face2face starter students book

face2face starter students book

face2face starter students book

... ISBN ISBN ISBN ISBN ISBN 978-0-52L-7L273-6Studenr'sBook with CD-ROM/Audio CD 978-0-521-71274-3Workbook with Key 978-0- 521-7IZ7 5-0 Teacher'sBook 978-0-52I-71276-7ClassAudio Cassettes(2) 978-0-52L-7I277-4ClassAudio ... Cambridge University Pressdoes not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter StarterStudent's Book risRedston GillieCunningham Cl.tvrnRrDGE UNTVERSITY PRESS Cont...

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 13:24

132 502 0
oxford - lets go starter students book

oxford - lets go starter students book

... Insect - How are you? 0 0 l) t) ()

Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2014, 12:53

65 2,7K 4
Speakout starter students book

Speakout starter students book

... /neunJ hear name Ud dU I'tU;}TIS n;}u tourist ) ed iwe;}/ where no oy car ~y au Starter Students' Book with ActiveBook CONTENTS -'.' ~ , names be: he / she/it jobs pronunciati on of sentences ... nati o naliti es B Change questions 1-5 to make questions about students and things in your classroom Are these Nico's books? book? o Read the text again and find: • two names of films th ese...

Ngày tải lên: 12/06/2016, 16:56

164 1,8K 1
Soft starter hand book

Soft starter hand book

... Star-delta start Softstarter Selection of a suitable Softstarter .16 16 17 17 18 Centrifugal pump Direct-on-line start (D.O.L) Star-delta start Softstarter Selection of a suitable Softstarter .19 ... (D.O.L) Star-delta start Softstarter Selection of a suitable Softstarter Contents Compressor Direct-on-line start (D.O.L) Star-delta start Softstarter Selection of a suitable Softstarter .27 27 2...

Ngày tải lên: 28/12/2013, 22:24

94 366 0