Aladdin and the magic Lamp
... half done Aladdin knowing that their task was vain, bade them undo their work and carry the Aladdin and the magic Lamp jewels back, and the genie finished the window at his command The Sultan ... Aladdin and the magic Lamp and rubbed it The genie appeared, and at the magician's command carried him, together with the palace and the Princess in it...
Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2015, 11:00
Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2016, 21:47
Architecture and the UML
... class diagram shows the existence of classes and their relationships in the logical view of a system UML modeling elements in class diagrams - Classes and their structure and behavior - Association, ... 20 Extending the UML Stereotypes can be used to extend the UML notational elements Stereotypes may be used to classify and extend associations, inheritance relationships,...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:58
Financial liberalisation and the relationship between finance and growth
... and liberalization, on the one hand, and growth and growth volatility, on the other, were tradeoffs in democracies We explore briefly both lines of inquiry as a guide to further research 13 The ... grow quickly and others not That is, the variation in the dependent variables comes from both the time series and the cross-sections, and some pooling of data is neces...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2012, 08:50