Adding Swap File Space in a Linux System

Adding Swap File Space in a Linux System

Adding Swap File Space in a Linux System

... Essentials II v2.0 - Lab 7.2.6 Copyright  2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 7.2.6: Adding Swap File Space in a Linux System Estimated Time: 20 minutes Objective To assess and add swap space in ... space in a Linux Red Hat operating system. Equipment • A computer with Linux Red Hat 7.X installed Scenario The system administrator of a large compan...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 21:15

2 399 0
How to setup a Linux system that can boot directly from a software RAID

How to setup a Linux system that can boot directly from a software RAID

... configuration installation options are provides, the installation of the system starts:Notice that while the system is installing, the software RAID transparently initializes the RAID devices:6 Finally ... used as swap, to have a fault tolerant page swapping.RAID-1 device Mount point Bootable Software RAID devices/dev/md0 / Yes /dev/hda1, /dev/hdc1/dev/md1 swap No /dev/hda2, /dev/hdc...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:11

14 568 1
Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Evaluating language understanding accuracy with respect to objective outcomes in a dialogue system" doc

... September. Myroslava Dzikovska, Diana Bental, Johanna D. Moore, Natalie B. Steinhauser, Gwendolyn E. Campbell, Elaine Farrow, and Charles B. Callaway. 201 0a. Intelligent tutoring with natural language support ... Myroslava Dzikovska, and Elaine Farrow. 2009. Using natural lan- guage processing to analyze tutorial dialogue cor- pora across domains and modalities. In Proceed- ings of 14th In...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20

11 381 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Dialogue Processing in a CALL-System" pot

Báo cáo khoa học: "Dialogue Processing in a CALL-System" pot

... is one of the main goals of foreign language teaching nowadays. This can be reached by allowing learners to use and train their knowledge of a foreign language in realistic dialogue-style exer- ... shows a simplified part of a discourse grammar, which models an information gathering dialogue such as is necessary in the case of collecting information about an accident. Ad- di...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 23:20

4 333 0
Tài liệu Tracking Back References in a Write-Anywhere File System pdf

Tài liệu Tracking Back References in a Write-Anywhere File System pdf

... data records are packed densely into pages in the order they appear in the WS, creating a Leaf file. We then create an Inter- nal 1 (I1) file, containing densely packed internal nodes containing ... that back reference maintenance not interfere with normal file -system processing. Thus, maintaining the back reference database should have minimal over- head that remains stable over time....

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20

14 469 0


... system (Pacheco et al., 1993) and contaminated surface water can be treated in a UV concentrating radiation System (Yves et al., 1996). In this process, major toxic compounds are mineralizaed ... degradation were examined. MATERIALS AND METHODS TCE (99+%) was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co, and the TiO 2 used was Degussa P-25, which was mostly anatase and had a BET...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40

6 393 0
Behavior of Zinc in a Constructed Wetland System Receiving Domestic Wastewater

Behavior of Zinc in a Constructed Wetland System Receiving Domestic Wastewater

... wastewater inflow was measured with an integration flow meter. The effluent water volume was calculated as the sum of inflow and rainfall minus evapotranspiration. Because the paddy field had ... 5965, Koibuchimachi, Mito 319–0323, Japan *** National Agricultural Research Center, 3-1-1, Kannondai, Tsukuba 305-8666, Japan ABSTRACT In Japan, environmental quality standards for Zn pol...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15

7 355 0
Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

Exergoeconomic optimization and improvement of a cogeneration system modeled in a process simulator using direct search and evolutionary methods

... Mechanical Engineering at UFRJ. He is a member of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences an d Engineering (ABCM) and of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). E-mail ... Holland J.H. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. The University of Michigan Press: Ann Arbor, 1975. [12] Okamoto M., Nonaka T., Ochiai S., Tominaga D. Nonlinear numerical optimizati...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 16:30

14 594 0
Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system

Spatial moment analysis of colloid facilitated radionuclide transport in a coupled fracture-matrix system

... Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Chennai 36, India. 2 Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Chennai-36, India. Abstract ... colloids. Enhanced radionuclide transport at Chalk River Nuclear laboratories in Canada [12,13] Oak Ridge National laboratory in Tennessee [14,15] and Uranium deposit in Australia [16] wer...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03

14 478 0