SQL Server - Bài 2

SQL Server - Bài  2

SQL Server - Bài 2

... SQL Services MicrosoftMicrosoftSurface Area ConfigurationNew Installation SQL Server 20 0 8SQL Server 20 05 SQL Server 20 08Services disabled and features not installed by defaultState of services ... Databases√Maintaining SQL Server Database √Writing Transact -SQL with Query Editor Working with Templates, Solutions, Script Projects, and Source Control21 MicrosoftMicro...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

25 491 0
SQL Server - Bài 1

SQL Server - Bài 1

... ApplicationOLAPOLAPOLTPOLTPQueryQueryP 2- 3 MicrosoftMicrosoftSQL Server Goal MicrosoftMicrosoftOutlineIntroduction to SQL Server Relational Data ModelExploring SQL Server Architecture Data Access Architectures SQL Server ... objects MicrosoftMicrosoftExample MicrosoftMicrosoftOutlineIntroduction to SQL ServerRelational Data ModelExploring SQL Server Architecture Dat...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

25 569 1
SQL Server - Bài  3

SQL Server - Bài 3

... functions MicrosoftMicrosoft- ASCII( )- CHAR( )- UPPER( )- LOWER( )- LEN( )- LTRIM( )- RTRIM( )- LEFT( )- RIGHT( )- AVG( )- MIN( )- MAX( )- SUM( )- COUNT( )- SQUARE( )- SQRT( )- ROUND( )- GETDATE()-DATEPART(YY,getdate() )- DATEDIFF(X,Y,Z )- ... T -SQL for Data ManipulationVu Tuyet Trinhtrinhvt-fit@mail.hut.edu.vnHanoi University of Te...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

77 409 0
SQL Server - Bài 4

SQL Server - Bài 4

... image  Others  sql_ variant, timestamp, xml… MicrosoftMicrosoft User-defined Data Type  Extending the SQL type system as  alias data types that consist of a single SQL Server system data ... Data Type / /1/ /2/ /3/ /2/ 1 /3/1/  Example CREATE TABLE employee ( EmployeeID int NOT NULL, EmpName varchar (20 ) NOT NULL, Title varchar (20 ) NULL, Salary decimal(18, 2) NOT...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

45 419 0
SQL Server - Bài 6

SQL Server - Bài 6

... MicrosoftMicrosoftVariablesSQL Server supports two types of variables in T -SQL @@global_variable@local_variable MicrosoftMicrosoftList of Global variables @@CONNECTIONS Number of connections made to the server ... access to the data in a result set for T -SQL statements in scripts, stored procedures, and triggers MicrosoftMicrosoftCursor ImplementationsTransact -SQL Server Cur...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

42 489 0
SQL Server - Bài  7

SQL Server - Bài 7

... Details] VALUES(10 525 , 2, 19.00, 5, 0 .2) Order DetailsOrder DetailsOrderID10 522 10 523 10 524 ProductID10417UnitPrice31.009.6530.00Quantity7 924 Discount0 .20 .150.0 5 19.0 02 0 .21 0 523 Insert statement ... loggedinsertedinserted10 523 2 19.00 5 0.2TRIGGER Actions ExecuteOrder DetailsOrder DetailsOrderID10 522 10 523 10 524 ProductID10417UnitPrice31.009.6530.00Quantity7 924 D...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

23 552 0
SQL Server - Bài  8

SQL Server - Bài 8

... ProviderSystem.data.dll+{System.data}….IDbConnectionIDbCommandIDataReaderIDbTransactionIDbDataAdapter….System.data.dll+{System.data.SqlClient}….SqlConnectionSqlCommandSqlDataReaderSqlTransactionSqlDataAdapterSqlCommandBuilderWarning: There is no IDbCommandBuilder MicrosoftMicrosoftDataReaderFast Forward-Only/Read-Only ... create SqlMetaData to describe the resultSqlMetaData[] columns = new...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

56 473 0
SQL Server - Bài 9

SQL Server - Bài 9

... Integrity(between tables)User-definedintegrity MicrosoftMicrosoftEnforcing Data IntegrityDeclarative data integrityDefined in object definitionsEnforced automatically SQL Server by using constraints, ... USE NorthwindALTER TABLE dbo.EmployeesADD CONSTRAINT CK_birthdateCHECK (BirthDate > '0 1-0 1-1 900' AND BirthDate <getdate()) MicrosoftMicrosoftDEFAULT Constrain...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

20 471 0
SQL Server - Bài  11

SQL Server - Bài 11

... 76787778787879788078GanioMartin 720 6PhuaSmith 8772HallPage 51 22 3 423 3 424 3 425 3 426 34WhiteAkhtarJonesConJones6002Leaf Level(Key Value)ClusteredIndexAkhtar...MartinPage 140 - RootPage 100 Page 110 Page 120 Page 130 123 423 34567 825 3413341534...AkhtarBarrConFunkFunk.....................4705...7678807 824 34597 826 34...GanioHallJonesJonesJones...............5788......60 0...

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2012, 10:59

31 491 0