to collaborate to ensure full accessibility for individuals with disabilities in higher education.

Thomas E Perez Assistant Attorney General Civil Rights Division U.S Department of Justice

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights U.S Department of Education

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 27

Legal Issues

The legal issues section highlights various complaints from organizations like the National Federation of the Blind (NF), National Association of the Deaf (NAD), and others against higher education institutions and media companies, including Netflix and CNN These complaints have prompted these entities to enhance their accessibility strategies in compliance with federal and state laws Additionally, it addresses a copyright infringement case filed by The Author’s Guild against several universities, which was dismissed by a U.S District Court based on the Chafee amendment to the Copyright Act, allowing duplication of materials for individuals with disabilities without violating copyright laws.

Review of Recent Legal Issues in Higher Education and Accessibility

(Feb) 2009- Law School Admissions Council

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) has lodged a complaint against the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) for violating the Disabled Persons Act and the Unruh Civil Rights Act due to inaccessible web content and LSAT preparation materials The LSAC's web portal, essential for law school applications nationwide, was found to hinder California plaintiffs' ability to apply, infringing upon their rights under ADA Titles II and III A settlement reached in April 2011 mandated that the LSAC enhance its web content and services to comply with WCAG 2.0 AA standards within five months, by September 2011.

The lawsuit prompted the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) to file complaints with the Department of Justice against institutions that rely on the inaccessible LSAC process for admissions This action unfolded over several months during the spring season.

2010 NFB argued that this practice violated Title III of the ADA These schools included:

1 Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School

3 Chapman University School of Law

4 University of Chicago School of Law

6 Gonzaga University School of Law

7 Lee University School of Law

8 Northeastern University School of Law

10 Thomas Jefferson School of Law

11 University of California Hastings College of the Law

12 University of Miami School of Law

14 William Mitchell College of Law

Recent settlements with institutions, such as the John Marshall settlement, mandate that students be informed about the inaccessibility of the LSAC application process If LSAC fails to meet accessibility agreements within the designated timeline, institutions are required to cease using LSAC Furthermore, schools must give full consideration to applications submitted outside of the LSAC process.

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) and the American Council of the Blind (ACB) have jointly lodged a discrimination complaint against Arizona State University for its use of inaccessible technologies, such as the Kindle DX This action highlights ongoing concerns regarding accessibility in educational institutions.

In January 2010, complaints against Case Western Reserve University, Pace University, and Reed College highlighted the need for accessible emerging technologies in higher education These institutions agreed to improve accessibility, prompting a significant response from the U.S government The White House, along with the Departments of Justice and Education, sent a letter to all college and university presidents nationwide, emphasizing the critical importance of digital accessibility in educational environments.

Technology is crucial for future success, making technological competency vital for all students Emerging technologies serve as valuable educational resources, particularly benefiting students with disabilities These innovations provide access to a virtual realm of commerce, information, and education, overcoming the challenges posed by the physical world Ensuring equal access to new technologies in higher education is essential for achieving full integration and equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities.

The letter emphasized the responsibility of higher education leaders, stating, "Universities must ensure that emerging technology is accessible to all students, as its use without such accessibility is unacceptable."

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) filed a complaint against Penn State University for violating the rights of blind students and faculty by denying them access to online information and services mandated by Title II of the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act The complaint specifically addressed issues within various university units, including the library, the English and Computer Science departments, and the Office of Disability Services In 2011, the matter was resolved when Penn State agreed to implement a strategy to ensure that all electronic and information technology systems on its campuses would be fully accessible to blind students, faculty, and staff.

(March) 2011- Northwestern University and New York University

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) has lodged a complaint against two universities for utilizing Google's framework, which remains inaccessible Although Google is actively working to enhance the accessibility of its platform, it has not yet fulfilled this objective This situation is impacting other campuses, which are facing challenges in meeting accessibility requirements during their procurement processes.

In spring 2012, the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) filed a complaint advocating for two blind students who faced challenges with inaccessible course content in a math class Their efforts aimed to ensure that educational materials were accessible and satisfactory for all students.

In addition to FSU’s agreement to make content accessible, they were required to pay damages to the plaintiffs

The Alliance for Disability and Students has lodged a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, highlighting discrimination due to inaccessible web content and services The complaint specifically addresses issues such as inaccessible class assignments, live chat and discussion boards, videos lacking captions, and an inaccessible registration system.

Other Recent Complaints That Have Implications for Higher Education

In 2010, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) filed a complaint against Netflix for discrimination due to the lack of captions on streamed content The settlement reached in 2012 mandated that Netflix provide captions for all streamed media by 2014 and included a payment of $755,000 in legal fees.

In February 2012, the Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness (GLAD) filed a complaint against CNN for not providing captions on CNN.com CNN responded by attempting to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that it infringed upon their First Amendment rights to free speech.

In March, a U.S District Court judge ruled against CNN regarding errors in captioning that could lead to misleading speech, which CNN argued did not align with their editorial standards This case is currently under appeal in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Legal Perspective from Massachusetts Community College Council

Below is a document from Kenneth A Tashjy, General Counsel for the Massachusetts Community College System

The Commonwealth's Information Technology Division (ITD) has established Web Accessibility Standards to ensure compliance with legal obligations regarding web accessibility For detailed information, please click on the link to access the standards.

Web accessibility for individuals with disabilities is mandated by state and federal law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) In Massachusetts, the Information Technology Division has established Web Accessibility Standards to guarantee that state web pages are accessible to all users These standards go beyond mere compliance, promoting inclusive technology for people with disabilities.

The Commonwealth's accessibility standards, created with input from state web developers, including those with disabilities, are designed for use by all state agencies and their contractors These standards aim to address accessibility challenges in web page design and application development, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

• Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 42 U.S.C §2000d, which applies to all state agencies, and its implementing regulations (for example, 42 C.F.R §84)

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C §794d) and its regulations (36 C.F.R §1194.22 for web-based information and applications, and 36 C.F.R §1194.21 for software applications and operating systems) set important standards for web accessibility While these regulations do not directly apply to Executive Department agencies, the Commonwealth has opted to adopt Section 508's standards as the foundation for its own web accessibility guidelines.

• Mass Gen Law ch 151B, which prohibits discrimination against the handicapped in connection with housing and employment All of these statutes apply to all state agencies

These standards are also based on the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT)

The Commonwealth's environment was thoroughly assessed to determine the relevance of each Section 508 standard and W3C accessibility guideline, with modifications made to meet specific requirements Additionally, the standards and guidelines were examined to ensure they are compatible with existing technologies and aligned with other Commonwealth policies and standards.

State agencies must adhere to specific standards that establish the minimum requirements for ensuring website accessibility in compliance with applicable laws and W3C guidelines All new web pages created after the publication of these standards are required to integrate these accessibility criteria into their design Additionally, as existing web pages undergo updates, agencies must ensure that these updated pages also conform to the established requirements It is important to note that these standards serve as a baseline for accessibility, encouraging agencies to strive for higher levels of inclusivity.

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 31

Operational Definitions

Accessible media refers to alternate-format materials designed to enhance access and facilitate participation in the general curriculum for students with disabilities By incorporating accessible media, educators can effectively support diverse learners within the classroom environment.

Alternative keyboard: A keyboard that is different from a standard computer keyboard in its size or layout of keys

Assistive technology encompasses any product, device, or system—whether purchased, modified, or tailored—that enhances, sustains, or boosts the functional abilities of individuals with disabilities.

An augmentative communication device is a tool designed for individuals who struggle to communicate verbally, enabling them to express thoughts through words or symbols These devices can vary significantly in complexity, from basic picture boards to advanced electronic systems that facilitate personalized and unique expression of ideas.

A browser is software that enables users to access and view information on the web, available in both graphical and text-based formats While graphical browsers can display images, videos, and sound clips, text-only browsers are limited to text and cannot showcase multimedia content Additionally, talking browsers are designed for individuals with learning disabilities or visual impairments, providing an accessible way to interact with online text.

Closed Circuit TV Magnifier (CCTV): Camera used to magnify books or other materials to a monitor or television

The FM Sound Amplification System is an electronic amplification solution designed for individuals with hearing difficulties It comprises three essential components: a microphone/transmitter, a monaural FM receiver, and a combination charger/carrying case This system enables wireless FM broadcasting, effectively transmitting sound from a speaker directly to the listener, enhancing their auditory experience.

Mouse emulation: A method of having an alternative device and/or software, such a switch based system, serve the role of a mouse

A reading system combines specialized hardware and software to assist individuals with visual impairments, mobility challenges, or learning disabilities in accessing printed text This technology utilizes character recognition software that operates a scanner to capture images of printed pages The scanned images are then converted into computer-readable text, which is subsequently read aloud using a synthesized voice, enhancing accessibility for users.

Refreshable Braille Display: Hardware connected to a computer that echoes screen text on a box that has cells consisting of pins that move up and down to create Braille characters

Screen enlargement: Hardware and/or software that increase the size of characters and text on a computer screen (i.e

Screen reader: Software used to echo text on a computer screen to audio output, often used by people who are blind, with visual impairments, or with learning disabilities (i.e JAWS software)

Screen resolution defines the clarity and sharpness of images displayed on computer monitors, measured by the number of dots used to form text and graphics A higher resolution translates to a greater number of dots, resulting in enhanced sharpness and the ability to display smaller text more clearly.

Trackball: A mouse alternative that is basically an upside-down mouse Useful for some people with mobility impairments because it isolates pointer movement from button clicking

Word prediction software minimizes keystrokes required for typing by offering suggested word completions as users input characters on standard, alternative, or virtual keyboards This feature enhances typing efficiency and streamlines the writing process.

Hard of Hearing: Complete or partial loss of ability to hear caused by a variety of injuries or diseases including congenital defects

Mobility impairment: Disability that affects movement ranging from gross motor skills such as walking to fine motor movement involving manipulation of objects by hand

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 32

Physical or mental impairments encompass a range of conditions affecting various body systems, including neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, and more These impairments may involve physiological disorders, cosmetic disfigurements, or anatomical losses Additionally, mental or psychological disorders such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, and emotional or mental illnesses fall under this category, highlighting the diverse nature of impairments that can impact an individual's overall well-being.

Sensory impairment: A disability that affects touch, sight and/or hearing

Specific learning disabilities are disorders that affect one or more fundamental psychological processes related to language comprehension and usage, both spoken and written These disabilities can lead to challenges in listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, spelling, and performing mathematical calculations Common associated issues may include hyperactivity, distractibility, emotional instability, and difficulties with visual or auditory perception, as well as motor limitations, varying according to the specific type of learning disability.

Speech impairment encompasses a range of communication difficulties, including issues with oral motor function These can manifest as simple sound substitutions or more severe challenges, such as the inability to comprehend or utilize language effectively, as well as difficulties in using the oral-motor mechanisms necessary for functional speech.

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) encompasses both open and closed head injuries that lead to various impairments, affecting cognition, language, memory, attention, reasoning, abstract thinking, judgment, problem-solving, sensory and motor abilities, psychosocial behavior, physical functions, information processing, and speech It is important to note that TBI does not include brain injuries that are congenital, degenerative, or caused by birth trauma.

Access barriers: Any obstruction that prevents people with disabilities from using standard facilities, equipment and resources

Accessibility refers to the ease with which a facility can be used by individuals, ensuring that programs or activities are designed to allow participation for everyone, regardless of the need for additional support Additionally, electronic resources should be available for use with or without assistive technology, promoting inclusivity in all aspects of access.

Accessible web design: Creating web pages according to accepted design principles to eliminate or reduce barriers, including those that affect people with disabilities

Accommodation: An adjustment to make a program, facility, or resource accessible to a person with a disability

Reader: Volunteer or employee of an individual with a disability (e.g., visual impairment, learning disability) who reads printed material in person or records to audiotape

Large print books feature text sizes ranging from fourteen to eighteen points, significantly larger than the standard six to ten points typically found in ordinary print This increased size, which can measure up to 1/4 of an inch, enhances readability, especially for individuals with visual impairments Additionally, large print books are often formatted in larger dimensions, commonly 8 1/2 x 11 inches, providing a more accessible reading experience Some editions even allow users to define their preferred font size, further accommodating individual needs.

ALT (alt text) attribute: HTML code that works in combination with graphical tags to provide alternative text for graphical elements

Braille is a tactile writing system made up of embossed characters created using a Braille cell, which consists of six dots arranged in two vertical columns of three dots each Each character in Braille is formed by varying combinations of these dots, occupying a complete cell Additionally, some Braille systems may incorporate eight dots for more complex characters.

Captioned film or videos: Transcription of the verbal portion of films or videos displayed to make them accessible to people who are deaf or have auditory processing difficulties

Captioning: Text that is included with video presentations or broadcasts that enable people who are Deaf or Hard of

Hearing to have access to the audio portion of the material

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 33

Process Management Tool

Due to the vast scope of this project, the team utilized a fishbone diagram to organize, facilitate, and record the results of various brainstorming sessions

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 35

Awareness Efforts

The flyer below was used to promote the process management project

Accessible Media Vision and Guidelines Process Management Project

Sponsors: Mary Ellen Ashley, Executive VP Enrollment Services and William Heineman, Vice President of Academic

The increasing use of technology in colleges necessitates a clear institutional vision and specific guidelines to ensure compliance with ADA AA and Section 504/508 regulations.

NECC must strategically plan the development, utilization, or procurement of media to ensure accessibility for individuals with diverse disabilities This includes addressing challenges such as visual impairments, font size adjustments, auditory content, mouse navigation difficulties, reading issues, and reliance on assistive technologies like screen readers.

How? Our group has 12 active members The Team is seeking faculty participation and input as it strives to create an institutional vision and accessible media guidelines

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 36

Sponsor Update Introducing Phase I and II

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 37

Faculty Feedback

Process Management Subcommittee on Accessible Media/ Frequently Asked Questions

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 38

To enhance media accessibility awareness among faculty, we created a flyer and index cards for department meetings, encouraging faculty to submit their questions This initiative, led by Cathy Latourelle, Susan Martin, Deborah McKinney, and Melba Acevedo, included a presentation outlining our project’s alignment with ADA law and its goal of producing accessible materials for all students, staff, and faculty We have compiled the faculty's questions and plan to identify the necessary resources to address them in the next phase of the project.

• Currently we can’t adopt old videos into CDs closed captioning? We don’t have technology in house to do this – What would this cost to convert old technology?

• Should we have special training as faculty on the laws on student fairness

• How would I know if a video I use in my online public speaking class is captioned?

• Does YouTube have a function to allow captioning? I use this source in my class a lot because of the nature of my course topic

Most inquiries focused on closed captioning, a topic the respondents were familiar with, but they appeared unaware of additional assistive tools like speech readers or JAWS for students with disabilities Future efforts will involve incorporating technical questions and answers related to these resources on our NECC website for faculty, staff, and students.

Appendix 10b: Faculty Questions and Comments on Accessible Media

1 If you have voice over with a PowerPoint presentation, do all faculty also provide class notes? What percentage?

2 Currently we can’t adopt old videos into CDs closed captioning – [we] don’t have technology in house to do this What would this cost to convert old technology?

3 How do you know if a video is closed captioned?

4 Should we have special training as faculty on the laws on student fairness?

5 What should we teach to students on copyright guidelines?

6 Is there any way for videos and DVDs that were not purchased with captioning to have them added? Assume no (Just want to double-check for most popular videos.)

7 What services can you provide for us the teachers?

How do we get some video without close captioning to be “retrofitted” with close captioning?

Also how do we retro fit power point with descriptive video?

9 How would I know if a video I use in my online public speaking class is captioned?

(I use videos from an E-book (McGraw Hill), and TED videos I ‘ve never had a deaf student enroll in public speaking online or face-to-face.)

10 What are the obligations of students who have disabilities to inform faculty?

11 Are PowerPoints that we create an issue?

12 Many student activities require statements about interpreting services Is there standard wording? I’ve seen

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 39 several different phrasings

13 Univ Designing (i.e.: captioning) Captioning helps all students…not just deaf and hard of hearing

Could we have a resource that could do the work for our materials?

14 Does YouTube have a function to allow captioning? I use this source in my class a lot because of the nature of my course topic

15 Guest speakers & student functions should be also be addressed

16 Can there be a central place (a library libguide) where faculty can access examples & things already done in this regard (i.e., videos that have captioning)? How will any guidelines be enforced?

The timeline for reviewing and updating videos to ensure compliance with requirements is essential for effective planning This process will be factored into budget considerations Additionally, adjunct faculty will be informed about the necessary requirements and the resources available from NECC in a timely manner.

18 Insert – student’s profile with disabilities on the NECC Degreeworks (DW)

19 How does one make “your” website accessible for the screen reader?

20 A lot of the math courses use Pearson’s “My Math Lab.” Is this “media accessible”?

21 If no student presents an accommodation plan, do I need to use closed-captioned video?

22 What about the legacy online courses? How are the older courses that use media going to be made accessible? How is this going to be prioritized?

23 How are the copyright issues going to be addressed when making media accessible? Who is responsible for seeking the copyright rights?

24 Do students have access to assistive technologies? Where do they get access to them?

I prefer using PDFs due to their universal compatibility, ensuring consistent appearance across all devices, and they come with a free viewer for everyone In contrast, I avoid Word documents because they are a proprietary format While students can access Word at school, many lack Microsoft Office at home, opting instead for open-source alternatives or using Linux, where Microsoft Office is unavailable.

Do PDF's have the same level of accessibility as Microsoft Office documents?

If I create an accessible file in Microsoft Office and save it as a PDF, does it maintain the accessibility?

Does the PDF need additional accessibility information?

If I provide an accessible Microsoft Office document, will other open source alternatives maintain the accessibility?

To prevent students from easily copying and pasting snippets of computer code in my documents and slides, I utilize images of the code instead This approach encourages students to type out the code manually if they wish to use it, promoting better understanding and retention.

How would a screen reader, or other device describe a texted-based code example? Would it just read it as if it were English written sentences? That would be terribly confusing

If I do need it in text-based format for accessibility purposes, how could I prevent students from copying and pasting the text?

If it is image based code, how should it be described in the alt text?

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 40

The on-demand videos available in the library and other educational services lack coverage on many specific programming languages and current technologies that I teach However, online news programs and various other videos can be quite beneficial.

If I choose to use these, but they do not offer captioning can I provide a transcript?

If an online video, such as a Frontline episode, lacks captioning but the DVD version with captions is accessible in the library, it is permissible to provide the DVD as an alternative to creating a transcript.

Faculty members can access transcription services to assist with their needs While transcribing a short 5-minute video is manageable, longer videos, such as those lasting 60 minutes, may require significantly more time, potentially taking 5 to 6 hours to complete.

To enhance accessibility in online materials, it's essential to follow common guidelines and avoid frequent mistakes One crucial aspect is providing voiceovers to describe on-screen content for visually impaired students Utilizing tools like Natural Reader from Atomic Learning could effectively address this need by offering audio explanations, ensuring that all learners can engage with the material.

When posting PDFs, using the Natural Reader program can enhance accessibility, but it may not be sufficient on its own Additionally, when uploading photos to the Blackboard course, it's important to go beyond simply titling them; providing descriptive text for the images is also necessary to ensure comprehensive accessibility for all users.

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 41

Feedback from Students

This is a questionnaire that was administered to students registered with The Learning Accommodations Center and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

Accessibility Questionnaire regarding technology at NECC - Spring 2013

Do you feel the NECC website is accessible to you? Were you able to work with Professors to receive the necessary accommodations regarding technology for your courses?

Did you have any difficulties accessing course materials with or without your own assistive technology tools? What type of “technology accessibility” improvements do you wish to see at NECC?

Do you think that faulty/staff are well trained with technology needs regarding accessibility?

Do you feel online courses are accessible?

In general, do you feel that NECC media such as radio, TV, internet (FB, Twitter, Utube, Vlog, Blog), newspaper, etc are accessible to you?

This survey is being administer by the Accessible Media Vision and Guidelines Process Management Team

Sponsored by: Mary Ellen Ashley- Executive VP Enrollment Services & William Heineman- VP of Academic Affairs & Student Services

In light of evolving legal regulations and the growing integration of technology within the college, it is essential to establish a clear institutional vision and detailed guidelines to enhance compliance and effectively navigate these changes.

NECC is committed to enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities by developing, utilizing, or acquiring media resources To achieve this goal, the team is actively seeking feedback from those with disabilities to inform the creation of an inclusive institutional vision and comprehensive accessible media guidelines.

For more information please contact Co-facilitators: Susan Martin- Director- of the Learning Accommodations, 978-556-

3647 smartin@necc.mass.edu and Melba Acevedo-Director- of the Center for Instructional Technology, 978-556-3682 macevedo@necc.mass.edu

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 42

Comments from the Accessibility Questionnaire regarding technology at NECC - Spring 2013

Question 1 Do you feel the NECC website is accessible to you?

4 Yes after teacher or tech person showed me how at first

6 Yes, I am happy with it, I understand how to use website

7 Mostly yes, but sometimes overwhelmed with too many emails

8 Yes so far I am okay

Question 2 Were you able to work with Professors to receive the necessary accommodations regarding technology for your courses?

1 Some not using captions, some not aware of Deaf culture, like for u-tube videos

2 Yes, but some not using videos with captions

3 Videos not captioned, some not familiar with using interpreters

4 Yes, except her two movies weren’t captioned

5 Yes I had no problem, but I had to prompt them to be aware

6 College Success Semester, I was not happy because teacher was too fast

7 Some professors are not sensitive for need for extended time

8 Some instructors insensitive and walk in front of Interpreters

9 Yes, I haven’t needed much help in this area

Question 3 Did you have any difficulties accessing course materials with or without your own assistive technology tools? Responses:

4 Hard to focus on computer activity during same time instructor is appealing with his own power point, have to split eyes on both at same time

6 I have had difficulty with power points

Question 4 What type of “technology accessibility” improvements do you wish to see at NECC?

3 Movies shown in class or open house “Human Services” need to be captioned

4 More interpreters and students flexibility for services i.e.; Notetakers

6 Instructors should respond to emails

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 43

Question 5 Do you think that faulty/staff is well trained with technology needs regarding accessibility?

4 Some are great; however some need more training

5 Some are and some aren’t

6 Yes, the teacher did well and is trained

7 No not many of them

8 Yes, but they forget to caption U-Tubes

Question 6 Do you feel online courses are accessible?

4 For Deaf, it depends on what the course is, ifs it’s a basic course like Algebra, yes

5 Somewhat, it would be nice to have assistance of interpreter (online)

6 Have not taken online courses yet

9 A streamlined layout would be more helpful

Question 7 In general, do you feel that NECC media such as radio, TV, internet (FB, Twitter, Utube, Vlog, Blog), newspaper, etc are accessible to you?

1 Need more visual information like signage

3 Yes but need more visual media of D/HH students like signage, marquee, TV w/closed captions etc

4 Yes, but I wish more television across campus with news and announcements that are captioned

5 Yes But some aren’t accessible because they don’t have closed captions

6 Yes I use online, internet for school and TV News for school closings

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 44


Sample Accessible Media Policies and Procedures & Resources

• Dear Colleague Frequently Asked Questions http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/dcl-ebook-faq- 201105.pdf

• Sloan consortium Integrating Accessibility into Higher Education http://commons.sloanconsortium.org/groups/integrating-accessibility-online-higher-education

• Penn State Accessibility http://accessibility.psu.edu/

• High Tech Training Unit of the California Community College System http://www.htctu.net/

• Federal 508 Guidelines http://www.access-board.gov/guidelines-and-standards/communications-and-it/about- the-section-508-standards

• Michigan State Web Accessibility http://webaccess.msu.edu/policies-and-guidelines/index.html

• University of Wisconsin Madison http://www.doit.wisc.edu/accessibility/

• University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign http://multimedia.illinois.edu

• Quality Matters Accessibility Policy for Online Courses http://www.qmprogram.org/template-accessibility- policy-online-courses

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 45

Appendix 13: Captioning Quotes and Information

Company Northern Essex Community College

Company Email chagen@necc.mass.edu

This quote is valid for 30 days

Captioning Hours Discount Hourly Rate Total Fees Due

Volume pricing outlined in Exhibit A

 Includes all outputs for transcripts, closed caption, interactive tools, and applications

 Full access to 3Play Media online account system including ability to edit captions text

 Indefinite storage and access to your transcript/caption files

 Standard turnaround within 4 business days for up to 40 hours of content, timeline for larger quantities to be discussed

 Rush 1-business-day service is available for an extra $90/hour charge

 Expedited 2-business-day service is available for an extra $45/hour charge

 Same-day 8-hour service is available for an extra $150/hour charge (file limitations apply)

 Surcharge for extremely difficult files is $60/hour

 Exact billing – each file is prorated to the nearest second

 3Play Media reserves the right to refuse content if deemed untranscribable (i.e very poor audio quality, indecipherable accent, etc.)

Appendices: Accessible Media Process Management Proposal Page 46 www.automaticsync.com 877-AST-SYNC (877-278-7962)

Automated Captioning & Transcription Pricing – Education

AST's CaptionSync offers an easy-to-use, web-automated captioning solution that is both faster and more cost-effective than traditional methods As a web-based service, CaptionSync requires no software purchases and is accessible at all times.

Easily upload your media files to our CaptionSync server and choose between captioning, transcription, or both, as a transcript is necessary for generating captions The selected outputs are delivered electronically, eliminating the need for any shipping.

Prices are per minute of media

Bulk pricing is available for purchases of more than 20 hours; contact us for details Notes

AST aims to caption all submitted content; however, content with excessive music or noise may not be captionable Captioning fees are only charged for successfully captioned content, and there are no fees for failed attempts If you request a transcript for non-captionable content, you will receive only the transcript and be billed solely for the transcription fee.

2 Billing resolution is one minute; all submissions are rounded up to the next nearest minute

3 On approval of credit, terms are Net 30 Invoices are issued monthly

4 AST makes many caption output formats available; there are no additional charges for requesting and receiving multiple output formats for submission

5 The turnaround time for transcription is normally less than three business days RUSH transcription is one business day

Pricing for caption and transcript files applies to media content submitted electronically to CaptionSync For assistance with additional captioning services, such as digitizing analog media, extracting audio from unsupported formats, or encoding final media files, please contact us.

To benefit from bulk discounts, you can pre-purchase time on the CaptionSync server Note that pre-purchased time is non-refundable and will expire five years after the purchase date if not utilized The minimum amount for pre-purchase is set at $75.

8 Prices are valid through Dec 31, 2012

9 All prices are in US Dollars

CaptionSync™ US Pricing Captioning-Transcription EDU

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Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 20:29
