... class of auxiliary problems for the equilibrium problem (1.1) in Banach space is introduced We show the existence of approximate solutions of the auxiliary problems for the equilibrium problem, and ... definitions of convexity and strong convexity, respectively Remark 2.3 h is strongly monotone with the constant σ > if h is strongly convex with a con...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 18:20
Accounting and financial test
... are: a Inflation, uncertainty, and opportunity costs b Relevancy, stability, and consistency c Project returns, costs, and timing d Project options, positions, and variables 16 Which of the following ... borrowing against accounts receivable are: a Factoring and Assignment b Trust Receipts and Blanket Liens c Leasing and Buy Backs d Warranties and Options 23 In order to arrang...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2012, 11:30
... filtration and D=0.00237 is for LaNi5 The term ε and d are the porosity of metal hydride and average diameter of metal hydride particle, respectively In & the meanwhile, Jf is hydrogen flux and determined ... where K and E are effective thermal conductivity in metal hydride and heat of formation of hydride, respectively The two equations (16) and (19) are...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58