Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Nouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Nouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Nouns

... following nouns singular. Sample: grandchildren 1. lamps 2. gentlemen 3. addresses 4. flowers 5. circuses grandchild feet wishes hands NOUNS 29 Rule 3. For most nouns ending in f: Add s to form the ... to a neighbor. Plural Nouns Nouns have a singular form and a plural form. The singular is the form that means only one: boy, girl, soda, hamburger, etc. The plural is the form that...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

19 683 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Nouns

... practice for both. Plurals of Nouns Rules for forming plural nouns were given in Lessons 4 (pages 28–34) and 10 (page 63) in Part One. You may wish to review these before trying your hand at Exercises ... her paper on the counter and then forgot it. 15. An Abyssinian cat and a Himalayan cat (are, is) pictured on a single United States stamp. 188 COMMON USAGE ERRORS Nouns and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

22 633 0


... This Book Grammar and Usage for Better Writing is a basic workbook that can provide a founda- tion for further study in English grammar and usage. It will benefit students who are learn- ing the ... book please specify: Either R 798 W or GRAMMAR AND USAGE FOR BETTER WRITING Please visit our Web site at ISBN 1-5 676 5-1 1 7-8 NYC Item 5676...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 01:45

270 640 11
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Adverbs

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Adverbs

... horseback and two trackers on foot. Across the saddle, a long metal object gleams in the sun. It is a rifle. For the full story of Kino, Juana, and Coyotito, read The Pearl, a fasci- nating short ... Curious, Gulliver bent his eyes downward and saw that it was a six-inch human, armed with bow and arrow, and followed by about forty similar creatures. So loud did Gulliver roar in as...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

15 669 1
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Basic Paragraph Composition

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Basic Paragraph Composition

... Choices 2 and 4 are better. Choice 2 builds on the hints in the para- graph that the things for which we stand in line are not too important, and it suggests that there are better uses for the ... dis- ease. And combat he did. After surgery and chemotherapy, Lance became a cancer survivor. Profoundly affected by his battle for life, he dedicated him- self to becoming a spokes...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

27 704 3
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Compound Verbs

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Compound Verbs

... pronouns troublesome? Answer: Most of these pronouns change in form, depending on the way they are used in a sentence. On the other hand, the nouns that these pronouns stand for do not change. For ... is _______________. Pronouns in Combinations Pronouns and nouns may be combined to form compound subjects, compound indirect objects, and compound direct objects. Corey and I atten...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

20 633 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Prepositions

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Prepositions

... win and lose.) 4. A conjunction connects pronouns, or a noun and a pronoun: You and she are always on time. PRON. CONJ. PRON. (The conjunction and connects the pronouns You and she.) Alex and ... are and, but, and or. What Kinds of Work Do Conjunctions Do? 1. A conjunction connects nouns: Milk and cheese are dairy products. N. CONJ. N. (The conjunction and connects the no...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

20 534 2
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Capitalization

... aristocracy. —Emily Dickinson Proper Nouns and Proper Adjectives Capitalize proper nouns, their abbreviations, and proper adjectives derived from proper nouns. PROPER NOUN : New Mexico ABBREVIATION ... king 3. english and history 8. grandma and aunt louise 4. the planet saturn 9. in the southwest near phoenix 5. fourth of july holiday 10. fire island national seashore 218 COMMON...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

17 603 0
Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns

Grammar And Usage For Better Writing - Problems with Pronouns

... Pronouns Subjects and Objects A handful of pronouns cause more trouble than all the rest put together. These per- sonal pronouns, as you may recall from Part One, Lesson 9, have different forms ... her us them Notice that these pronouns are paired. Your choice in a sentence would be between I and me, for example. I is the form used for the subject and me for the object. I watched...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 13:20

21 604 0