Circuit design for linearizing transmitter
... Circuit Design for Linearizing Transmitter Sim Chan Kuen, (B Eng., Nanyang Technological University) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF ... tones for ROF predistortion two-tones test (after linearization) 82 4.25 Two-tones test for ROF system 83 4.26 Multi-Carrier Test for ROF system(Before Linearization) 85 4.27 Multi-Carrier Test for...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 20:57
... RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications For a listing of recent titles in the Artech House Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Series, turn to the back of this book RF MEMS Circuit ... RF MEMS and traditional RF and microwave circuit design Chapter of RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications starts by clearly stating the ubi...
Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 20:20
... Hartley / 735 5-4-2 Colpitts / 735 5-4-3 ClappGouriet / 736 5-5 Design of RF Oscillators / 736 5-5-1 General Thoughts on Transistor Oscillators / 736 5-5-2 Two-Port Microwave /RF Oscillator Design / ... advances In this book, RF/ Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications, Dr Rohde helps clarify RF theory and its reduction to practical ap...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 22:20
device modeling for analog and rf cmos circuit design
... Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design Trond Ytterdal Norwegian University of Science and Technology Yuhua ... packing of devices into many Device Modeling for Analog and RF CMOS Circuit Design 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ISBN: 0-471-49869-6 T Ytterdal, Y Cheng and...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 16:06
Low power high data rate transmitter design for biomedical application
... settling time for ILRO allows the TX to operate in the form of “sniffing” or “wake up” This is also desirable for low- data rate application, where the data is buffered and transmitted at the highest ... contributions of my research works lie in the design of low- power high- data- rate TX dedicated for biomedical applications The first contribution of my works is the...
Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:19
Design for manufacturing in IC fabrication mask cost, circuit performance and convergence
... costs of manufacturing ICs [2–4] It is also the key enabler and “bottleneck” controlling the device scaling, circuit performance and magnitude of integration for silicon semiconductors This integration ... electrically driven OPC Specifically, instead of transistor drive current, timing performance is selected as the metric of electrical performance, since timing performance i...
Ngày tải lên: 10/09/2015, 09:13
HBT characterization and modeling for nonlinear microwave circuit design
... the characterization and modeling of various HBTs The objective of this research project is to develop accurate and practical HBT small-signal and large-signal models for the successful design ... LSI circuits HBT is the best for sample and hold circuits Large-signal Collector Efficiency M H H Power Density M M H HBT is potentially the best for power devices HBT is...
Ngày tải lên: 17/09/2015, 17:20
Linear Minimum Mean-Square-Error Transceiver Design for Amplify-and-Forward Multiple Antenna Relaying Systems
... Design for Amplify-and-Forward Multiple Antenna Relaying Systems by Chengwen Xing B.Eng., Xidian University, Xi’an, P R China A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the ... thesis Transceiver designs for point-to-point MIMO or multi-user MIMO systems have been widely addressed previously However, for AF MIMO xi relaying system, due to the r...
Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:31
user interface design for mere mortals may 2007
... User Interface Design for Mere Mortals ® Addison-Wesley presents the For Mere Mortals ® Series Series Editor: Michael J Hernandez The goal of the For Mere Mortals ® Series is ... for Mere Mortals Kathleen McGrath and Paul Stubbs ISBN: 0321426711 For more information, check out the series web site at User Interface...
Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 22:49
Allen and Holberg - CMOS Analog Circuit Design
... CCVS Ai I CCCS Page I. 4-2 Allen and Holberg - CMOS Analog Circuit Design Page I. 4-3 Notation for signals Id id ID iD time Allen and Holberg - CMOS Analog Circuit Design II CMOS TECHNOLOGY Contents ... photoresist Allen and Holberg - CMOS Analog Circuit Design Photomask UV Light Photomask Photoresist Polysilicon Page II. 1-8 Alle...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 12:15