Grammar exercise conjunctions and transitional adverbs

exercise: pronunciation and word form

exercise: pronunciation and word form

... kép. Ex: bad – TEMpered, old – FASHioned * Nhấn phần thứ 2 khi gặp động tứ kép. Ex; to underSTAND, to introDUCE, to overFLOW @ CÁCH PHÁT ÂN TỪ TẬN CÙNG ED VÀ S/ES 6. VOICELESS (YẾU) VOICED ... presents c. papers d. picks 6. a. tasks b. entertains c. conveys d. ideas 7.a. sleeps b. sets c. words d. wakes 8.a. does b. lives c. plays d. makes 9.a. thoughts b. listens c. feels d. hears 10.a. ....

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2013, 09:10

3 1,5K 177
Grammar exercise 2

Grammar exercise 2

... please 6 MỤC LỤC Grammar Exercise 1 2 1 MỤC LỤC 2 Grammar Review No. 4 3 Grammar Review No. 5 9 Grammar Review No. 6 15 Grammar Review No. 7 21 Grammar Review No. 8 27 2 Grammar Review No. ... 2. lived 3. who living 4. who that lived 24 . The Civil War _____ in 1861 and lasted for four years. 1. begin 2. began 19 Grammar Review No. 6 These are review exerc...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 13:15

32 486 0
English Grammar Exercise

English Grammar Exercise

... in 1970. 4. Until 1997, the Sears Tower (be) the highest building in the world. English pool of exercise Exercise on Simple Present Form positive sentences in Simple Present. 1. Anna / the ... Signal Words of Present Perfect  already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now Exercise on Present Perfect Simple Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 14:15

14 509 1
FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs and midsentence adverbs

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs and midsentence adverbs

... crazy. He constantly goofs around and creates problems. Stop goofing around and get to work. 252 33. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and midsentence adverbs As we saw in Section 17, adverbs are ... million bonus even though the company had lost money that year and 4,000 workers had been laid off. 259 34. FOCUS ON: pronunciation of two -and three- word phrasal verb...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

22 595 0
Across and through grammar exercise

Across and through grammar exercise

... Across and through grammar exercise Complete the following sentences using across or through. 1. Who was the first woman pilot to fly ……………………. the Atlantic. a) across b) through 2. ... …………………… the road and disappeared in the crowd. a) across b) through 3. There is a bridge …………………… the river. a) across b) through 4. The train was passing ……………………… a tunnel. a) a...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2015, 22:27

2 206 0
As and like grammar exercise

As and like grammar exercise

... As and like: grammar exercise Both as and like can be used to say that things are similar. Note that like is a preposition. It is followed by a noun or pronoun which acts as its ... looks like her mother. He is a teetotaler like his father. He fought like a lion. As is a conjunction. It is used to introduce a clause. As can also be followed by a prepositional phr...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:20

2 376 0
Conjunctions and relative pronouns grammar exercise

Conjunctions and relative pronouns grammar exercise

... Conjunctions and relative pronouns: grammar exercise Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. More than one conjunction may ... will have time I am not sure at the moment. Be first to know when grammar rules change! Sign up to our newsletter here: (It's free) Powered by TCPDF (

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 10:18

1 287 0
Correct use of some prepositions and transitional adverbs

Correct use of some prepositions and transitional adverbs

... Correct use of some prepositions and transitional adverbs Several words can be different parts of speech. For example and for instance can be prepositions or transitional adverbs. ... guitar. Because of and due to Because of and due to are only used as prepositions. They cannot be used as transitional adverbs or conjunctions. In the same way, becau...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 10:18

2 282 0
Difference between conjunctions relative pronouns and relative adverbs

Difference between conjunctions relative pronouns and relative adverbs

... Difference between conjunctions, relative pronouns and relative adverbs Conjunctions , relative pronouns and relative adverbs can be used to connect two ... merely show the relationship between a noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence. Relative pronouns Relative pronouns are different from conjunctions. Relative pronouns are important connect...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:26

2 334 0
Do and make   grammar exercise

Do and make grammar exercise

... repeating 3. I don’t speak French well, but I can ……………………. a) make myself understand b) make myself understood c) make me understand 4. I had to shout to ……………………. a) make myself heard b) make myself ... Do and make – grammar exercise Complete the following sentences. 1. He made me ………………… a) wait b) to wait c) ... story. 3. I don’t speak French well, but I can make my...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:26

2 276 0
For since in and from grammar exercise

For since in and from grammar exercise

... For, since, in and from: grammar exercise Complete the following sentences using for, in, from or since. 1. I once studied the piano ………………………… three years. a) since b) for c) in 2. That ... …………………… two years. a) since b) for c) from 3. I have known her ………………………. a long time. a) for b) since c) from 4. We go away ……………………. three weeks every summer. a) for...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:42

2 203 0
Grammar exercise about of on and off

Grammar exercise about of on and off

... Grammar exercise: about, of, on and off Complete the following sentences using an appropriate preposition. 1. Did you hear …………… the explosion at the mall? a) about b) of 2. That song reminds ... about 5. He warned me ……………… dire consequences. a) off b) of 6. Have you heard …………………. him? a) on b) of 7. What did you think ………………… his latest film? a) about b) of 8....

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:59

2 216 0
Grammar exercise conjunctions and transitional adverbs

Grammar exercise conjunctions and transitional adverbs

... Grammar exercise: conjunctions and transitional adverbs Complete the following sentences using appropriate conjunctions. 1. She was late …………………. we ... house. (We cannot use if after a preposition.) Be first to know when grammar rules change! Sign up to our newsletter here: (It's free) Powered by TCPDF ( ... arm. 3. I am glad because...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 13:59

3 257 0