Semantic functions of adverbaling participle clauses
... University The semantic functions of adverbial ing -participle clauses ChapterII. The semantic functions of ing -participle clauses and the interpretation those into Vietnamese 20 2.1. The constructions of ... functions of adverbial ing -participle clauses Chapter I : Some theoretical premises about adverbial ing -participle clauses Chapter II : The semantic...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 12:54
... scope, methods and design of the study. Chapter II introduces an overview of English adjectives with the definitions of adjectives and their semantic and syntactic functions of English adjectives. Chapter ... well as semantic and syntactic functions of adjs. The writer discusses their classification according to their usage then considers them if which kinds of adject...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46
... Use a phrase or clause of purpose into combine each pair of sentences below: 1. The boys stood on the benches. They wanted to get a better view. 2. We lower the volume of the radio. We do not ... will be independent of their parents. 5. We should do morning exercises regularly so as to improve our health. 6. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world...
Ngày tải lên: 09/06/2013, 01:27
Participle clauses
... she ran home) 7. Participles and relative clauses o We can make participle clauses with –ing participles and – ed participles. o Use –ing participle clauses to replace relative clauses with active ... PARTICIPLE CLAUSES 1. PARTICIPLE CLAUSES: USE AND STRUCTURE By Belén Sáez Hernáez 2. STRUCTURE o The participles are: PRESENT PARTICIPLES (staying, living) PAST PARTICIPLES (s...
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 23:10
An investigation into syntactic and semantic features of idioms denoting work in english and vietnamese
... The result of Prepositional phrases and Adverb phrases are a complete contrary. 4.2. SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMSE IDIOMS DENOTING WORK 4.2.1. Transference of Meaning of English ... the University of Danang Time : 08 Jan 2012 Venue : University of Danang This thesis is available at: • The library of the College of Foreign Languages, the University...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:16
A study of syntactic and semantic features of sport headings in english and vietnamese
... 7 of declarative verbs and the disappearance of signs of speech (quotation marks; personal pronouns). Scollon (2000) [18], in his study of five days of three editions of the same ... writes as well as the readers find their own way of answering it. Table 4.3. Percentage of semantic features of ESHs Semantic features Times of appearance Percentage Metaphor 275 55...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21
A contrastive study of grammatical and semantic features of words and idiom denoting unhappiness in english and vietnamese
... parts of speech (or categories) at the level of single words and the performance of those words in phrases. Syntactic Functions of English Words Expressing Unhappiness in Terms of Parts ... Unhappiness in Terms of Parts of Speech This part presents some figures of applying those parts of speech in using language and some knowledge of their functions. Par...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:29
A contrastive analysis of grammatical and semantic features of words and idioms related to hearing in english and vietnamese
... in Terms of Semantic Features Table 4.7 Semantic Features of WIRHs in English and Vietnamese Collocations Semantic category English Vietnamese perceving sound with the sense of hearing ... IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IN TERMS OF SEMANTIC FEATURES 4.2.1. Semantic Features of WIRHs in English 1: Perceiving sound with the sense of hearing. The Eng...
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:31