A study of chinese leftist poetry in singapore (1965 1975)

A study of chinese leftist poetry in singapore (1965 1975)

A study of chinese leftist poetry in singapore (1965 1975)

... proletariats, i.e workers, peasants and soldiers In this respect, poetry was combative and regarded as a “weapon”, an essential part of leftist literature Mao’s subsequent advocacy of “Socialist ... vi ABSTRACT This thesis is a study of Chinese leftist poetry in Singapore from 1965 to 1975 Leftists were influenced by both China and local political development The p...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:05

255 909 0
Gender and migration a study of chinese new migrants in singapore

Gender and migration a study of chinese new migrants in singapore

... Nicola Piper and Mina Roces, “Introduction: Marriage and Migration in an Age of Globalization”, in Nicola Piper and Mina Roces (eds.), Wife or Worker? Asian Women and Migration (Lanham : Rowman ... Nicola Piper and Mina Roces, “Introduction: Marriage and Migration in an Age of Globalization”, in Nicola Piper and Mina Roces (eds.), Wife or Worker? Asian Women a...

Ngày tải lên: 07/10/2015, 09:55

154 699 0
A comparative study of themes and vocabularies in singapore and malaysias chinese teaching materials

A comparative study of themes and vocabularies in singapore and malaysias chinese teaching materials

... with themes and vocabularies in Singapore and Malaysia’s teaching materials, this paper attempts to exemplify the influence of local Chinese education’s orientation on teaching materials compilation ... 25 v Abstract This paper carries out a systematic and comprehensive study on the selection of themes and vocabularies in Singapore and Malaysia’s Ch...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 11:57

137 2K 0
A study of country based differences in project managers practices in project management implementation japan and singapore

A study of country based differences in project managers practices in project management implementation japan and singapore

... Respondents in Japan and Singapore Table 4.2: Characteristics of Companies in Japan and Singapore Table 4.3: Project Characteristics in Japan and Singapore Table 4.4: Project Success Rated by Respondents ... than those in Singapore, and Japan also had a larger share of male project managers Thirdly, the findings of this study also reveal that J...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2015, 10:05

135 400 0
The vision of arif budiman a case study of malay language education in singapore

The vision of arif budiman a case study of malay language education in singapore

... Berita Harian, 11 June 2005, “Tingkat Usaha Kuasai Bahasa Melayu” “Pada masa yang sama kita akur bahawa bahasa Melayu akan terus berperanan sebagai bahasa budaya, bahasa seni, bahasa nilai, bahasa ... “Saranan-saranan yang dikemukakan mahu meningkatkan tahap pencapaian bahasa dan budaya Melayu supaya bahasa dan budaya Melayu dapat terus dimajukan, dibina secara tetap sehingga menjadi bahasa d...

Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 15:49

214 1,4K 0
Industrial design strategies for sustainable development  a case study of the packaging industry in singapore

Industrial design strategies for sustainable development a case study of the packaging industry in singapore

... the Singapore Packaging Agreement.” 3R Packaging Awards 2008 Communication Folder The Singapore Star Award The Asia Star Awards are organised annually by the Asian Packaging Federation The Singapore ... in the main areas of focus: Industrial Design and sustainable development and the packaging industry in the context of Singapore The next st...

Ngày tải lên: 12/10/2015, 17:36

136 757 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 5

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 5

... Assembly on Chinese Education, Singapore: F.S Horslin, Government Printer, 1 956 Chinese Language Review Committee Chinese Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore: Report of Chinese Language ... Commission of Inquiry into Education Singapore; Final Report, Singapore: commission of inquiry into education, 1964 Singpapore Ministry of Education, Speeches ―Minist...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

43 615 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 4

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 4

... 中学从选材开始就让该校的校本课程与规定课程之间的界线泾渭分明。 11 此个案参见 Macklin, Pamela School- based curriculum development : does it work?”, Jolimont: Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers, 20 04 12 同上。 49 2.2 以日常生活语料为题材 与培侨中学一样在选材上颇下功夫的,还有新加坡的新民中学,规定课程制作 ... 刘彩凤〈关于提高校本课程实效性的反思〉,见《华文老师》第 50 期,...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

10 518 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 3

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 3

... 课程教学目标制定得怎样呢? 27 Tyler, R W Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction (Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1950), p3 翻译笔者参阅了张华《课程与教学论》(上海:上海教育出版社,2000),页 95 -96。 28 Ibid 39 3. 2 目标任老师猜 在采访中,笔者发现,老师拿到本校校本课程的教学资料并不是一件难事,有 ... 作为规定课程的补充,以“有针对性的提高学生的华语水平”为使命的新加坡 小...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

18 372 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 2

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 2

... 华文课程与教学法检讨委员会《华文课程与教学法检讨委员会报告书》(新加坡:该委员会), 20 04 年,页 46。 38 同 29 ,页 - 7。 39 同 36,页 26 。 40 同 32 页 2 41 同 36,页 26 。 42 同 32 页 27 。 43 同 29 ,页 8。 44 同 36,页 27 。 25 对于讲英语家庭越来越多的新加坡,华文课可能是学生接触华文最为重要甚至 是唯一的机会,这无形中使得华文老师所扮演的角色愈发重要了。“在华文教学的 ... 61。 同...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

12 461 0
The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 1

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 1

... of Chinese teaching , The Straits Times, Nov 16 , 2004 Ho Ai Li, “Change in teaching methods can only be good”, The Straits Times, Nov 18 , 2004 45 Neo, Peng Fu Chinese Language Teaching in Singapore: ... Commission of Inquiry into Education Singapore; Final Report (Singapore: commission of inquiry into education, 19 64), p46 同上。 详见 Lim, Tay Boh et al Commiss...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 15:56

16 536 0
A study of kinematic vertical motions in the troposphere in Iraq

A study of kinematic vertical motions in the troposphere in Iraq

... Khanaqin Haditha 34 H-1 Hit 160 Km Ramadi Rutbah Baghdad Habbaniyah 33 Karbalaa AL-Hillah Kut AL-Hai Nukhaib Najaf 32 Diwaniya Amarah Semawa Nassriyah 31 Basrah AL-Salman Bussaya Shaibah Fao 30 39 ... same four points as shown in Figure Zakho 37 Rabiah Salahaddin Sinjar Mousl Tallafar Arbil 36 Sulaimaniyah Kirkuk Chamchamal Baiji 35 Tikrit Latitude ( Degree ) Ana Samarra AL-Qaim Khanaqin Ha...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 17:03

12 526 0
A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

A study of responding to dispraise in english and vietnamese

... communication However, the and learning, or to be more precisely, an insight into how to speech acts of dispraising and responding to dispraise have been respond to dispraises in English and Vietnamese ... strategies used at the highest rates by both American and Vietnamese informants are Explanation and Strategies OPTING OUT 12 out of 13 strategies appear i...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:21

13 715 2
A study of idioms denoting family in english and vietnamese

A study of idioms denoting family in english and vietnamese

... syntax and semantics English and Vietnamese idioms denoting family This study made Firstly, syntactic features of English and Vietnamese idioms use of contrastive analysis in qualitative and quantitative ... idioms denoting family? What are the semantic features of English and Vietnamese idioms denoting family? What are the similarities and...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:28

13 1,8K 6
A study of the dominant topics in some typical works of augustan period (1700   1745) = nghiên cứu về những chủ đề nổi bật trong một số tác phẩm điển hình thời kì augustan (1700   1745)

A study of the dominant topics in some typical works of augustan period (1700 1745) = nghiên cứu về những chủ đề nổi bật trong một số tác phẩm điển hình thời kì augustan (1700 1745)

... lands and discriminated from the uncanny race of local inhabitants about appearance, Swift wanted to indirectly blame an aspect of the discrimination That was the discriminating attitude of the ... growing of colloquialism in practice as well as in literature What is more, the appearing of a great deal of books of travel and traveling was one of the favorite...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

47 696 0