SQL Server - Bài 4

SQL Server - Bài 4

SQL Server - Bài 4

... T -SQL for Data DefinitionVu Tuyet Trinhtrinhvt-fit@mail.hut.edu.vnHanoi University of Technology1 MicrosoftMicrosoftOverview of Transact -SQL Based on AINSI SQL 92 standardComposing ... varbinary, imageOthers sql_ variant, timestamp, xml….. MicrosoftMicrosoftUser-defined Data TypeExtending the SQL type system asalias data types that consist of a single SQL Server system data t...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

45 419 0
SQL Server - Bài 1

SQL Server - Bài 1

... warehousing SQL Server CE• 64 bit support•Re-architecture of relational server First to include OLAP in database•Auto tuning•Ease-of-useCross-release Cross-release objectiveobjectiveSQL Server 6.5•Data ... IDE MicrosoftMicrosoftSQL Server EditionsEnterprise (Developer) EditionStandard EditionWorkgroup Edition SQL Server Express Edition SQL Server Everywhere Edition Microso...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

25 569 1
SQL Server - Bài  2

SQL Server - Bài 2

... created by users MicrosoftMicrosoft Surface Area Configuration New Installation SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 Services disabled and features not installed by default State of ... Environment Registered Servers MicrosoftMicrosoft Outline √ Integrated Management Environment √ Navigation √ Administering Databases  Maintaining SQL Server Database  Writing T...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

25 491 0
SQL Server - Bài  3

SQL Server - Bài 3

... functions MicrosoftMicrosoft- ASCII( )- CHAR( )- UPPER( )- LOWER( )- LEN( )- LTRIM( )- RTRIM( )- LEFT( )- RIGHT( )- AVG( )- MIN( )- MAX( )- SUM( )- COUNT( )- SQUARE( )- SQRT( )- ROUND( )- GETDATE()-DATEPART(YY,getdate() )- DATEDIFF(X,Y,Z )- ... T -SQL for Data ManipulationVu Tuyet Trinhtrinhvt-fit@mail.hut.edu.vnHanoi University of Te...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

77 409 0
SQL Server - Bài 6

SQL Server - Bài 6

... retrievalControl statementsWrite SQL statements using SQL Server basic functionsUse basic functions in a queryImplementing Stored ProceduresImplementing User-Defined Functions 4 MicrosoftMicrosoftAssigning ... MicrosoftMicrosoftVariablesSQL Server supports two types of variables in T -SQL @@global_variable@local_variable MicrosoftMicrosoftList of Global variables @@CONNECTI...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

42 489 0
SQL Server - Bài  7

SQL Server - Bài 7

... VALUES(10525, 2, 19.00, 5, 0.2)Order DetailsOrder DetailsOrderID105221052310524ProductID1 041 7UnitPrice31.009.6530.00Quantity7924Discount0.20.150.0 5 19.002 0.210523Insert statement loggedinsertedinserted10523 ... 0.2TRIGGER Actions ExecuteOrder DetailsOrder DetailsOrderID105221052310524ProductID1 041 7UnitPrice31.009.6530.00Quantity7924Discount0.20.150.0 5 19.002 0.210523Trigger Cod...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

23 552 0
SQL Server - Bài  8

SQL Server - Bài 8

... ProviderSystem.data.dll+{System.data}….IDbConnectionIDbCommandIDataReaderIDbTransactionIDbDataAdapter….System.data.dll+{System.data.SqlClient}….SqlConnectionSqlCommandSqlDataReaderSqlTransactionSqlDataAdapterSqlCommandBuilderWarning: There is no IDbCommandBuilder MicrosoftMicrosoftDataReaderFast Forward-Only/Read-Only ... create SqlMetaData to describe the resultSqlMetaData[] columns = new...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

56 473 0
SQL Server - Bài 9

SQL Server - Bài 9

... Integrity(between tables)User-definedintegrity MicrosoftMicrosoftEnforcing Data IntegrityDeclarative data integrityDefined in object definitionsEnforced automatically SQL Server by using constraints, ... USE NorthwindALTER TABLE dbo.EmployeesADD CONSTRAINT CK_birthdateCHECK (BirthDate > '0 1-0 1-1 900' AND BirthDate <getdate()) MicrosoftMicrosoftDEFAULT Constrain...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

20 471 0
SQL Server - Bài  11

SQL Server - Bài 11

... Akhtar...MartinAkhtarBarrConFunkFunk47060 147 050 347 040 147 060 247 040 2MartinMartinOtaPhuaRudd47080 147 06 044 7070 247 080 247 0501MartinSmith...SmithSmithSmithWhiteWhite47060 347 08 044 7070 147 040 347 0502AkhtarGanio...GanioHallJonesJonesJones47090 147 09 044 7090 247 080 347 0703MartinMartinMartinMartinMartinMartin47080 147 0801MartinMartin4706 044 70604OtaOta47070 247 0702Phua...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

31 491 0