Current situation
In today's fast-paced information technology landscape, continuous innovation is essential to meet growing demands, particularly in the expanding web application sector where skilled human resources are limited Website developers often find repetitive tasks tedious and time-consuming, which can hinder productivity To address this challenge, the team developed Easy-Web, a solution designed to automate the website creation process, significantly reducing the time required to build websites.
Easy-Web allows users to effortlessly create a web management application by simply registering their database within the system By analyzing the provided database, Easy-Web can access and interpret the tables, columns, and data it contains After completing four straightforward configuration steps, users will receive a fully functional website along with its complete source code.
The generated website's source code is designed to function based on the user's database tables, allowing users to download, utilize, or customize the code to meet their specific needs.
Review current solutions
1.2.1 Visual Studio’s MVC Web Application Generator
Visual Studio 2017 and later versions come with a built-in feature that allows developers to create web applications using MVC, Entity Framework, and the ASP.NET Scaffolding tool, providing a user-friendly interface for interacting with existing databases.
• Function: o Create an MVC Web Application and Data model based on a user’s provided database o Generate a view for each table of the existing database
Visual Studio offers a built-in feature for generating MVC web applications, making it easily accessible for users with a foundational knowledge of NET programming, the Entity Framework command-line tool, and the ASP.NET MVC Pattern However, users should be prepared to invest additional time and effort into fine-tuning and customizing these generated applications to achieve a usable level Despite its advantages, the deployment process can be challenging, and many find the overall usability to be difficult.
Proposed solution
Through the survey of related products, the group draws out the required functions:
● User-friendly, minimal step and effort to create a website
● Building an Ecosystem for users of Easy-Web
● Let user customize their website:
○ Choose what table will be displayed and what name it will be called
○ Choose what columns of a table will display and what name it will be called
○ Choose what action (Create - Delete - Update) that the user can perform in a table
○ Choose the name, logo, contact info of the website
● Provide for the user a tool to instantly deploy the generated website to their server with minimum effort and setting
● The website created must be responsive to a variety of screens.
Easy-Web offers users the flexibility to select from various databases, including SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL Designed for developers utilizing architectures like Angular, NET Core, and SQL Server, Easy-Web streamlines the process of creating management websites This allows developers to save valuable time and concentrate entirely on enhancing the client-side of their projects.
Through the construction of Easy Web, the team also added new knowledge to apply including:
● Knowing basic progress to build an Open-Source product
● Created, configured, and published the NPM library for reusable purposes
● Created both client and system UI with Angular, Bootstrap
The Easy-Web’s system has two main parts:
○ Front-end: Powered by Angular, where the user interacts with Easy-Web to create their website with a pre-existed database
○ Backend: Powered by NET Core, Microsoft SQL Server, where handles all logic which is requested by the front-end
○ Client App (Front-end) Generator: Powered by Python Used to generate the Angular front-end of the website based on user-provided schema settings and the database
The API Client Generator, a middleware solution powered by Python and Swagger, facilitates code generation for seamless communication between back-end and front-end systems This tool generates middleware based on the defined API endpoints, ensuring efficient integration and functionality.
○ API (Back-end) Generator: Powered by Python Used to generate the ASP.NET Core RESTFUL API of the website based on user-provided schema settings and the database
The Website Generate Framework API, built on Python, Flask, and Redis, seamlessly integrates these three modules to create fully functional websites tailored to user-provided databases and settings Additionally, it efficiently manages all generated job requests from the Easy-Web system.
● Entity Framework Core 5.0 with: o SQL Server Driver (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer 5.0.0) o MySQL Driver (MySql.Data.MySqlClient 5.0 Preview 4) o PostgreSQL Driver (Npgsql 5.0.7) o EF Core Reverse Engineering tool (Scaffold-DbContext Command)
● Framework Angular 12 with an additional library: o Font Awesome o Bootstrap 4 o Toast o Material UI
NET Core
ASP.NET extends the NET platform with tools and libraries specifically for building web apps [1] These are some things that ASP.NET adds to the NET platform:
● Base framework for processing web requests in C# or F# [1]
● Web-page templating syntax, known as Razor, for building dynamic web pages using C# [1]
● Libraries for common web patterns, such as Model View Controller (MVC) [1]
● An authentication system that includes libraries, a database, and template pages for handling logins, including multi-factor authentication and external authentication with Google, Twitter, and more [1]
● Editor extensions to provide syntax highlighting, code completion, and other functionality specifically for developing web pages [1]
With the Code First approach, Entity Framework creates database table objects based on the model the programmer creates to represent application data
Direct structural changes to the database can be challenging to manage due to the newly created columns, making integration with an existing database somewhat complicated.
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its object-oriented features and dynamic semantics Its built-in data structures, dynamic typing, and dynamic binding make it ideal for Rapid Application Development and serve as an effective scripting language for connecting components With a simple and readable syntax, Python reduces program maintenance costs and supports modularity through modules and packages, promoting code reuse The Python interpreter and its extensive standard library are freely available in both source and binary forms for all major platforms, allowing for easy distribution.
• Easy to Read, Learn and Write [3]
To efficiently handle resource-intensive tasks such as file operations, string manipulations, and shell script execution, we have chosen to implement the website source code generator framework in Python This microservice will be deployed on a Linux-based server, ensuring optimal performance without the need for heavy database access.
Python Flask
Flask is a lightweight micro web framework for Python, distinguished by its minimalistic approach that doesn't rely on built-in tools or libraries Lacking a database abstraction layer, form validation, and other components, Flask allows developers to integrate third-party libraries for common functionalities It also supports various extensions that can enhance the application's capabilities, including object-relational mappers, form validation, file upload handling, and open authentication technologies, making it a flexible choice for web development.
• Integrated support for unit testing [6]
• Support for secure cookies (client-side sessions) [6]
• Extensions are available to enhance the features desired [6]
Microsoft SQL Server 2019
Figure 2.4 Microsoft SQL Server logo
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system created by Microsoft, designed primarily for storing and retrieving data as requested by various software applications It operates effectively on both local machines and across networks, including the Internet Microsoft offers multiple editions of SQL Server, catering to diverse audiences and accommodating workloads that range from small, single-machine applications to large-scale, Internet-facing solutions with numerous concurrent users.
SQL Server 2019 marks a significant advancement in providing flexibility for developers by supporting various programming languages, data types, and deployment options, including on-premises and cloud environments This version extends the capabilities of SQL Server to run on Linux, Linux-based Docker containers, and Windows, enhancing its versatility and accessibility for diverse applications.
● Reduction of Total Cost of Ownership [8]
● Better Statistical and Data Science Analysis Services [8]
Redis queue (RQ)
Redis Queue is a python library for queueing jobs for background processing Since many hosting services will time out on long HTTP requests, it is best to design APIs to
Integrating Redis with Redis Queue enables efficient user input handling by providing immediate validation responses while simultaneously queuing background processes This setup ensures that front-end users do not experience delays, allowing for tasks such as running Machine Learning models, duplicating images, or executing complex simulations to occur seamlessly in the background.
The CMS Source code generator framework experiences significant delays, taking approximately 1 minute and 15 seconds to generate CMS source code for each request To optimize this process, we have implemented RQ as a scheduling solution for the framework.
Angular Framework
Instead of building and structuring an end-to-end working front-end structure, the team chose the Angular Framework for the project
● Two-way data binding is automatically updated when there are changes in the model
TypeScript enhances JavaScript by providing a more specific syntax, which facilitates better binding of front-end data and simplifies the mapping to models This improvement leads to more efficient and manageable code development.
SCSS enhances UI layout organization by offering significant advantages over traditional CSS, such as the ability to reuse styles from other SCSS files This feature allows for a more convenient and orderly adjustment of layouts between components.
● Components - divide the features in the project into small parts, components handle logic independently or can create links to different components
● Code generation - Angular turns templates into code that's highly optimized for today's JavaScript virtual machines, giving all the benefits of hand-written code with the productivity of a framework
● Templates - quickly create UI views with simple and powerful template syntax
The MEAN Stack is frequently referred to as "instant noodles" for project development due to its emphasis on efficiency and quick completion This approach has enabled the Easy-Web team to create a small community platform that incorporates essential features typical of a standard blog.
MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that offers remarkable flexibility, allowing for easy adjustments during project development This adaptability not only saves significant time but also facilitates future scalability of the system.
• Express.js: It's a web framework for NodeJS, with HTTP and middleware helping build API strongly
• NodeJS: It is a language built on top of C++ and JavaScript With the early of acquaintance JavaScript, the team can also be convenient in developing a Blog.
User requirement
The Easy-Web website has the common construct below:
Unauthorized users can explore the Easy-Web beta version, which showcases the website's interface in both dark and light modes They have the opportunity to experience the login and registration page UI, as well as test features like creating, updating, viewing, and deleting entities Additionally, users can register an account, log into the system, and access blog posts.
Authorized users on the Easy-Web System enjoy enhanced capabilities, including the ability to manage and import their databases seamlessly They can create websites from these imported databases and customize various elements such as the displayed database name and tables Users have control over the actions permitted on each table—Create, Read, Update, or Delete—and can select specific columns to display, along with their names Additionally, they can choose components for each table column, set the website's name, logo, and contact information, and even redownload the website created from their imported database.
System requirement
In Easy-Web, there are two types of actors:
Unauthenticated User The user is not logged in to the website
Authenticated User User registered for an account of the Easy-Web.
Figure 3.1 Easy-Web – use case diagram
Functions Use case description Use case #
The function of “Unauthenticated user”
Login to the system UC_02
View demo page login demo UC_03
View demo page register demo UC_04
View demo page detail table UC_05
View demo page update data in table UC_06
View demo page create data UC_07
The function of “Authenticated user”
View list websites generated UC_08
Re-download source code generated UC_09 View all tables fetched from the database UC_10
Change table display name UC_11
Register database connection string UC_13
View all columns in table UC_14
View detail column in table UC_15
Hide column in table UC_16
Set logo for website generated UC_17 Send source code generated to email UC_18 Unauthorized user - Use case description
Figure 3.2 Use case register account
Use Case No UC_01 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Register new account
• Allows an unauthenticated user to create a new account
• Unauthenticated users can log in to the system and use the Easy-Web functionalities
• The system will store new accounts created in the database
• Account doesn’t exist in the system
• Succeeded: Redirect user to the login page
• Failed: Show a failed toast message
Step Actor Action System Response
From the login page, the user clicks on “Don't have an account? Click here!”
The system will navigate the user to the register page
Upon completing all fields on the page and clicking submit, a success toast notification will appear, indicating that the submission was successful After a brief delay of 2 seconds, the system will automatically redirect the user back to the login page.
[Fail]: System will show a failed toast
Step Actor Action System Response
1 User can change the URL to
“register-account” Navigate users to the register page
Upon completing all fields on the page and clicking submit, a success toast notification will appear, indicating that the action was successful After a brief delay of 2 seconds, the system will automatically redirect the user back to the login page.
[Fail]: System will show a failed toast
No Actor Action System Response
Empty at least on field
The system will show a warning message showing the field name is not valid
• Username: must be the only and have never been registered before
• Terms and conditions: Users must agree with the terms and conditions of the Easy-Web
Use Case No UC_02 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Login to the Easy-Web
• Allows an unauthenticated user to log in to the Easy-Web
• The user is unauthenticated to log in to the system with a member role
• Succeeded: Redirect user to the dashboard page
• Failed: Show a warning toast message informing the wrong username or password
Step Actor Action System Response
From the homepage, the user clicks on login The system will navigate the user to the login page
The user fills in the correct username, password, and clicks on submit
[Success]: User will be redirected to the index dashboard of Easy- Web
[Fail]: System will notify a warning toast message
Step Actor Action System Response
1 User can change the URL to
“login” Navigate the user to the login page
The user fills in the correct user name, password, and clicks on submit.
[Success]: User will be redirected to the index dashboard of Easy-Web [Fail]: System will notify a warning toast message
No Actor Action System Response
Empty at least on field
The system will show a warning message showing the field name is not valid
• Username & password: must be correct
Use Case No UC_03 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View demo page login demo
• Easy-Web allows unauthorized users to view a demo of the login of the website created
• An unauthenticated user can view the Easy-Web demo login page.
Step Actor Action System Response
From the homepage, the user clicks on the “Discovery” button on the menu
Redirect the user to the demo login page
Figure 3.5 View demo register page
Use Case No UC_04 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View demo page register
• Allows an unauthenticated user to view and use the functional of page demo register
• Allows an unauthenticated user to view and use the functional of page demo register
• Succeeded: Redirect user to the page demo register
Step Actor Action System Response
From the homepage of Easy- Web, the user clicks on the
“Discovery” button on the header
The system will navigate the user to the login page
User clicks on the “Create new account” The system will navigate users to the demo register page
Figure 3.6 Use case view demo page view detail
Use Case No UC_05 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View demo page detail table
• Allows an unauthenticated user to view page demo view detail data
• Allows an unauthenticated user to view page demo view detail data
• Succeeded: Redirect user to the page demo view
Step Actor Action System Response
From the homepage of Easy- Web, users click on the
“Discovery” button on the header
The system will navigate the user to the login page
2 User clicks on button “Login”
The system will navigate the user to the index data table
The user clicks on the button
“view detail” on the data row The system will navigate users to the page view demo with sample data displayed
Figure 3.7 Use case view demo update page
Use Case No UC_06 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View page demo update data
• Users can view and use the function demo to create an update page
Step Actor Action System Response
From the homepage of Easy- Web, users click on the
“Discovery” button on the header
The system will navigate the user to the login page
User clicks on the button
“Login” The system will navigate the user to the index data table
The user clicks on the button
“Update” on the data row The system will navigate users to the page update demo with sample data displayed
Figure 3.8 View demo creates page create data
Use Case No UC_07 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View page demo creates data in table
• Allows an unauthenticated user to view the demo update data page
• Unauthenticated users can view the UI of the update data page Authorized user - Use case description
Figure 3.9 Use case view all websites generated
Use Case No UC_08 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View list websites generated
• After successfully registering the database into Easy-Web, the system will
• Users must be logged in
• The user has successfully created at least one website before
• Succeeded: Users can view a list of information about the websites that have been created from that database and click on the source code link to download the old code
• Failed: System will display the text “Empty data”
Step Actor Action System Response
Click on the left navigation button name “Statistic”
The system will show page statistics with all the website creation displayed
Figure 3.10 Use case download source code generated
Use Case No UC_09 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Download source code generated
• Users after creating a successful website, the system will save the history of their created websites In case the user wants to review the website, information is created
• Users can re-download the source code of the website they have created
• Users must be logged in
• The user has successfully created at least one website before
• Succeeded: Redirect user to the dashboard page
• Failed: Show a warning toast message informing the wrong username or password
Step Actor Action System Response
Click on the left navigation button name “Statistic”
The system will show page statistics with all the website creation displayed.
Click on the field “Source code URL”, click on the link
The browser will execute the link and download the source code to the user's devices
Use Case No UC_10 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View all tables fetched from the database
• After registering the user's database on Easy-Web, the system will fetch the user's database and return all the information about the tables
• Help users check if the system is missing any tables
• Users can configure the information in those tables
• Users must have logged in first
• Users who provide accounts in their database have read permissions
• Account access, port, database type, and database’s URL must be correct
• Succeeded: The data will be displayed as a table with pagination
• Failed: There will be an empty data table
Step Actor Action System Response
From the page register database, fill in all information required Then submit that information
The system will display the loading icon while the data related to the table and columns are being fetched
[Success]: Then, the system will return all that information and display it in the table
[Fail]: There will be a warning message about the error field
No Actor Action System Response
In the status bar, steps to create a website The user clicks the second bar from left to right
Navigate users to the configure table page
• Username & password: must be correct
Figure 3.12 Use case change table display name
Use Case No UC_11 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Change table display name
• For the names of the tables in the database, by default, the table names will be
• Change the display name of the management page in the created user's website
• The current data, the row containing the table's information will change the display name immediately
• The user must register the database in the first step successfully
• Succeeded: The data about the table name in the current user line will update according to the user input data
• Failed: System will show a warning message “Something wrong happened”
Step Actor Action System Response
From the page register database, fill in all information required Then submit that information
The system will display the loading icon while the data related to the table and columns are being fetched
[Success]: Then, the system will return all that information and display it in the table
[Fail]: There will be a warning message about the error field
Each row of data will represent information about a table in the database The user clicks on the line to be renamed, then clicks the "Edit" button
A dialog pop-up displays the current name of the table
A dialog pop-up displays the current name of the table
[Success]: Close dialog pop and show success toast message Then change the select display name of row data
[Fail]: There will be a warning message about an error
No Actor Action System Response
1 Empty field display name There will be a warning toast message shown
2 Display name changed is the type of number
There will be a warning toast message shown
• The display name of the table must be a character and is a camel case
• The display name of the table can’t be empty
Figure 3.13 Use case hide table
Use Case No UC_12 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Hide table
• Hide the table so it won’t be generated
• Database of users registered successfully
• Succeeded: All the data in a row will be hidden
• Failed: Show a warning toast message
Step Actor Action System Response
From the page register database, fill in all information required Then submit that information
The system will display the loading icon while the data related to the table and columns are being fetched
[Success]: Then, the system will return all that information and display it in the table
[Fail]: There will be a warning message about the error field
Users choose the data table row, then click on the “Hide” button
Each data in that row will be stroked
Step Actor Action System Response
1 User can change the URL to
Navigate the user to the login page
The user fills in the correct username, password, and clicks on submit
[Success]: User will be redirected to the index dashboard of Easy- Web
[Fail]: System will notify a warning toast message
No Actor Action System Response
Empty at least on field The system will show a warning message showing the field name is not valid
• Users can’t hide all the tables, show at least 5 tables
Figure 3.14 Use case register database connection string
Use Case No UC_13 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Register database connection string
This operation enables users to register their databases, allowing the system to access information regarding the tables and columns within those databases To ensure compatibility, the existing database must be formatted in one of the three database types supported by Easy-Web.
• Users have to fill all the fields required
• Users have to provide account access to their database with at least read actions
• Succeeded: There will be a success toast message and then navigate users to the next step with all the data displayed in the table
• Failed: Show a warning toast message inform
Step Actor Action System Response
1 From navigation on the left, click on “Create new website”
The system will navigate users to the create new website page
In the form below create a website status bar The user fills all the fields on the page, then clicks on the submit button
[Success]: Users will be redirected to the index dashboard of Easy- Web
[Fail]: System will notify a warning toast message
Step Actor Action System Response
On the status bar, click on step
Navigate the user to the login page
The user fills in the correct, password and clicks on submit
[Success]: Users will be redirected to the index dashboard of Easy- Web
[Fail]: System will notify a warning toast message
No Actor Action System Response
Empty field or wrong database URL string
The system will show a warning message “User has not provided a connection link to Easy-Web”
2 Empty field or wrong username
The system will show a warning message “Authentication failed”
Empty field or wrong database port number The system will show a warning message “Can’t find the port of the database”
4 The wrong type of database connection
The system will show a warning message “Authentication failed”
• The database should be one of the following: SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL
• Account access to the database has the right to read
Figure 3.15 View all columns in the table
Use Case No UC_14 Use case version 1.0
Use case name View all columns in table
• In each table, there will be many different attributes, each attribute represents a data type
• The users can prescribe a list of properties, and whose calculations in that panel are, check if the Easy-Web reads the data in the right way
• Database of users registered successfully
• Succeeded: View all the columns corresponding to its table
• Failed: Show empty field data
Step Actor Action System Response
After finishing the config table on step02, then click on the submit button
Navigate user to “Config column screen”
2 Click on the drop-down list Show a list of all tables
3 Select one table Display all the columns of that data on the table below
Step Actor Action System Response
1 On the status bar, click on step
Navigate user to “Config column screen”
2 Click on the drop-down list Show a list of all tables
3 Select one table Display all the columns of that data on the table below
No Actor Action System Response
1 Table have no column inside The table displays the text of empty data
Figure 3.16 Use case hide column
Use Case No UC_16 Use case version 1.0
Use case name Hide column in table
• In each table, there will be many different attributes, each attribute represents a data type Users who don’t want to use that column can hide it
• Hide column in the table, so data won’t display on the website generated
• The properties hidden in that column will change to true
• Succeeded: The properties hidden on that table will be true
• Failed: There will be a warning toast message
Step Actor Action System Response
After finishing the config table on step02, then click on the submit button
Navigate user to “Config column screen”
2 Click on the drop-down list Show a list of all tables
Users choose a column to hide by clicking check on its row
Then click on the button
[Success]: The properties hidden will be true and there will be a success toast shown
[Fail]: There will be a warning toast message
Step Actor Action System Response
1 On the status bar, click on step
Navigate user to “Config column screen”
2 Click on the drop-down list Show a list of all tables
Display all the columns of that data on the table below
No Actor Action System Response
1 User click hide column with its hidden properties is false
There will be a warning toast message
• Users can’t hide all the columns that belong to that table
Clear, modern interface, convenient, and easy for users
The user's data is permanently saved in the database and is secure
• The system is used and maintained once every 2 weeks
• If the system has any heavy problems, it will be maintained immediately
• If the system has an error, which must be small
Service is always available, 24/7 When users need to use the website, they are always ready
High security by using ASP.Net Core Identity service for authentication & authorization, and Entity Framework to access or communicate with the database
Built with a microservice model, easy to manage, scaling, deploy and maintain
At this moment, Easy-Web is just available as a desktop website
Figure 3.17 ERD Diagram for EasyWeb Web Application
Figure 3.18 ERD for generating websites.
System Architecture
A web application is essential for handling user requests to create websites, facilitating the configuration and management of necessary information to ensure the system operates effectively.
Component Diagram
Figure 4.2 Web application Back-end component diagram
Figure 4.3 Web application Angular component diagram
Figure 4.4 Source code generator component diagram.
Activity Diagram
4.3.1 The process to create a website from an existed database
Figure 4.5 Activity diagram for creates a website from an existed database.
Class Diagram
4.4.1 Class diagram for Easy-Web’s System
Figure 4.6 Class diagram for Web Application Class diagram description for class User
Table 20 Description for class User
Property Type Access level Description
Id string public User’s GUID, generated by ASP.Net
Identity Service FirstName string public First name of the user
LastName string public Last name of the user
Dob datetime public Birthday of the user
UserName string public Username of the user
Password string public The password of the user email string public Email of the user
PhoneNumber string public Phone number of the user Class diagram description for class BaseEntity
Table 21 Description for class BaseEntity
Property Type Access level Description
Id int public Act as identity property of an object
CreatedDate datetime public The date of the record that was created in the database
ModifiedDate datetime public The last date of the record was updated in the database
IsDeleted bool public Determine that the record was deleted or not, used for soft delete Class diagram description for class UserDatabaseInfo
Table 22 Description for class UserDatabaseInfo
Property Type Access level Description
Guid string public Registered database’s GUID, set by system
DbType Enum public Type of the DBMS
Server string public The physical address of the registered database server UserName string public Username to access the registered database Password string public Password to access the registered database
InitialCatalog string public The name of the Catalog that the user wants to use to generate the website
ServerPort The port that the Database server exposed to the internet to access Class diagram description for class WebGeneratedHistory
Table 23 Description for class WebGenetatedHistory
Property Type Access level Description
UserDbInfoId string public GUID of a registered database
GUID of the generated Front-end of the generated website, set by Source code generator framework
GUID of the generated Back end of the generated website, set by Source code generator framework
The download link for generated Back-end’s source code, set by Source code generator framework DownloadLinkClientApp string public
The download link for generated Front-end’s source code, set by Source code generator framework
Status string public Status of one source code generation session
4.4.2 Class diagram use for Source code generates framework system
Figure 4.7 Class diagram for web generate Class diagram description for class BaseEntity
Table 24 Description for class BaseEntity
Property Type Access level Description
Id int public Act as identity property of an object
CreatedDate datetime public The date of the record that was created in the database
The config of the user to show/hide the table in the user interface of the generated website Set by the user through Easy- Web’s Web application
IsDeleted bool public Determine that the record was deleted or not, used for soft delete Class diagram description for class SystemMasterConfig
Table 25 Description for class SystemMasterConfig
Property Type Access level Description
ConfigName string public The name of the config, use for the generator
ConfigValue string public The value of the config, use for the generator Class diagram description for class SystemTableConfig
Table 26 Description for class SystemTableConfig
Property Type Access level Description
Name string public The name of the table in database level
The name of the table that the user wants to display in the user interface of the generated website Set by the user through Easy-Web’s Web application
The name of the generated back-end’s model class that mapping for its table at the database level Set by Source code generator framework
The user configuration determines the actions that can be performed on the table within the user interface of the generated website, and this setup is facilitated through Easy-Web’s web application. Class diagram description for class SystemTableColumnConfig
Table 27 Description for class SystemTableColumnConfig
Property Type Access level Description
TableId int public Id of the belonged table
Name string public The name of the column in database level
The name of the column that the user wants to display in the user interface of the generated website Set by the user through Easy-Web’s Web application
DataType string public The data type of the column in database level
The data type of the column that the user wants to display in the user interface of the generated website Set by the user through Easy-Web’s Web application
The name of the property of the generated back-end’s model class that mapping for its table’s column at the database level Set by Source code generator framework
OrdinalPosition int public The position of the column in the table, count from 1, in database level
ColumnDefault string public The default value of the column
Length int public The maximum length of the data can be store in the column
The web component that the user wants to use represents the column in the generated Class diagram description for class SystemTableForeignKeyConfig
Table 28 Description for class SystemTableForeignKeyConfig
Property Type Access level Description
FkName string public The name of the foreign key in database level
SourceTableName string public The name of the Source table of the foreign key
SourceColumnName string public The name of the Source table’s column of the foreign key SourceColumn
OrdinalPos int public The ordinal of the Source table’s column of the foreign key, count from 1 RefrencedTable
Name string public The name of the Target table of the foreign key RefrencedColumn
Name string public The name of the Target table’s column of the foreign key RefrencedColumn
OrdinalPos int public The ordinal of the Target table’s column of the foreign key, count from 1
The name of the Target table’s column will be mapped instead of the column declare on the foreign key Set by the user through Easy-Web’s Web application
In Easy-Web's web application, the ordinal position of the Target table's column is utilized for mapping instead of the column specified in the foreign key, with the counting starting from 1.
Sequence Diagram
Figure 4.8 Sequence diagram for the login function
Figure 4.8 Sequence diagram for Register function
4.5.3 Generate a website from an existed database
Figure 4.9 Sequence diagram for generate website from an existed database
4.5.4 Back-end source code generator
Figure 4.10 Sequence diagram for generate back-end of the web generated
4.5.5 Front-end source code generator
Figure 4.11 Sequence diagram for generate front-end of the web generated
4.5.6 Website source code generator framework.
User interface design
Figure 4.13 Screen flow Easy-Web
The SCA_001 page offers users a demonstration of how to create new data, showcasing the user interface, forms, and elements involved in the data creation process Meanwhile, the SCA_002 page provides an update data demonstration, allowing users to explore the UI, forms, and elements necessary for updating existing data.
The SCA_003 Management table data page provides a comprehensive overview of the data within any specified table and serves as the central component of the created website, linking to all other actions.
SCA_004 Page register demo On this page, users can view the UI, form, or element contained And learn about the flow of the register page
SCA_005 Page login demo On this page, users can view the UI, form, or element contained And learn about the flow of the login page
SCA_006 Page demo detail On this page, users can view the UI, form, or element contained And learn about the flow of viewing detailed data
SCA_008 Home page As the default page on the website, users when accessing the system will encounter this page first This page will display information about the website
SCA_009 Login screen Before users want to use the functions in Easy-Web, they must go through this step
SCA_010 Statistic screen This screen will display a list of websites that have been created by the user
SCA_011 Preview website This screen will update information about the user data being updated in the website config steps
SCA_012 Create new website The screen displays the status bar of creating the user's website, with details of each step shown below
SCA_013 Config table The screen displays the data of the tables in the database and actions such as search, view detail, edit
SCA_014 Register database connection string
This page enables users to input information for database registration The SCA_015 Config column screen showcases the data for each table's columns, along with options to search, view details, and edit the information.
SCA_016 Config website information The final step of website creation has filled all information System - UI for the unauthenticated user
UI design is a crucial yet time-intensive aspect of project implementation, as it provides web developers with a clear understanding of the project's functionalities through effective prototyping.
Figure 4.14 Homepage Easy-Web screen
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Menu item ul, li Navigate to target pages
2 Login Button Navigate to the Login page
3 Explore Button Go to the Easy-Web
Button Go to page login SCA_017 Homepage system – Easy-Web Blog
Figure 4.15 Homepage Easy-Web Blog screen
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Login Button Navigate to the
Mat-card, mat-card- title
3 The image represents for post
Go to view detail post
4 Title of post Mat-card- title
Go to view detail post
5 Name of author Tag a Fetched from API
Go to view detailed author
Go to view detail post
7 Title of post Mat-card- title
Go to view detail post
9 Name of author Tag a Fetched from API
Go to view detailed author
10 Date post Span Fetched from API SCA_014 Register database connection string
Figure 4.16 Register database connection string steps 01 screens
Table 32 Table register database screen connection
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Search bar Input type text
2 User avatar Image Fetched from API
Open dialog menu actions button
3 Icon Icon Navigate to the component page
4 Title of component Span Navigate to the component page
5 Title preview Span View only
6 Website status Span View only
H2 Display when data in part04 has
Tag a Display when data in part04 has been filled
9 Dialog of actions Button Show dialog of actions
11 Schema name Text After step
12 Show title of each step
Text Switch to that step
13 Icon information Icon Show tooltip display information about each step
14 Show select step Button Switch to the specific step
15 Title of part H3 View only
17 Input data Input type text
18 Drop down list show list of the database
Show list of the database type
19 Button action Button Reset data
Figure 4.17 Generate website step 02 screen
Table 33 Configure table screen description
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Search bar Input type text
2 Button actions Button Remove data from the database
3 Button actions Button Submit data and navigate to step 02
4 Select data row Input type check
5 View detail data in row
Button Show dialog detail data of specific entities
Figure 4.18 Generate website step 03 screen
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Drop down list Select Show list all tables in the database
2 Button edit Button Edit column information SCA_016 Fill out Information & Preview
Figure 4.19 Generate website step 04 screen
Table 35 Generate website step 04 screen description
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Image avatar Image Select and show an avatar for their business
2 Field label Text View only
3 Input data Input type text
Take data input from the user
4 Data description Text area Take data from users
Select authentication or not authentication
Send all data to the database
Figure 4.20 Demo Login page screen
Table 36 Demo Login page screen
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Avatar of client Image View only
2 Time display Text View only
3 Greeting display Text Check from the current hour
4 Input text Input type text
Tag a Send all data to the database
Table 37 Demo Register UI screen description
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Logo website Image View only
2 Button login Button Navigate to the login page
5 Field input text Input type text
6 Check to agree with terms and
Type check Check/ uncheck conditions SCA_003 View demo table management screen
Figure 4.22 Demo View detail screen
Table 38 View detail UI screen description
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Button menu Button Open page menu management
2 Button user profile Button Show dialog actions below
3 Button switch Button Switch mode UI to information detailed user information
5 Button logout Button Logout of system
6 Title of the table being used
7 Input search Input type text
Search for data in the table and display it in the table below
8 Button search Button Search for data in the table and display it in the table below
Button Navigate user to page create data
10 Title header of the table
11 The image represents in data
12 Display data in the table
Button Navigate to page view detail data
14 The image represents in data
Button Navigate to page view detail data SCA_001 Create data demo screen
Figure 4.23 Create a new entity screen
Table 39 Create a new entity screen description
No Object name Format Reference Action Note
1 Title of page H2 View only
2 Image preview Image Display image user upload
3 Choose file Input type file
Upload image and display image on the image preview
4 Field label name Text View only
5 Field data input Input type text
7 Drop down list Select Choose an item in the list
8 Button submit data Button Submit data and save it to the database.
Database Design
Figure 4.24 Database physical diagram for Web Application
Table 40 Description for tables of Web Application
AspNetRoleClaims Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetRoles Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserClaims Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserLogins Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserRoles Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUsers Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserTokens Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
_EFMigrationHistory Auto-generated by Entity Framework Core Used for database migration
UserDatabaseInfos Use to store user’s registered database
WebGeneratedHistory Use to store the result of the user-generated website
Besides the pre-existed tables of the user’s database, Easy-Web will add these new tables to the user’s database
Figure 4.25 Database physical diagram for a website generated
Table 41 Description for tables of Website generated
AspNetRoleClaims Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetRoles Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserClaims Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserLogins Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserRoles Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUsers Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
AspNetUserTokens Auto-generated by ASP.NET Core Identity service Used for authentication
_EFMigrationHistory Auto-generated by Entity Framework Core Used for database migration
SystemMasterConfigs Used for the source code generator framework, will be removed when the generate phase is done
SystemTableConfigs Used for the source code generator framework, will be removed when the generate phase is done
SystemColumnConfigs Used for the source code generator framework, will be removed when the generate phase is done
Used for the source code generator framework, will be removed when the generate phase is done.
Software development environment
The system will divide into:
.NET Core Docker Container Python 3.6.7 Docker Container Windows 10
IDE for coding Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio Code IDE for database
SQL Server 2019 Datagrip 2020 Azure data studio
Source code management
All of the source code is managed by GitHub
• Source system Easy-Web (private repository - require access):
• CMS’s Client App Source code template (private repository - require access):
• CMS’s API Source code template (private repository - require access): hqhoangvuong/CustomerTemplateAPI (
• API Source code generator (private repository - require access):
• Client App Source code generator (private repository - require access):
System Implementation
5.3.1 Easy-Web web user interface
● The Back end: o Deployed to VPS Ubuntu 18.04 using NET Core docker container, exposed to port 80 of the VPS (
● The Front-end: o Deployed to Heroku
5.3.2 Website source code generates framework
The framework had been deployed to VPS Ubuntu 18.04 using Linux and Python Flask runtime, exposed to port 5000 of the VPS (
Figure 5.1 Generated website overview model
Easy-Web’s Source code generator framework will generate for users a fully functional website base on their provided database and settings that were done on Easy- Web’s User Web Application
The generated CMS has three parts:
The API, built on ASP.NET Core and utilizing a RESTful architecture, effectively communicates with the database through a specific database driver, which varies according to the type of Database Management System (DBMS) in use.
The Client App, developed using Angular, serves as the front-end interface that enables users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on their database The extent of these actions for each table is determined by the settings configured in the Easy-Web User Web Interface.
The API Client, developed in TypeScript as an NPM package, serves as middleware within the Client App Positioned between the back-end API and the front-end Client App, it facilitates seamless communication between these two components.
The generated CMS can be deployed via:
• Automation deploys: Using the Easy-Web provided deploy tool
• Manual deploys: o Back-end: Using Docker Container o Front-end: Using Apache2 or Heroku.
Test Plan
5.4.1 List of stages of testing
• Data and database integrity testing
Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Chromium; using the latest version at the time of test case had been executed
During the testing process, when there is an error, the tester will notify the developer
Test Design
• Easy-Web User Web user interface
• Easy-Web User Web user interface: UI testing, Website generate testing, DBMS compatibility testing.
Test Case
Here are some typical test cases that have been tested:
5.6.1 Test case of check login function
The device must be connected to the internet
Navigate to:
Table 43 Test case check login
Description Test steps Expected result
Pass / Fail / Not executed / Suspended
Login to the website but using the wrong user name
1 On the website, enter your user name/password into the field user name and password
2 Click the “Log in” button
The system showed a warning toast
“Password and username might not correct”
Login to the website but using the
1 On the website, fill right user name and wrong
2 Click the “Log in” button toast
“Password and username might not correct”
Login to the website with an empty user name or password
1 On the website, fill right user name and wrong password
The system showed a warning toast
“Password and username might not correct”
Table 44 Test case register function
Description Test steps Expected result Expected result
Pass / Fail / Not executed / Suspended
Lg_06 Register account with an empty field
There will be a toast warning shows
“Passwords must be at least 7 characters”
1 Fulfilled There will be a As Passed existing account except in- field user name with value
'' is already taken.”
Lg_08 Register account without check agrees to the terms and conditions
Fulfilled all the fields except click check on agreeing to the terms and conditions
There will be a toast warning that shows “User has not yet agreed to the terms and conditions”
5.6.3 Test case register database connection string
Table 45 Test case register database
Description Test steps Expected result
Pass / Fail / Not executed / Suspende d
Lg_09 Register connection string without provide the right database string URL
2 Fulfilled all the fields in the database except field a random database connection string
There will be a toast warning that shows
Lg_10 Register connection string without providing port number
2 Fill in the database’s URL:
There will be a toast warning shown
Lg_11 Register connection string with empty field
2 Fulfilled all the fields in the database except the field port number
There will be a toast warning that shows
Table 46 Test case config table
Test description Test steps Expected result
Pass / Fail / Not executed / Suspended
Lg_12 Hide table without select row
2 Click on the button “Hide”
There will be a warning toast message shown “You
Passed selected any table yet”
Table 47 Test case config column
Test description Test steps Expected result
Pass / Fail / Not executed / Suspended
Lg_13 Hide column with column is nullable true
1 Click on page step 3 config column
2 Click choose on the column
There will be a warning toast message shown “You haven’t select any table yet”
After thorough testing and analysis, we have achieved approximately 97% of our original objective Our website now enables users to generate a fully functional site tailored to their existing database and settings Currently, we support three database management systems (DBMS): Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, all of which are compatible with Easy-Web.
• Use on-the-shelf technology and framework to build a website
• Easy to use, the Easy-Web user web interface is user-friendly, clear, and modern
• Support different types of DBMS
• Website generated using two presentation layers, communicate by REST API
• The generated code has a modern structure, easy to read, modify, and maintenance
• Highly reusable and customization with the introduction of the API Client.
• Only support NET Identity Service for authentication and authorization of the generated CMS
• Users must provide system both read/write permission on their database
• Only two CMS templates for the user (Bootstrap Light & Dark themes)
• Only support generate the whole website from the database, not allow generate for a specific table.
Future planning
• Support more DBMS & require only read permission on the user’s database
• Support generating specific components for each table
[1] Microsoft (2020) ASP.NET.Core Retrieved from (Last access 07/11/2021)
[2] What is Python? Executive Summary Retrieved from
What is Python? Executive Summary | (Last access 07/11/2021)
[3] Python Advantages and Disadvantages – Step in the right direction Retrieved from
Python Advantages and Disadvantages - Step in the right direction - TechVidvan (Last access 07/11/2021)
[4] Introduction to Micro Web Framework Flask Retrieved from
[5] Flask – Devopedia Retrieved from Flask ( (Last access 07/11/2021)
[6] Flask Python Development Services Bangalore Retrieved from
Flask Python Development Services Bangalore | GoodWorkLabs (Last access 07/11/2021)
[7] What is SQL Server? Retrieved from What is SQL Server? - Tech Monitor (Last access 07/11/2021)
[8] Microsoft SQL Server Support in MicroStrategy Retrieved from Microsoft SQL Server Support in MicroStrategy (Last access 07/11/2021)
[9] Use Redis Queue for Asynchronous Tasks in a Flask App Retrieved from (Last access 07/11/2021)
FOREWORD Error! Bookmark not defined.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 48 Team member tasks assignment and working schedule
Research using Entity Framework reverse engine tool x 03/15/2021 03/21/2021
Learn the business of CMS generate x x 03/22/2021 03/28/2021
Coding the Easy-Web’s User web user interface x 04/18/2021 05/05/2021
Coding the Easy-Web’s User web
Research and design the API
Code the API Generate framework x 04/26/2021 05/02/2021
Research and design the user’s CMS
Client App (Front - End) source code generate framework x 05/03/2021 05/27/2021