Tài liệu The Art of Assembly Language Programming P2 ppt
... (technically) the comma between the nl and the preceding string isn’t necessary. You’ll often see the above written as: stdout.put( “Hello, World of Assembly Language nl ); Notice the lack of a comma ... containing these files. If you’re a MS VC++ user, instal- lation of VC++ should have set up the LIB path for you. If not, then locate these files (they are part of the...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 19:17
... 164 2.3.1 The Code Section 165 2.3.2 The Static Sections 167 The Art of Assembly Language Programming Beta Draft - Do not distribute © 2002, By Randall Hyde Page 1 The Art of Assembly Language ... relieve the students of some of the drudgery of assembly language programming just as the UCR Standard Library had. After three years of part...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15
Tài liệu The Design of Rolling Bearing Mountings P2 ppt
... accuracy of the workpiece mainly depend on the axial rigidity of the spindle headstock and of the rotary table. Therefore, the rigidity of the thrust bear- ings is especially important. To increase the ... conditions as the expansion of the rotating parts due to the effects of heat and centrifugal force do not cause jamming of the outer rings in the housi...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2013, 05:17
... you'll also experience the same events from the perspective of the social engineer. The first story looks at a vulnerability in the financial industry. Part 2 The Art Of The Attacker Chapter ... calling the wire room. In the wire room the clerks saved themselves the trouble of trying to memorize each day's code: They wrote down the code on a slip...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15
... be. Back to the taxi. The first thing a person might do is flag down the taxi. The driver stops, gets out and opens the door. The riders enter. Then the driver wants to know where to? They point the ... wire-walkers, the clowns ran into the Big Top and did their acts. The audience was kept busy watching their antics, while the other work was going on. The moment the...
Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 04:15
Tài liệu The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML pptx
... objects, which then have the responsibility to respond with some action. The order and timing of these messages is determined by the actions of the user, and not by the control flow of the program. ... to get the object to do what you need, and what the lights mean about the status of the object. The details of how the box is put together inside are irre...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 21:16