SQL Server - Bài 11
... Column 2loanloanisbn copy_no title_no member_no3423423435104353535374452783445out_date199 8-0 1-0 6199 8-0 1-0 4199 8-0 1-0 4 MicrosoftMicrosoftCreating Index OptionUsing the FILLFACTOR optionUsing the PAD_INDEX ... maintained explicitly or implicitly MicrosoftMicrosoftUsing Non-clustered IndexesNon-clustered indexes are the SQL server defaultExisting non-clustered i...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 1
... objects MicrosoftMicrosoftExample MicrosoftMicrosoftOutlineIntroduction to SQL ServerRelational Data ModelExploring SQL Server Architecture Data Access Architectures SQL Server Services & Tools SQL Server EditionsEvolution of SQL Server Summary MicrosoftMicrosoftData ... IDE MicrosoftMicrosoftSQL Server EditionsEnterprise (Developer) EditionStandard EditionWorkgro...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 2
... created by users MicrosoftMicrosoft Surface Area Configuration New Installation SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 Services disabled and features not installed by default State of ... Environment Registered Servers MicrosoftMicrosoft Outline √ Integrated Management Environment √ Navigation √ Administering Databases Maintaining SQL Server Database Writing T...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 3
... functions MicrosoftMicrosoft- ASCII( )- CHAR( )- UPPER( )- LOWER( )- LEN( )- LTRIM( )- RTRIM( )- LEFT( )- RIGHT( )- AVG( )- MIN( )- MAX( )- SUM( )- COUNT( )- SQUARE( )- SQRT( )- ROUND( )- GETDATE()-DATEPART(YY,getdate() )- DATEDIFF(X,Y,Z )- ... T -SQL for Data ManipulationVu Tuyet Trinhtrinhvt-fit@mail.hut.edu.vnHanoi University of Te...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 4
... image Others sql_ variant, timestamp, xml… MicrosoftMicrosoft User-defined Data Type Extending the SQL type system as alias data types that consist of a single SQL Server system data ... data management • Enterprise-scales only Example • Windows File Servers • NetApp NetFiler • EMC Centera • Fujitsu Nearline • SQL Server VARBINARY(MAX) Use File Servers DB Application Ap...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 6
... MicrosoftMicrosoftVariablesSQL Server supports two types of variables in T -SQL @@global_variable@local_variable MicrosoftMicrosoftList of Global variables @@CONNECTIONS Number of connections made to the server ... access to the data in a result set for T -SQL statements in scripts, stored procedures, and triggers MicrosoftMicrosoftCursor ImplementationsTransact -SQL Server Cur...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 7
... Implementing TriggerVu Tuyet Trinhtrinhvt-fit@mail.hut.edu.vnHanoi University of Technology1 MicrosoftMicrosoftIntroduction to TriggersWhat ... I.ProductIDENDProductsProductsProductIDUnitsInStock… …134151065202 15 UpdatedBackOrdersBackOrdersProductIDUnitsOnOrder 112 31510652 15 Trigger Deletes Row MicrosoftMicrosoftProductsProductsProductIDUnitsInStock… …123415106520Enforcing
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 8
... ProviderSystem.data.dll+{System.data}….IDbConnectionIDbCommandIDataReaderIDbTransactionIDbDataAdapter….System.data.dll+{System.data.SqlClient}….SqlConnectionSqlCommandSqlDataReaderSqlTransactionSqlDataAdapterSqlCommandBuilderWarning: There is no IDbCommandBuilder MicrosoftMicrosoftDataReaderFast Forward-Only/Read-Only ... create SqlMetaData to describe the resultSqlMetaData[] columns = new...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59
SQL Server - Bài 9
... Integrity(between tables)User-definedintegrity MicrosoftMicrosoftEnforcing Data IntegrityDeclarative data integrityDefined in object definitionsEnforced automatically SQL Server by using constraints, ... USE NorthwindALTER TABLE dbo.EmployeesADD CONSTRAINT CK_birthdateCHECK (BirthDate > '0 1-0 1-1 900' AND BirthDate <getdate()) MicrosoftMicrosoftDEFAULT Constrain...
Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59