50583 places in a city

3752 places in a town  multiple

3752 places in a town multiple

... 1 a b c b a c b c a 10 c 11 a 12 b 13 c 14 a 15 c 16 b 17 a 18 c 19 b 20 c 21 a 22 b 23 a 24 c 25 b 26 b 27 a 28 b 29 c 30 c

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 14:40

2 276 0
places in a town 1 ev47

places in a town 1 ev47

... English Banana.com Test Your Vocabulary Skills Places in a Town Here is the list of place names in alphabetical order: bank butcher car park charity shop chemist church clothes shop dental surgery ... greengrocer’s hospital mosque newsagent off-licence optician’s petrol station pub restaurant supermarket surgery synagogue For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishban...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:17

2 144 0
places in a town 2 ev48

places in a town 2 ev48

... English Banana.com Test Your Vocabulary Skills Places in a Town Here is the list of place names in alphabetical order: bingo hall café carpet shop car showroom catalogue shop cathedral cinema department ... garden centre jeweller’s night club old people’s home post office sandwich shop social club swimming pool theatre undertaker’s For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www....

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:17

2 177 0
places in a town 3 ev49

places in a town 3 ev49

... English Banana.com Test Your Vocabulary Skills Places in a Town Here is the list of place names in alphabetical order: airport art gallery chapel college community centre ... café gym library market museum park police station public conveniences school stately home taxi rank veterinary surgery university For more fun tests, quizzes and games log onto www.englishbanana.com ... univer...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:17

2 123 0
places in a town spot the odd one out

places in a town spot the odd one out

... odd one out: trainers odd one out: cinema ticket supermarket library odd one out: pet rabbit odd one out: eat a curry post office clothes shop odd one out: fish and chips odd one out: suitcase ... English Banana.com Test Your Vocabulary Skills Places in a Town – Spot the Odd One Out Match each place with a word list below, then decide which...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 17:17

2 244 1
18310 places in the city

18310 places in the city

... Places in the city Look at all the descriptions and match them to the places from worksheet to worksheet • A small restaurant in which coffee and light meals are served • A business in which ... psychiatric care and treatment for the sick or the injured • An area of land set aside for public use • A small enclosure containing a public telephone • Business where you can...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 06:29

5 149 0
56367 places in my city

56367 places in my city

... controls the city - An Administration Building -6 -7 -9 -12 -14 -5 -16 -4 -11 -15 -13 -3 -2 -10 -8 bank theatre museum cinema houses school hairdresser’s restaurant factory fountain church drugstore ... different things there o) Many people attend these ancient buildings Guess what place it is: It is the biggest building in the city There is usually a flag over it Many people work there...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 07:22

2 174 0
Living in a city

Living in a city

... ban đêm thành phố tràn ngập ánh đèn đầy màu sắc Họ làm cho thành phố nơi tốt đẹp Một số phần thành phố, đặc biệt nơi rạp chiếu phim chương trình âm nhạc được, đông đúc Nhiều người học vào ban

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 07:46

2 241 0
26510 places in the city

26510 places in the city

... go to the If I need to stay for a night, I need to go to the If I need to buy some petrol for my car, I need to go to the If I need to buy some medicine, I need to go to the If I need to drink ... of beer, I need to go to the If I need to meet a policeman, I need to go to the If I need to park my car, I need to go to the If I need to get a train, I need to go to the 10 If I ne...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 10:06

5 127 0
Tài liệu Effect of a school-based oral health education programme in Wuhan City, Peoples Republic of China ppt

Tài liệu Effect of a school-based oral health education programme in Wuhan City, Peoples Republic of China ppt

... teachers All teachers were instructed in the use of a health education manual16 encompassing an appropriate booklet and a guide for including oral health into lessons, use of health education materials ... calibrated against a master examiner The kappa statistic was used to assess the inter-examiner reliability of caries and the final kappa scores were higher than 0....

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 13:20

9 587 0
Tài liệu Particulate Air Pollution in Mexico City: A Col laborative Research Project doc

Tài liệu Particulate Air Pollution in Mexico City: A Col laborative Research Project doc

... (Teotihuacan, Cuautitlan, Chalco, and UNAM), acoustic sodar at sites (Teotihuacan and Chalco), and surface meteorological towers at sites (Teotihuacan, Chalco, and UNAM) Preliminary findings related ... Tlalnepantla TLA Industrial and residential area with nearby electronics manufacturing, corn milling, and metal fabricating facilities Nezahuatcoyotl NET Near heavily traveled paved and unpave...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 22:20

25 362 0