... (prepare) 7. I _____________ my secretary. (call) 8. I _____________ television. (watch) 99 Exercises Grammar Exercises 9. I _____________ our meals. (order) 10. He _____________ his wife. (call) 11. ... _________________ 6. One million _________________ 7. One hundred thousand _________________ 117 Exercises Grammar Exercises 8. One hundred and eighteen _________________ 9. Nine hundred...
Ngày tải lên: 18/07/2013, 01:25
Across and through grammar exercise
... Across and through grammar exercise Complete the following sentences using across or through. 1. Who was the first woman pilot to fly ……………………. the Atlantic. a) across b) through 2. ... …………………… the road and disappeared in the crowd. a) across b) through 3. There is a bridge …………………… the river. a) across b) through 4. The train was passing ……………………… a tunnel. a) a...
Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 22:27
As and like grammar exercise
... As and like: grammar exercise Both as and like can be used to say that things are similar. Note that like is a preposition. It is followed by a noun or pronoun which acts as its ... looks like her mother. He is a teetotaler like his father. He fought like a lion. As is a conjunction. It is used to introduce a clause. As can also be followed by a prepositional phr...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:20
... Conjunctions and relative pronouns: grammar exercise Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. More than one conjunction may ... will have time I am not sure at the moment. Be first to know when grammar rules change! Sign up to our newsletter here: (It's free) Powered by TCPDF (
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 10:18
Do and make grammar exercise
... repeating 3. I don’t speak French well, but I can ……………………. a) make myself understand b) make myself understood c) make me understand 4. I had to shout to ……………………. a) make myself heard b) make myself ... Do and make – grammar exercise Complete the following sentences. 1. He made me ………………… a) wait b) to wait c) ... story. 3. I don’t speak French well, but I can make my...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:26
... For, since, in and from: grammar exercise Complete the following sentences using for, in, from or since. 1. I once studied the piano ………………………… three years. a) since b) for c) in 2. That ... …………………… two years. a) since b) for c) from 3. I have known her ………………………. a long time. a) for b) since c) from 4. We go away ……………………. three weeks every summer. a) for...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:42
Grammar and phrasal verbs exercise
... Grammar and phrasal verbs exercise This exercise tests your understanding of grammar and phrasal verbs. Each question is followed by four suggested ... The book must be old for its cover is torn. Be first to know when grammar rules change! Sign up to our newsletter here: (It's free) Powered by TCPDF (
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:59
Grammar exercise about of on and off
... Grammar exercise: about, of, on and off Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition. 1. Did you hear …………… the explosion at the mall? a) about b) of 2. That song reminds ... about 5. He warned me ……………… dire consequences. a) off b) of 6. Have you heard …………………. him? a) on b) of 7. What did you think ………………… his latest film? a) about b) of 8....
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:59
Grammar exercise conjunctions and transitional adverbs
... Grammar exercise: conjunctions and transitional adverbs Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. 1. She was late …………………. we ... house. (We cannot use if after a preposition.) Be first to know when grammar rules change! Sign up to our newsletter here: (It's free) Powered by TCPDF ( ... arm. 3. I am glad because...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:59
Later and latter grammar exercise
... Later and latter: grammar exercise These words are often confused. Later is the comparative form of late . It refers to time. It is the opposite of earlier. Latter refers ... suggestion. a) later b) latter Question 2 The former part of the film is more interesting than the …………………………………………. part. a) later b) latter Question 3 You are ……………………………………… than I expected. a)...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 19:52
Many and many of grammar exercise
... Many and many of | grammar exercise Both many and many of are used before countable nouns. Many is used before a noun that doesn’t have another determiner with it. Many of is used ... disappointed. a) Many of b) Many c) Either could be used here 3. …………………. them were late. a) Many of b) Many c) Either could be used here 4. There were ……………… children among...
Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 19:52