pgoda toeic RC 해설(5)

pgoda toeic RC 해설(5)

pgoda toeic RC 해설(5)

... Marc Clinton Marc Clinton 198 Road Drive Amarillo TX 79119 안녕히 계십시오 Marc Clinton Marc Clinton 198 Road Drive Amarillo TX 79119 [어휘] appreciation 감사 remarkable 뛰어난, 눈에 띄는 a great deal 대단히 purchase ... 사업체 이전 [해설] Mahoning Valley Logistics, Inc., Commercial Moving Service에서 이 회사는 상업용 이주 서비스 전문업체임을 알 수 있으므로 (D)가 정답임 을 알 수 있다 140 PAGO...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2016, 11:19

30 333 1
Jim Toeic RC test 5 có đáp án

Jim Toeic RC test 5 có đáp án

... Sincerely, &rw,9,ir7eo,r Brian S Simpson Accounting Manager Coram lncorporated (206) 755 8 956 140 t 05 NO TEST MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE ParlT Directions: ln this part you will read a selection of ... the store {D) When she no longer wishes to receive mail 142 I- t Ouestions 155 - 157 refer to the following messaqe 05 This is one of our biggest projects so far, so let's get busy Here is my s...

Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 23:22

29 1,5K 3


Ngày tải lên: 11/05/2015, 07:54

270 1,3K 0
Economy Toeic Rc vol 2

Economy Toeic Rc vol 2

Ngày tải lên: 13/07/2015, 08:17

271 513 0
New real TOEIC RC blue 8test

New real TOEIC RC blue 8test

... '"orkplace Tasks in the new TOEIC te.t are more authentic and there is a 1-vider ~ange of English accents rompaud to the previous version How is the new TOEIC different? The new Listening Section ... use of dtfferent Engllsb accents, as spoken in the U.S, Great Britain, Canada and Australia The new Readmg Section has thrPt major changes: • the eJiminarirm of Part (error recognitio...

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2015, 18:05

292 923 0
Economy TOEIC RC 1000 vol4 - phần 1

Economy TOEIC RC 1000 vol4 - phần 1

... w s ac ht oe i cr e only 30k per day w w w s ac ht oe i cr e only 30k per day w w w s ac ht oe i cr e only 30k per day w w ... w s ac ht oe i cr e only 30k per day w w w s ac ht oe i cr e only 30k per day w w w s ac ht oe i cr e only 30k per day w w ... w s...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2016, 14:09

40 532 0
Economy TOEIC RC 1000 vol5   phần 1

Economy TOEIC RC 1000 vol5 phần 1

... ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2016, 14:45

54 511 0
pagoda toeic RC 해설(1)

pagoda toeic RC 해설(1)

... only outlines his research, but also how it affected his personal life and led him to found the company that would become the largest maker of commercial and military jet aircraft in Europe 이 다큐멘터리는 ... 뒤에 빈칸이 쓰였는데‘안전 규칙을 마련한다’ 고 빈칸 뒤 명사를 목적어로 취하는 해석이 자연스러우므로 동명사인 (D) establishing이 정답 이다 PAGODA 토익 실전 1000제 RC | TEST 01 저작권...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2016, 11:18

31 544 1
pagoda toeic RC 해설(2)

pagoda toeic RC 해설(2)

... with your merchandise - two weeks of purchase (A) in (B) for (C) since (D) within 구매 후 2주 이내에 원본 영수증과 물품을 함께 가져오시는 한 저희 Novel 백화점에서는 100% 환불을 해드립니다 [어휘] original receipt 원본 영수증 merchandise 물품 ... 있으므로 (C)가 정답이다 47 PAGODA 토익 실전 1000제 RC | TEST 02 저작권자 ⓒ 2012 by Questions 162-164 refer to the following article 162-164는 다음...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2016, 11:19

31 497 1
pagoda toeic RC 해설(3)

pagoda toeic RC 해설(3)

... March through March If you could supply me with some information about your rooms and the amenities at your resort, I could review them to see if they meet our needs 85 PAGODA 토익 실전 1000제 RC ... 자연스러우므로 (A) problems가 정답 이다 73 PAGODA 토익 실전 1000제 RC | TEST 03 저작권자 ⓒ 2012 by Questions 150-152 refer to the following notice Bakersfield, November 26 - The Chamber o...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2016, 11:19

31 453 1
pagoda toeic RC 해설(4)

pagoda toeic RC 해설(4)

... A research assistant’s responsibilities include for information to help analysts predict the world economy and make investment decisions (A) search (B) searches (C) searching (D) searched 연구 ... 103 PAGODA 토익 실전 1000제 RC | TEST 04 저작권자 ⓒ 2012 by Questions 147-149 refer to the following article 147-149는 다음 기사에 관한 문제입니다 To : All employees From : Shi-en Zhang, Directo...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2016, 11:19

30 552 1