41017 past simple and continuous the un fortunately story

41017 past simple and continuous the un fortunately story

41017 past simple and continuous the un fortunately story

... FORTUNATELY, UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY, The Un/ Fortunately Story! ! Introduction: UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY, UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY, UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY, UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY, Activity ... personalize them according to the number of your students Have fun!! The Un/ Fortunately Story! ! Introduction: UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY, UNFORTUNATELY, FORTUNATE...

Ngày tải lên: 28/08/2016, 10:19

6 176 0
Thì quá khứ đơn và thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (the past simple and the past continuous)

Thì quá khứ đơn và thì quá khứ tiếp diễn (the past simple and the past continuous)

... 1 Diễn đạt hành động xảy chấm dứt hoàn toàn Diễn đạt hành động xảy khứ thời điểm khứ Ex: Dickens wrote Oliver Twist Ex: What were you doing at 8:30 last night? Diễn đạt hành động xảy Diễn ... xảy Diễn đạt hai hành động xảy song song liên tiếp khứ khứ Ex: Ex: She came home, switched on the While my dad was reading a magazine, my computer and checked her emum was cooking d...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 10:28

2 706 0
Past tenses (past simple and past continuous) Slide

Past tenses (past simple and past continuous) Slide

... shining and the birds were singing Past Continuous Time markers - at … - this time yesterday/ last week How they relate? Past Simple Past Simple & Past Continuous When Past Simple & Past Continuous ... they differ? Past Simple Past Simple & Present Perfect PAST SIMPLE The game finished yesterday (Time?) PRESENT PERFECT The game has finished (Time?) Past Simp...

Ngày tải lên: 06/04/2016, 14:02

23 1,2K 5
15410 past simple and past continuous

15410 past simple and past continuous

... SENTENCES USING PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 1.-Yesterday at 9,30 pm my parents WERE SITTING in the garden DRINKING some Coke 2.- The chambermaid MADE my bed in the hotel and CLEANED the ... A) CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION 1.-Anthony called while I was parking the car 2.-Miranda was driving to work when she saw the accident 3.-Thomas wasn’t watching the film when Sonia ... Miri...

Ngày tải lên: 26/08/2016, 05:44

2 1,8K 4
16673 past simple and past continuous

16673 past simple and past continuous

... COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 1.- The gangster …………… (rob) the money when the police caught him 2.- ... rain 10.-I ……… … (take) the photograph while you………… (laugh) 11.-The American astronauts …………… (land) on the Moon 12.-The journalist ……… …… (write) a very good article while he ………… (work) for

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 18:38

2 415 0
The present perfect simple and continuous

The present perfect simple and continuous

... The present perfect continuous is also used for unfinished past and present result, but the main focus is on ACTIVITY and DURATION.  The Present Perfect Simple The Present Perfect Continuous     1) Unfinished Past There is often little difference in ...  Therefore, 'I've gone', You've gone' and 'we've gone' are usually unnatural in English   Viv uses the mnemonic 'Unhappy Parrots Like Ea...

Ngày tải lên: 27/08/2016, 19:42

3 356 0