Human resource management
... Solutions A2/16 Edinburgh Business School Human Resource Management Module 1The Origins and Nature of HumanResource ManagementContents1.1 What is Human Resource Management? 1/11.2 The Origins and Evolution ... School Human Resource Management Module 1 / The Origins and Nature of Human Resource Management1 .2.3 Organisational BehaviourThe mission of HRM is to maximise the...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 17:42
Strategic human resource management
... Thomson-Shore, Inc.iv ContentsPreface ixPART 1 THE FRAMEWORK OF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCEMANAGEMENT1 Human resource management 3Human resource management defined 3; Models of HRM 4;Aims of HRM 6; Characteristics ... employee relations.ix Part 1The framework of strategichuman resourcemanagement1 1Human resourcemanagementIn this chapter, the concept of human resource manageme...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 17:43
... work and life; they were part of our human capital;they were inimitable, irreplaceable, and very special assets…theyshould be here.Dedication E -Human ResourcesManagement:Managing Knowledge PeopleTable ... Brosche’s (2002) portal developmentmodel.Focusing on the development of human resources, Constant D. Beugré’s chap-ter, Human Resource Portals and the Protean Career: A Three-Facto...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 17:27
... Human Resource Management Good human resource management is essential to retain staff and maintain a high overall level of quality management system performance. Effective human resource ... drawbacks in human resource management that lead to resistances in implementing total quality management as well as suggests some solutions to make human resource management...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 17:09
E-Human Resource Management 17
... First, researchers in career management and human resource management may test the key assumptions of the three-factor model. For instance, in analyzing the impact of HR portals on the management of the ... turnover and developing skills inventories, and helps deliver human resource services with fewer people (Gale, 2003). Thus, the human resource function becomes less admin...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 17:15