. goods sold 48 0,000 530,000 600,000 Gross profit $ 240 ,000 $270,000 $300,000 Less expenses Salaries $ 40 ,000 $ 49 ,600 $ 69,000 Rent 36,000 49 ,40 0 54, 400 Phone. $ 142 ,000 $ 141 ,000 Income tax expense (40 %) 56,000 56,800 56 ,40 0 Net income $ 84, 000 $ 85,200 $ 84, 600 Sales Expenses Income=+ Income Sales Expenses=− 24
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 11:10
. rent $36,000 Phone and utilities 14, 400 Assistants’ salaries 40 ,000 Interest on the loan 6,000 (15% on $40 ,000) Total $96 ,40 0 Kim: We also have to consider. $720,000 Less cost of goods sold 48 0,000 Gross profit 240 ,000 Less expenses Salaries $ 40 ,000 Rent 36,000 Phone and utilities 14, 400 Depreciation 3,600 Interest
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 3
. 6 ,41 4 $ 9,928 $10,937 Investment income 703 1,963 3,338 Income before income taxes 7,117 11,891 14, 275 Income taxes 2,627 4, 106 4, 8 54 Net income $ 4, 490. $19, 747 $22,956 Cost of revenue 2 ,46 0 2,8 14 3,002 Research and development 2,601 2,970 3,775 Other expenses 3,787 4, 035 5, 242 Total expenses $ 8, 848 $
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 5
. information, in millions of dollars: Quarter 4 3 2 1 Net sales $1,870 $1,825 $1, 945 $2, 343 Gross margin $1,122 $1,016 $1, 043 $1,377 Gross margin 25% 30% 28% 28%. 28% Operating costs $ 383 $ 375 $ 379 $ 40 9 Operating income $ 64 $ 168 $ 170 $ 100 Operating income 4% 9% 9% 4% This table compares four successive quarters
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 6
. operating costs 3,792.3 3,665.7 4, 040 .0 Operating profit 3 84. 3 3 64. 0 244 .8 Interest expense 111.7 84. 9 123.7 Other income 48 .4 30.3 20.8 Income from continuing. Jan. 1 1998 1999 2000 Net sales $3,575,7 74 $3, 542 ,202 $4, 107,736 Cost of sales $2,680 ,47 2 $2, 642 ,45 3 $3,028, 248 Selling, general and administrative 722,590
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 7
. and goodwill — — 41 7, 849 Change in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (353,113) (48 ,45 1) 586 ,42 4 Inventory 115, 740 (41 0 ,47 6) 162,862 Other. (116 ,49 1) (1 64, 960) Accounts payable and accrued expenses (360,396) 519,7 64 (41 6,506) Net cash provided from (used in) operating activities $(186,172) $ 647 ,46 6
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 8
. $ 24. 5 million gain in 1997, when it also had a restructuring charge of $44 .1 million. Also, an asset write-down of $ 34. 1 million partially offset a $48 .6. settlements, net 2,000 (48 ,600) — Asset write-down 8,500 34, 100 9,700 Restructuring 44 ,100 3,200 — Gains from sale of product lines and other ( 24, 500) — — Acquired
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 57
. 41 .25 45 7 .44 8 3 1/ 14/ 96 40 .0 8.0 650.00 40 .30 9 .43 168.077 35.75 396 .45 9 4 1/ 14/ 96 40 .0 7.9 765.05 47 .43 11.09 197.8257886 42 .08 46 6.62 10 5 1/ 14/ 96 40 .0. 1/21/96 40 .0 0.0 750.00 46 .50 10.88 193.935 41 .25 45 7 .44 14 3 1/21/96 40 .0 2 .4 545 .00 33.79 7.90 140 .9261 29.98 332 .41 15 4 1/21/96 40 .0 6.7 738 .49 45 .79
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 58
. (left axis) Total value (right axis) 0 2,000 4, 000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 0 200 40 0 600 800 1,000 1,200 1 ,40 0 1,600 EXHIBIT 17.2 A decade of megadeals. (see p. 5 64) . Because the combined entity would be the world’s largest airline and have a dominant market share in the United States, the Justice Department
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Tiếng anh chuyên ngành kế toán part 59
. environment at NCR, and by 19 94, only 5 of 33 top NCR managers remained with the company. Disaster Deal No. 2 Throughout 19 94, Quaker Oats Co. was rumored. Mercedes-Benz’s part. ”* The stock market agreed as the two companies’ shares rose by a combined $8.6 bil- lion at the announcement. A 6 .4% increase in Daimler-Benz’s
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 11:10