CAMBRIDGE 2010 objective PET for schools 74p

First for Schools Handbook for Teachers Nov 2010

First for Schools Handbook for Teachers Nov 2010

... Preface This handbook is for anyone preparing candidates for Cambridge English: First for Schools • Cambridge English: First, commonly known as First Certificate in English (FCE) ... school-age learners – Cambridge English: First for Schools Cambridge English: First for Schools • follows exactly the same format and level as Cambridge English: First • leads to exac...

Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2015, 21:00

60 309 1
Cambridge English for Schools Starter-Students Books

Cambridge English for Schools Starter-Students Books

... a c kn o wl e d ge m e nts 8 90 92 93 96 74 7'J Map of Cambridge Englishfor Schools Starter UNIT Lea rn English! W;lyS to learn English ; some basic ve rbs an d Il O UIl S; sociallanguage: ... Units 14-I K M aking your own test 72 What's in Cambridge English for Schools Starter? Cl1l1lb ri~i!c ElIglisft.ftJ Schools Starter has th ree parts for von T here is a Student 's Bo...

Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2015, 12:14

98 998 1
Bài thi FCE for Schools 2010 (Listening)

Bài thi FCE for Schools 2010 (Listening)

... his mobile phone What is he doing? A asking for help with something B saying why he hasn’t done something C passing on some information about something Turn over Listening „ Part Questions – ... did that for six weeks One night a TV producer came to see A asking for help with something the show It was him who signed me up for the TV show Footnotes B saying why he hasn’t done something...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2015, 14:30

14 1,2K 5
Bài thi FCE for Schools 2010 (Speaking)

Bài thi FCE for Schools 2010 (Speaking)

... interlocutor awards a mark for Global Achievement ■ Grammar and Vocabulary This refers to the accurate and appropriate use of a range of grammatical forms and vocabulary Performance is viewed in terms ... degree of effort required to understand the candidate ■ Interactive Communication This refers to the candidate’s ability to take an active part in the development of the discourse This req...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2015, 14:31

4 499 0
Bài thi FCE for Schools 2010 (Writing)

Bài thi FCE for Schools 2010 (Writing)

... assessment to what comes before this However, credit is given for relevant material appearing later The examiner’s first priority is to give credit for the candidate’s efforts at communication, ... About A Bad Character In A Story You Know ̈ What does this person do? ̈ Why does this person behave so badly? ̈ Is there something you like about this person? The writer of the best article wil...

Ngày tải lên: 24/07/2015, 14:31

14 481 1
Cambridge English - Young Learners brief guide for schools

Cambridge English - Young Learners brief guide for schools

... look forward to preparing for the next exam.” A Cambridge English certificate for everyone Luciane Calcara, Colégio Farroupilha, Brazil What’s in the tests? ... learning English Cambridge English: Young Learners is a series of motivating, activity-based language tests What level are the tests? gives your students a clear path to improve...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2015, 22:02

2 404 0
Cambridge English Preliminary Pet Handbook for Teachers

Cambridge English Preliminary Pet Handbook for Teachers

... lost for the occasional request for repetition 42 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: pRELIMINARy handbook for teachers pApER 3: SpEAKING | saMPLe PaPer PaPer | SPEAKING CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: pRELIMINARy handbook for ... 28 CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: pRELIMINARy handbook for teachers aboUt caMbrIdGe esoL About Cambridge ESOL Cambridge English: Preliminary is developed by Unive...

Ngày tải lên: 30/12/2015, 18:07

54 896 6