Common mistakes at IELTS advanced

common mistakes at ielts and how to avoid them advanced paperback sample pages

common mistakes at ielts and how to avoid them advanced paperback sample pages

... 978-0-521-69247-2 - Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced: And how to Avoid them Julie Moore Excerpt More information When I use capital letters? Tick the correct sentence in each pair a b a b She explained that ... Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-69247-2 - Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced: And how to Avoid them Julie Moore Excerpt More information When...

Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2016, 22:42

6 848 1
Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermadiate Part2 ppt

Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermadiate Part2 ppt

... grandmother that/who first sure what we have to write an instrument that is used to apologise for what I said Venus is a planet that you can creatures that live in rivers The people that/who I ... someone who/that can play the piano problems that can occur teacher who/that inspired teenagers who/that not feel those who/that not have People who/that work with People who/that continue ... renov...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 11:20

12 461 0
Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermadiate Part1 pptx

Common Mistakes at IELTS Intermadiate Part1 pptx

... singular: I play I watch you play you watch he/she/it plays he/she/it watches we play we watch you play you watch they play they watch II11 The government spent ten millionsdollars on edocation last uear ... enrolled • what to refer to the thing that or the things that: The government should show us what must be done (= the thing(s) that must be done) {;:{ ote that you should only use one rel...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 11:20

21 596 1
Common mistakes at IELTS intermediate and how to avoid them

Common mistakes at IELTS intermediate and how to avoid them

... forward to learning to play to show to study to waste to speak practising speaking making speaking to get happy to impossible to mark, too difficult to understand excited getting too expensive to ... they stopped to watch a large truck go past playing in order to watch the truck) Try + -ing to attempt to solve a problem by doing something attempt and fail to...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2014, 23:18

33 643 0
Common mistakes at IELTS intermediate

Common mistakes at IELTS intermediate

Ngày tải lên: 16/07/2017, 19:57

33 255 0
Tài liệu Common mistake at ielts intermediate part 1 pptx

Tài liệu Common mistake at ielts intermediate part 1 pptx

... singular: I play I watch you play you watch he/she/it plays he/she/it watches we play we watch you play you watch they play they watch II 11 The government spent ten millionsdollars on edocation last uear ... nearly always (9) (catch) the last bus to school My mother (make) our breakfast while I (11 ) (get (leave) for school at about 7.30 dressed), then 1( 12) (10 ) Match each amount (1-...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

10 618 3
Tài liệu Common mistake at ielts intermediate part 2 ppt

Tài liệu Common mistake at ielts intermediate part 2 ppt

... reduce ( /2) fne number fney smoke sU8!)esf 0.1130vernmenfs o.lso I believe (//.f) p.revenf fo o.dopf fnis more cnildren sfro.fe3Y fo up fnls 1990 20 00 20 01 20 02 2003 20 04 20 05 28 findin,9 ... This type of work attracts b Many people have died because at this disease a This data tooK tram 19 82 and 19 92, b This type of work attracts a greater '1 at menthan women a grea...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

10 700 3
Tài liệu Common mistake at ielts intermediate part 3 ppt

Tài liệu Common mistake at ielts intermediate part 3 ppt

... students that/who struggle grandmother that/who first sure what we have to write an instrument that is used to apologise for what I said Venus is a planet that you can creatures that live ... someone who/that can play the piano problems that can occur teacher who/that inspired teenagers who/that not feel those who/that not have People who/that work with People who/that continue ... that we (6...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

13 500 2
Common mistakes at PET and how to avoid them

Common mistakes at PET and how to avoid them

... in spoken and written English, especially after pronouns and short words Correct the mistake below Look at my shoes! Look at my shoes! I going to clean them them Add am, is or are to these sentences ... our photos Do you want to look at them? are you learning Italian? Paul works in New York and married to Anna my father is Spanish I like books which interesting і don*t...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 20:56

31 793 9
Common mistakes at KET

Common mistakes at KET

... I (D F' a { (D = OQ -5 ovx It A '-o -= =Y AO €€ =O v= I 5o, t o x o ct o o lt, o o o o o \ \o 3at {d !sS i: di \" o g s* { - =v v r- N I 9N 5q) N \R S OD \ { r3s d rBH d F (D o H = o 6l vt an ... o o (, ta o d o N *3 € o (r) o o I (D @ o €; 5X =) *a =u o o F (! o = ?iF (D -€ o CD () Fts (n at, (D F} (D F} (D (D CL o I Jb I q o a o € q rl I ) X - R €-li)ir !a,Jf\) - @ (! n rl q I x -J ... :i...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 14:13

35 503 5