Basic English Grammar, Book 1
... 83 89 93 96 10 Prepositions 13 2 11 Conjunctions 13 5 12 Interjections 13 8 13 Sentences 13 9 What is a Sentence? 13 9 Kinds of Sentences 14 0 The Imperative 14 1 The Subject and the Object 14 3 Direct ... Present Progressive Tense Have and Has The Present Perfect Tense 98 99 10 4 10 6 10 8 11 2 11 3 11 5 12 0 Subject-Verb Agreement 12 3 Adverbs 12 7 44 Determiners Verbs...
Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 15:07
TOEIC grammar version 1 0
... He holds numerous non-executive directorships besides his £ 400 ,00 0 job at Man PLC Ce sujet continue page suivante 15 /09 / 200 6 v 1. 00 33 Prepositions, Suite In/on/at Preposition Time at night Space ... (somebody) a favor • your hair • 10 0 mph • the shopping, the ironing, the laundry • something, anything, nothing • the accounts • a statement 15 /09 / 200 6 v 1. 00 You make: •...
Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2013, 10:15
Practical grammar level 1
... description of Sophie and Emma's routines Sophie Larry Emma Dan start 10 :00 09:30 16 :30 17 :00 break 15 :00 15 :00 19 :30 19 :30 finish 16 :30 16 :00 23 :30 24:00 Sophie and Emma are chefs Sophie I ... you got 1/ my phone? 1/ My haven't got a fast car 10 We / Our have got a house near here Where are you / your glasses? 11 He / His mobile is on the table He / His father is from...
Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2013, 01:21
... fouf five seven eight ~ SIX nine 10 ten 11 e\even 11 tve\ve 13 thi(teen 14 - foufteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 11 1~ nineteen 10 tventy Write the first letter and find the secret ... alligator tree brush apple 10 11 tomato 12 kites cherries potatoes toys dresses ~ p p I.~~ 10 boys 11 12 watches A, an, irregular plurals Grammar corner ~ Some nouns not...
Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2013, 12:49
... Năm học 2 010 – 2 011 Giáo n Tiếng Anh c Do / Does + S + V ? Wh- / how + / does + S + V ? Ex: What you everyday? ... simple tense to talk about what you everyday, everyweek, and how often you things Exercises : (1) on page 12 2 * Key to the exercises: a) like / like / Do you like / I don’t like b) Does she like / ... some, any Exercises : (2) on page 12 2 * Key to the exercises: a) any / an...
Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2013, 17:11
Bài soạn Grammar practice 1 HKII
... progressive tense III While – Practice: - Asks the Ss to work in goups of or , doing the exercise concering with the present simple tense 13 m ( exercise 1, 4,5 on page 12 2, 12 3 s in the textbook - ... exercises in individual - Asks the Ss to exercises 2, 3, on page 12 2, 12 3 in the textbook - Corrects the Ss’mistakes IV Post – Practice: - Asks the Ss to give the correct verb form...
Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2013, 17:11
... the house was wide open I hated the idea of leaving him alone Participles and some adjectives can also be used after a noun See Units 19 and 29 She pointed to the three cards lying on the table ... singular form of the present simple, the `-ing' form or present participle, and the `-ed' form used for the past simple and for the past participle ask* asks* asking* asked dance* dances* dancing*...
Ngày tải lên: 23/12/2013, 14:15
... Nigel's work (10 ) to him and how he's (11 ) talking about it Well, the holiday is so good that he's forgotten all about work So it's the perfect holiday The only problem is that it's (12 ) us a lot ... don't d) isn't Test lB Read Tessa's postcard to Angela and write the missing words Use one word only in each space We're (►) having a great time here It's beautiful, and the sun (1) shining...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15