Boost grammar 2 SB

Boost grammar 2 SB

Boost grammar 2 SB

... motvatedto learn GrammarSkil! An in depih presentation of thetargeted unitskllls provided Studentswill be rntroduced to thegrammarskillin a clearand LJnderstandable way be abletousethegrammartable ... correctform of the listen and checkyour answers stqy put stort qdvise Clrnve July24 July25 we havecampedmanyhmesbe{ore, The foresl ranger ls1 bul lhs I'meis reallysped,al We us lo walch ouf for...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 21:24

71 581 1
boost grammar 2

boost grammar 2

... motvatedto learn GrammarSkil! An in depih presentation thetargeted of unitskllls provided Students will be rntroduced thegrammarskillin to a clearand LJnderstandable way be abletousethegrammartable ... qulckand easyreference ,llri Grammarlllodel A mode listening ogueor readng passages presented dia with accompanying noticing tasks Studentswi'l be introduced thegrammar through coniextua mode ....

Ngày tải lên: 11/11/2014, 14:21

71 973 1
Boost grammar 2 PB

Boost grammar 2 PB

... streom 10:00 go rofting I2:OO hove lunch 2: OO survey wild plonts fohn's schedule 6:30 get up 7:3O hove breokfost 8:OO meet with teommotes 9:00 go rock climbing 72: OO hove lunch 2: OO visit o shelter ... on the exom 10 There is o lot of bononos in the bosket 11 I drink o of oronge juice every doy 12 My grondmo lives in the country where she keepso few chicken 13 Would vou like to listen t...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 21:24

49 425 2
Boost grammar 2 TB

Boost grammar 2 TB

... mistaker in the pasrage Johnffihiking 6-30 7.30 8i00 9.00 12. 00 2: OO to t::tal loving Nature SUBJECT Nature GRAMMAR SKILT Presentperfect GRAMMAR TASK Write a paragraphabout a forestranger'sjob Present ... frinuleo before chocolote putting almonde onlop Thonksl :a.l',1 :2 Sptcial Events SUBJECT Culture and People GRAMMAR SKILL Linking verbs GRAMMAR TASK Write a paragraphabouta spec...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2016, 21:25

102 549 0
Grammar space beginner 2 SB

Grammar space beginner 2 SB

... 30 19 They went to the zoo Past Simple 2: Irregular Verbs 78 08 It is 12 o’clock It + The Verb Be 34 20 You must be quiet Modal Verbs: Must / Have To 82 Present Simple, Adjectives & Adverbs ... Appendix: Grammar Station After every four units, students will take a review test These tests aim to access and evaluate students’ understanding of the grammar points that they have learned G...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 05:57

53 355 0
Grammar space beginner 2 SB keys

Grammar space beginner 2 SB keys

... 30 19 They went to the zoo Past Simple 2: Irregular Verbs 78 08 It is 12 o’clock It + The Verb Be 34 20 You must be quiet Modal Verbs: Must / Have To 82 Present Simple, Adjectives & Adverbs ... Appendix: Grammar Station After every four units, students will take a review test These tests aim to access and evaluate students’ understanding of the grammar points that they have learned G...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 05:58

53 441 0
Grammar space 2 SB

Grammar space 2 SB

... advertisement for laptops Complete the sentences A Wind Pro Touch Tech Manufacture year 20 12 2014 Thickness 1 .2 cm 2. 0 cm Weight 1.5 kg 1.8 kg Color black white Price $199 $189 smart The dolphin’s ... Year’s Day on the weekend in January in 20 14 in winter in the morning/afternoon The movie begins at 7:30 The exam is on June 24 My sister was born in 20 02 We don’t use prepositions...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 10:32

51 399 0
Grammar space kids 2 SB

Grammar space kids 2 SB

... Present Simple 34 26 The Verb Be: Questions Are you angry? Test Your Grammar 22 The Verb Be I’m not a doctor Test Your Grammar Are you studying? I’m not sleeping He is sleeping Grammar Cards Supplementary ... key grammar points The key grammar points are highlighted on the cards and there are corresponding pictures to help students easily learn the grammar rules being presented...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2016, 09:38

83 770 0
Lexico- grammar 2

Lexico- grammar 2

... B 19 A 20 D 1.C B 11 B 16 A C B 12 C 17 B D B 13 D 18 D A A 14 A 19 B A 10 B 15 C 20 B 1.C A 11 D 16 B A A 12 B 17 D D B 13 C 18 A B C 14 D 19 A D 10 A 15 A 20 C 1.D C 11 D 16 C D D 12 B 17 C ... see 20 I think he is ill Please send Adoctor A for B to C in D with Answerkey Ex 1: 1.A C 11 C A D 12 B C A 13 B D A 14 C A 10 B 15 D 1.C B 11 B D D 12 C A D 13 C 4.C D 14 A B 10A 15 A Ex 2...

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2013, 18:10

7 1,8K 55
grammar 2

grammar 2

... smt: dừng làm việc He stoped smoking = Anh ta bỏ thuốc 2a) Remember to smt: Nhớ phải làm Remember to send this letter = Hãy nhớ gửi thư 2b) Remember doing smt: Nhớ làm I remember locking the ... từ be thời mệnh đề phụ dùng từ be thời I am happy, and you are too I am happy, and so are you (2) (2) Khi mệnh đề có cụm trợ động từ + động từ, ví dụ will go, should do, has done, have written, ... p...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 15:10

17 534 0
GRAMMAR! 2.6.0 - Phiên bản mới, với nhiều cải tiến vượt bậc

GRAMMAR! 2.6.0 - Phiên bản mới, với nhiều cải tiến vượt bậc

... Phiên 2.6.0 bổ sung vào phiên 2.5.5 điểm sau: - Tất đọc có hình minh họa - Bạn tra từ tất ứng dụng khác cách mở tự điển Grammar! lần muốn tra từ làm bước sau ... cấp thông tin: - Web thức: & - Nhật ký (cũng địa dự phòng thông tin cho Grammar!) (*) Khi có phiên mới, phiên nâng cấp, ... câu t...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2013, 08:10

7 436 1
Grammar 2

Grammar 2

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2013, 21:10

1 257 0