psychology of business communication
... Lecture 7. Psychology of business communication. Psychological types of a personality according to Eric Burne: –The concept of ego-status –Discernment of ego-status 1 Models of a person’s ... Structural model = inner composition of human psychology • Functional model = ways of conduct, actions and reactions The concept of ego-status 2 Ego-status consists of • Thinking...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2013, 07:38
... require: • abasisofsound,effectivecommunicationskills(becausenegotiationisaspecialist form of communication) ; • an understanding of the role of negotiation (because it is almost always part of a broader ... image and build business. So, next we review some essential principles of this special form of communication. 8.4 The switchboard Millions of times every day, telephone...
Ngày tải lên: 09/02/2014, 20:59
... venture start-ups. Also served on board of directors of both for profit and non-profit organizations. Contacting Instructor: Feel free to contact me outside of class. You may contact me by phone ... MKT 252 (Principles of Marketing), or permission of instructor. Course Goals: There are three objectives for this course. 1) Examine the basic concepts of marketing commun...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 03:20
The sociology and psychology of terrorism who become a terrorist anh why
... investmentof time. The small number of profiles contained in this study is hardly sufficient toqualify as scientifically representative of terrorists in general, or even of aparticular category of terrorists, ... in acts ofterrorism. Three profiles of noteworthy terrorists of the early 1970s who belongedto other groups are included in order to provide a better basis of contrast...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21
Master of business administration: Chương trình thạc sỹ quản trị kinh doanh
... MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Bilingual) September Intake, 2009 Chương trình Thạc sỹ Quản trị Kinh ... Student Name (Họ tên học viên): NGUYỄN CẢNH CHỨC TP.HỒ CHÍ MINH - 2010 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Bilingual) September Intake, 2009 Chương trình Thạc sỹ Quản trị Kinh ... những bước cần thiết để hiểu một cách đầy đủ. A strategy map can be created at different levels...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2013, 15:24
Chương trình Thạc Sỹ Quản Trị Kinh Doanh, MBA Master of Business Administration, MBA Đại học Châu Âu, Thụy Sỹ
... Chương trình Thạc Sỹ Quản Trị Kinh Doanh, MBAMaster of Business Administration, MBAĐại học Châu Âu, Thụy SỹThành lập năm 1973CẤU TRÚC CHƯƠNG TRÌNH:Thời ... Information System (3 credits)11. MB 585: Phương pháp lượng nghiên cứu (3 tín chỉ) Quantitative Business Method (3 credits)12. MB 591: Phương pháp nghiên cứu dự án/luận văn (3 tín chỉ)Research
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2013, 20:58
... STUDENTS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION FACULTY TO SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES 2011-2012On October 5, 2011, at room no. B205, Tan Phong campus of Ton Duc Thang University, the forum “Students of Faculty of Business ... faculty assistant of Students’ Scholarly activities of Business Administration Faculty gave opening speechesPh.D. Pham Thi Minh Ly – Dean of Business Administration...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2013, 15:30