Learning Express TOEFL Exam Success - Writing

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Success - Writing

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Success - Writing

... the TOEFL writing exam and how the writing test is scored. You will learn specific strategies for writing effective essays and six steps for writing well on the TOEFL exam. 5 107  The TOEFL Exam ... the TOEFL ® , 4th ed., 2001. Computer-Based Test vs. Paper-Based Test – WRITING – 109 Computer-Based TOEFL Exam The writing section is a mandatory part of the exam....

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

22 590 1
Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Writing

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Writing

... spe- cialized knowledge to respond to them. COMPUTER TEST VS. PAPER TEST The writing section of the computer-based TOEFL exam differs from the paper-based TWE exam. Although the types of writ- ... the paper-and-pencil TOEFL exam) . Offered whenever the Offered only five times a computer test is given. year. If you need to take the TWE exam, select a TOEFL exam date when the TWE...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

26 339 0
Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Listening

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Listening

... for your success at college. The listening section of the TOEFL exam measures your abil- ity to understand North American English. It uses conversa- tional language including idiomatic expressions, ... questions. Below is a breakdown of each recording type for the computer- and paper-based TOEFL exams: Types of Computer Paper-and- recordings Test Pencil Dialogues 11–17 dialogues, with...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

26 395 0
Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Reading

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Reading

... differ in the computer- based vs. the paper-based reading test. However, the type and dif- ficulty of the reading passages are the same. In both exams, you 85 86 TOEFL EXAM ESSENTIALS can skip ... of their day (comparison). However, the stop-motion animation of the 1933 film retains its magic, whereas the 102 TOEFL EXAM ESSENTIALS state-of-the-art special effects of 1976 seem hopelessly...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

28 397 0
Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Structure

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials - Structure

... test. 49 50 TOEFL EXAM ESSENTIALS QUESTION TYPES IN THE STRUCTURE SECTION There are two basic kinds of questions on the structure section of both the computer-based and paper-based exams: ■ Sentence ... PAPER TEST You will find some key differences between the computer-based test (CBT) and the paper-and-pencil exam. Although the ques- tions will cover the same type of material, you will a...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 15:20

36 301 0
TOEFL Exam Success - Writing

TOEFL Exam Success - Writing

... between the two writing tests. Source: Barron’s Passkey to the TOEFL ® , 4th ed., 2001. Computer-Based Test vs. Paper-Based Test – WRITING – 109 Computer-Based TOEFL Exam The writing section ... the computer-based TOEFL exam, the Writing Section is part of the test; everyone must complete an essay. The paper-based TOEFL exam, however, doesn’t include an essay section. The...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 18:20

22 315 0
Tài liệu Learning Express - TOEFL Exam Essentials ppt

Tài liệu Learning Express - TOEFL Exam Essentials ppt

... the TOEFL exam. Good luck as you prepare for the exam and pursue the education you need for a successful future. WHAT THE TOEFL EXAM IS ABOUT The TOEFL exam has two formats: a computer-based test ... studying for the TOEFL exam, with- out weighing you down. TOEFL Exam Essentials pulls together all the pieces of test preparation for you: ■ what to expect on the test ■ succ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 11:20

159 300 0
Learning express Reading Comprehension Success 3rd Edition

Learning express Reading Comprehension Success 3rd Edition

... United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York.Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:Reading comprehension success in 20 minutes a day.—3rd ed.p. cm.ISBN 1-5 768 5-4 9 4-9 (paper)1. Reading ... READINGCOMPREHENSIONSUCCESSIN 20 MINUTES A DAY NEW YORKREADINGCOMPREHENSIONSUCCESSIN 20 MINUTES A DAY3rd Edition® Copyright © 2005 LearningExpress, LLC.All rights reserved under...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:48

192 1,8K 11