Java IDL - interface definition language

Java IDL - interface definition language

Java IDL - interface definition language

... the IDL and their resulting Java representation. Table 6-2 . IDL Types and their Java Representations Type Java Mapping long Java int short Java short float Java float double Java double char Java ... CORBA IDL and how we can use it to create network objects for client/server implementations. Chapter 6. Java IDL: Interface Definition Language • CORBA • The In...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 08:20

53 326 1
Java IDL- Interface Definition Language

Java IDL- Interface Definition Language

... the IDL and their resulting Java representation. Table 6-2 . IDL Types and their Java Representations Type Java Mapping long Java int short Java short float Java float double Java double char Java ... CORBA IDL and how we can use it to create network objects for client/server implementations. Chapter 6. Java IDL: Interface Definition Language • CORBA • The In...

Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 14:20

53 345 0
ORB Portability IDL/Java Language Mapping

ORB Portability IDL/Java Language Mapping

... Object Management Group. 5-3 0 orbos/9 8-0 1-0 6: IDL /Java 3/11/98 5 3/11/98 orbos/9 8-0 1-0 6: IDL /Java 6-3 1 Java ORB Portability Interfaces 6 6.1 Introduction The current Java mapping defines a standard ... Microsystems, Inc. OMG TC Document orbos/9 8-0 3-1 0 (orbos/9 8-0 1-0 6 with errata) March 13, 1998 3:58 pm ORB Portability IDL /Java Language Mapp...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2014, 17:01

68 744 0
Java Naming and Directory Interface

Java Naming and Directory Interface

... InitialContext: Java ParametersInitialContext: Java Parameters #java -Djava.naming.factory.initial=com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialInitContextFactory-Djava.naming.provider.url=jnp:// ... JNDIKiến trúc JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface 9...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2012, 11:16

25 751 8
ứng dụng relational interface cho java

ứng dụng relational interface cho java

... ta phân biệt giữa well-formed interface và well-formable interface (hai khái niệm này trùng khớp trong trường hợp stateless interface) . Với well-formed interface, các ràng buộc luôn ... mã nguồn file thử nghiệm Sample .java. ..................................53IV Ứng dụng Relational Interface cho Java Đỗ Duy HưngV Ứng dụng Relational Interface cho Java Đỗ Duy HưngBảng các kí hi...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2012, 15:04

61 288 2
Java programming language basics

Java programming language basics

... Studies Glossary - Applets - Tutorial - Employment - Business & Licensing - Java Store - Java in the Real World FAQ | Feedback | Map | A-Z Index For more information on Java technology and ... Studies Glossary - Applets - Tutorial - Employment - Business & Licensing - Java Store - Java in the Real World FAQ | Feedback | Map | A...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:39

135 457 1
Generics in the Java Programming Language

Generics in the Java Programming Language

... from the definitions of the interfaces List and Iterator in pack- age java. util: public interface List<E> { void add(E x); Iterator<E> iterator(); } public interface Iterator<E> ... the Java compiler as a front-end conversion called erasure. You can (almost) think of it as a source-to-source translation, whereby the generic version of loophole() is converted to the no...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 18:15

23 476 1
Tài liệu Language Features of Java Generics pptx

Tài liệu Language Features of Java Generics pptx

... erasure process as a translation from generic Java to nongeneric Java. Java Pro - Language Features of Java Generics 4/5 2004/5/20 上午 ... to interfaces: we cannot create objects of an interface type, but a variable of an interface type can refer to an object of a compatible type, and by "compatible" we...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

5 386 0
Tài liệu Java 3D is a client−side Java application programming interface (API) developed pdf

Tài liệu Java 3D is a client−side Java application programming interface (API) developed pdf

... generation 8.1 Shape3D java. lang.Object | +−− | +−− | +−− | +−− 107 From AwtRenderingEngine .java private ... pixel for display. 10.2 Light node java. lang.Object | +−− | +−− | +−− | +−−

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 11:15

352 389 0