Tài liệu Part 2- Britain docx

Tài liệu Part 9- Britain docx

Tài liệu Part 9- Britain docx

... a mo re and m ore im porta nt part of t he bu siness of the C omm ons, The party system in Parlia ment Most div isions take place al on g party lines. MPs know tha t they owe their positi on to their party, so they ... reality of the British two -party system (see chapter 6). There are no 'cro ss- benches' for MPs w ho belong neither to the gov erning party nor the main opposition...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 09:20

8 286 0
Tài liệu Part 11- Britain docx

Tài liệu Part 11- Britain docx

... House of Com mo ns achieved by any party for 73 years and the Conservative share of the total vote was their lowest in 165 years. What happened? The answer seems to be that voting habits in Britain, reflecting ... sys tem is said to discrimin- ate against smaller parties. But look at the table at the beginning of this chapter again. H ow can it be that the very small part ies had much bett...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

7 254 0
Tài liệu Part 14- Britain docx

Tài liệu Part 14- Britain docx

... is an organ of a political party. Many are often obviously in fa vour of the policies of this or that party (and even more obviou sly against the policies of another party). but none of them would ever ... because such a large majorny of British people hold right-wing views. It is part ir because the press tends to be owned by Conse rvauvc part) ' sup- porters. In an)' case. a la...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

11 286 0