cambridge english starter 7
... are two examples Examples vi Tnis is a face I Tnis is a plane 00 Tnis is a potato D Questions 11 '7 Test is a snake D ' is a jacket D is an eraser D is a cupboard 12 D Reading ... Tne boq has got a kite The girl is waving at the monsters There are five ducks in the water 27 Test Part - questions Look at the pictures Look at the letters Write the words Example dol l Q...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2017, 20:01
... a c kn o wl e d ge m e nts 8 90 92 93 96 74 7'J Map of Cambridge Englishfor Schools Starter UNIT Lea rn English! W;lyS to learn English ; some basic ve rbs an d Il O UIl S; sociallanguage: ... Units 14-I K M aking your own test 72 What's in Cambridge English for Schools Starter? Cl1l1lb ri~i!c ElIglisft.ftJ Schools Starter has th ree parts for von T here is a Student 's Bo...
Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2015, 12:14