Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Money
... conflict between their small-government views and their eagerness for the government to allocate more money for roads into national forests. The net result of these incursions into national forests is ... in the middle class The Farrelly family, like other members of the working class, were proud of their jobs and did not want any handouts from charity or the government. TO...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
... 400 Must- Have Words for the TOEFL This page intentionally left blank. 400 Must- Have Words for the TOEFL LYNNSTAFFORD-YILMAZLAWRENCEJ. ZWIERMCGRAW-HILLNew York•Chicago•San ... published by ETS, the creators of the TOEFL test .400 Must- Have Words for the TOEFL is the best book on the marketto improve your vocabulary for the TOEFL test.Copyr...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:51
... called the pres- ident a liar. 2. Some monks criticized the well-fed, art-loving people of fifteenth- century Florence for being __________. 3. During the 1970s, college students fought for one ... status quo (e) current conditions TOEFL Prep II Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list. Change the form of the word if nec- essary. Us...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Government and Justice
... otherwise the head of the Senate, Republican Thomas Ferry, would probably have been allowed to declare the winner. In the end, the Democrats were dis- appointed, as the commission advocated the ... witnessing the car theft, Rodney called the police. Parts of speech witness n TOEFL Prep I Find the word or phrase that is closest in mean- ing to each word in the left-ha...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Relationships
... related to earlier generations TOEFL Prep II Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word from the list. Change the form of the word if nec- essary. Use each word only once. ... an adopted child as to their biological children. TOEFL Success Read the passage to review the vocabulary you have learned. Answer the questions that follow. The nature of...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20
Mcgraw Hill 400 Must Have Words For The Toefl - Society
... professors. 4. fortify v. To strengthen The high-priced drink had extra vitamins and minerals to fortify the body. Parts of speech fortification n 16 Copyright © 2005 by The McGraw- Hill Companies, ... story TOEFL Success Read the passage to review the vocabulary you have learned. Answer the questions that follow. The aborigines of Australia may have been some of the...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20