Vocabulary files c2 answer key

the vocabulary files c2 (1)

the vocabulary files c2 (1)

... (i) the limb (ii) the wound (iii) an improvement (iv) the baby (v) the wound (vi) the sample (vii) the patient to the ward (viii) the drug (ix) the treatment (x) the baby (xi) the patient Use theverbsfromColumnAobovetofillin ... the onswers to (C) obove to fill in the gops in the sentences below l The government has sanctioned the sending of The _ are thought...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2015, 10:27

68 743 12
6778 grammar and vocabulary exercises for students of tourism industry 3 pages plus answer key

6778 grammar and vocabulary exercises for students of tourism industry 3 pages plus answer key

... with the pictures: sunglasses chocolate sports watch perfume tie earrings soft toy pen beer 10 eyeshadows Answer key: Grammar a) is going to be b) will replace c) will be built d) are going to ... correct order of pictures is as follows: Vocabulary: translate into your own language a) b) c) 10 d) e) f) g) h) i) j) - Good morning and welcome to Holiday Options I’m Matt Scot and lat...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 20:20

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