... by Trần Hồng Đức 4 UNIT 5 – HIGHER EDUCATION 2010 - 2011 a.He will die if anyone takes him to hopitals b.He will die unless someone takes him to hospital c.He will die if he is taken to hospital ... in advance, you’ll avoid waiting d. If you don’t bok a table in advance, you’ll avoid waiting. 5) We didn’t have enough rain, so we could not grow rice a. If we had had enough rain, we could ......
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 13:10
Dự báo và hoạch định tổng hợp cho công ty cơ khí công nông nghiệp phần 5
Ngày tải lên: 28/11/2012, 12:03