interchange 4th 1 wb

interchange 4th 1 wb

interchange 4th 1 wb

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2015, 09:57

101 271 4


... with my thesis ii ABSTRACT The main aim of this minor thesis is to evaluate the reliability of the final Achievement Computer-based MCQs Test for the 4th semester non- English majors at Hanoi University ... undertake this study entitled A study on the reliability of the final achievement Computer-based MCQs Test for the 4...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 14:46

64 1,1K 2
Giao an New Interchange 1

Giao an New Interchange 1

... name and title In lieu of professional titles, the Chinese equivalents of “Mr.” and “Mrs.” are used Thus, Wang Jian-Jun can also be called “Mr.” Wang, but never simply Wang and rarely ever Jian-Jun ... people and officials are referred to by their titles and last names Friends and relatives often drop in on one another, but it is more important to make advance arrangements with acquaintances...

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2013, 10:10

60 1,6K 30
Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 1 - Lesson 5 : Write Period 5 Date of preperation : Sep 4th 08 Date of teaching : Sep 5th o8 pot

Giáo án Anh văn lớp 9 - Unit 1 - Lesson 5 : Write Period 5 Date of preperation : Sep 4th 08 Date of teaching : Sep 5th o8 pot

... 15 in front of class - Listen and copy the title in their - Call on some representatives to repot in front of class notebooks => Lead in the new lesson - Work in pairs to II / Pre Writing : ... answering these questions in - Exchange their front of class 17 - Practice answering writings and correct - Remark and correct mistakes if any mistakes - Read...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 21:20

4 15,6K 21
Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 1 potx

Absolute C++ (4th Edition) part 1 potx

... "How many programming languages have you used? "; cin >> numberOfLanguages; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 if (numberOfLanguages < 1) cout

Ngày tải lên: 04/07/2014, 05:21

10 457 1
From Individuals to Ecosystems 4th Edition - Chapter 1 pptx

From Individuals to Ecosystems 4th Edition - Chapter 1 pptx

... 14 CHAPTER adiastola group (3 16 ) 14 15 21 17 34 35 26 38 80 31 33 46 59 50 54 55 60 61 57 63 64 65 71 72 73 78 62 68 70 76 74 75 81 79 87 77 81 82 83 84 89 45 56 53 52 51 44 43 67 81 29 41 42 ... group (66 10 1) 30 27 40 49 48 66 28 47 39 punalua 58 group (58–65) 25 23 36 glabriapex group (34–57) 12 16 22 24 18 19 20 32 11 10 13 planitidia group (17 –33) 85 86 88 92 95...

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20

28 406 0
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 1 pot

(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 1 pot

... 0.933 0.966 1. 033 1. 067 1. 1 1. 133 1. 167 1. 2 1. 233 1. 267 1. 3 1. 333 1. 367 1. 4 1. 433 1. 466 1. 5 10 4.4 11 8.86 13 2.86 14 6.46 15 9.78 17 2 .18 18 3.98 19 5.04 205 .18 214 .52 223.06 2 31. 2 238 244 .14 249.74 255.08 ... R3 + R4 ) R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 ( R1 + R2 ) φ right = φTOT = R1 + R2 + R3 + R4 (90 .1 + 77.3) 90 .1 + 10 8.3 + 90 .1 + 77.3 φTOT = (90 .1 +...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22

20 471 0
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 2 ppt

(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 2 ppt

... 11 6.3 2. 28° V 27 VR = (3) 11 6.3 -11 5 × 10 0% = 1. 1% 11 5 0.8 PF Leading: VP ′ = VS + Z EQ IS = 11 5∠0° V + ( 0 .14 0 + j 0.5 32 Ω )(8.7∠36.87° A ) VP ′ = 11 3.3 2. 24° V 11 3.3 -11 5 VR = × 10 0% = 1. 5% 11 5 ... 11 5∠0° V + ( 0 .14 0 + j 0.5 32 Ω )(8.7∠ − 36.87° A ) VP ′ = 11 8.8 1. 4° V 11 8.8 -11 5 VR = × 10 0% = 3.3% 11 5 (2) 1. 0 PF: VP ′ = VS + Z EQ I S = 11 5∠0...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22

20 571 0
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 3 ppsx

(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 3 ppsx

... 19 .9 kV 7.97 kV 200 kVA 2.50 :1 19.9 kV 13 .8 kV 200 kVA 1. 44 :1 Y-∆ 34 .5 kV 7.97 kV 200 kVA 4 .33 :1 ∆-Y 34 .5 kV 13 .8 kV 200 kVA 2.50 :1 ∆-∆ 34 .5 kV 13 .8 kV 34 6 kVA 2.50 :1 open-∆ 19 .9 kV 13 .8 kV 34 6 ... (low-voltage) side is Vbase (15 kV ) = 1. 125 Ω = S base 200 MVA Z base = so REQ = ( 0. 012 ) (1. 125 Ω ) = 0. 0 13 5 Ω X EQ = ( 0.05) (1. 125 Ω ) = 0.05 63 Ω...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22

20 484 1
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 4 pot

(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 4 pot

... Load = (0 .47 65∠ − 41 . 6°) (1. 513 + j1 .13 4 ) = 0.9 01 − 4. 7° VLoad = VLoad,puVbase3 = (0.9 01) (48 0 V ) = 43 2 V The power supplied to the load is PLoad,pu = I RLoad = ( 0 .47 65) (1. 513 ) = 0. 344 PLoad ... j0. 040 + 0.00723 + j0. 048 2 + 0. 040 + j 0 .17 0 + 1. 513 + j1 .13 4 Z EQ = 1. 5702 + j1.3922 = 2.099∠ 41 . 6° The resulting current is I= 1 0° = 0 .47 65∠ − 41 . 6° 2....

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22

20 556 0
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 5 ppsx

(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 5 ppsx

... Phase − T / 12 T / 12 3T / 12 5T / 12 7T / 12 9T / 12 11 T / 12 T / 12 3T / 12 5T / 12 7T / 12 9T / 12 11 T / 12 T / 12 c a a b b c c b b c c a a b 88 Conducting SCR (Positive) SCR3 SCR1 SCR1 SCR2 SCR2 ... from R1, the time at which iD(t) reaches IH is t2 = − R2C ln I H R2 (0.00 05 A ) ( 15 00 Ω ) = 5. 5 ms = − ( 0.0 0 15 ) ln 30 V VBO Therefore, the period of the relaxation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22

20 383 0
(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 6 pps

(McGraw-Hill) (Instructors Manual) Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4th Edition Episode 1 Part 6 pps

... below: 11 2 0 .15 Ω j1 .1 Ω IA + EA + - Vφ Z 6. 667 ∠30° - The magnitude of the phase current flowing in this generator is IA = EA 13 77 V 13 77 V = = = 18 6 A RA + jX S + Z 0 .15 + j1 .1 + 6. 667 ∠30° 1. 829 ... A = 12 40∠0° + ( 0 .15 Ω ) (18 6 − 30° A ) + j (1. 1 Ω) (18 6 − 30° A ) E A = 13 77 6. 8° V The resulting phasor diagram is shown below (not to scale): E = 13 77 6. 8...

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2014, 20:22

20 606 0