4000 Vocabulary 4

4000 Vocabulary 4

4000 Vocabulary 4

... 64 Vocabulary 40 00 ornithology study of birds orthodox conventional oscillate waver, swing ossify harden ostensible ... supine protagonist main character in a story protean changing readily protégé ward, pupil 74 Vocabulary 40 00 protocol code of diplomatic etiquette proton particle protract prolong protuberance ... staff scheme plot, system, diagram schism rift scintilla spec...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

27 211 0
Test Your Vocabulary 4

Test Your Vocabulary 4

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:21

49 739 15
Boost your vocabulary 4

Boost your vocabulary 4

Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2013, 08:52

96 850 4
4000 Vocabulary 1

4000 Vocabulary 1

... adjust acclivity ascent, incline accolade applause, tribute accommodate adapt, assist, house 24 Vocabulary 40 00 compact covenant compassion kindness compatible well-matched, harmonious compatriot ... secrets) confiscate seize conflagration large fire confluence flowing together confound bewilder 18 Vocabulary 40 00 Quiz 4 (Antonyms) Directions: Choose the word most opposite i...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

18 281 0
4000 Vocabulary 2

4000 Vocabulary 2

... tragic, heinous grimace expression of disgust or pain grisly gruesome grovel crawl, obey, beg 44 Vocabulary 40 00 grudging reluctant guffaw laughter guile deceit gullible easily deceived gusto great ... speech droll amusing drone speak in a monotonic voice dubious doubtful ductile stretchable 34 Vocabulary 40 00 dudgeon resentment, indignant humor duenna governess duet twosome...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

18 278 0
4000 Vocabulary 3

4000 Vocabulary 3

... famous imbibe drink imbue infuse immaculate spotlessly clean immaterial irrelevant immense huge 54 Vocabulary 40 00 lagniappe bonus laity laymen lambent softly radiant lament mourn lamina layer lampoon ... law ordnance artillery orient align, familiarize orison prayer ornate lavishly decorated 46 Vocabulary 40 00 Quiz 15 (Matching) Match each word in the first column with its d...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

19 317 0
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