Correct the mistake

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English

Howto Books The A-Z Of Correct English

... whether you use ’s or s’ in the plural. It will sort itself out. The tails of the dogs The dogs’ tails Who ‘owns’ the tails? the dogs Put the apostrophe after the owners. the dogs’ Add -s if there ... is ‘owned’ the dogs’ tails The laughter of the women The women’s laughter Who ‘owns’ the laughter? the women Put the apostrophe after the owners. the wome...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:46

203 786 6
ielts speaking spot the mistakes

ielts speaking spot the mistakes

... IELTS Speaking Exam Spot the Mistakes IELTS Speaking Parts One and Two (8 minutes) 1. Read through the typical IELTS Speaking Parts One and Two script below and cross out the options ... One and Two script below and cross out the options in italics that are not good things to say in the exam- Examiner- Hello. Come in. Take a seat please/ Please sit down/ Sit....

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 11:54

2 1,1K 2
Find And Correct The Errors III

Find And Correct The Errors III

... - ADVANCED FIND THE ERRORS (3) – 22-9-2008 It is a time-consuming process to build this type of test. Here is ANOTHER TEST to save your precious time. (The highlighted letter is the correct option.) ... D 44. Liên is the more capable of the three girls who have tried out for the part in the play. A B C D 45. They played so good game of tennis last night that they surpr...

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

4 1,1K 7
Correct The Mistakes

Correct The Mistakes

... to see the winter sports here. h. The thing that surprised me (it) was the tall buildings. i. My sister lives (another city). j. (the most of) the inhabitants k. the people (whom) were there l. ... FOR BEST STUDENTS What’s wrong? Correct the portion in parentheses. a. No one (maybe) admitted. b. It is one of the best (high school of) my country. c. That was (my first ... (Alm...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:46

3 389 0
Correct The Mistakes I

Correct The Mistakes I

... who is scared easily; a cowardly individual. Example: 1) Chris didn't surprise me when he ran away from the war zone I always knew he was yellow. Synonyms : chicken Page 3 5. The chain-smoker ... (C) dispirited (D) cheered 7. The evangelist exhorted all sinners in his audience to reform. (A) block (B) urge (C) deter (D) impede 8. He was so mind as to promise h...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:46

3 386 0
correct the mistake (hay)

correct the mistake (hay)

... CORRECT THE MISTAKES 1. W h a t is the h i g he r mountain in the world? A B C D 2. I w ish my mother g iv e s m e presents m o r e ... o r the A B C teachers in the Teachers' Day. D 10. No one h a v e s o l v e d s u ch a d i f f ic u lt problem. A B C D 11. D u r i n g their m eat , they ... what to d o a t the A...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 22:00

2 160 1
Unit 15: Computers.Period 97: Lesson 6: Language focus + Correct the written test docx

Unit 15: Computers.Period 97: Lesson 6: Language focus + Correct the written test docx

... Computers. Period 97: Lesson 6: Language focus + Correct the written test I. Objectives: -After the lesson Ss will be able to revise the present perfect tense and compare with the simple past ... S + Have/ Has + PP + O . The uses: -Express the action that happened in the past and relate to the present. Used with “yet”. Ex: Have you...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 02:20

6 487 0
Find the mistake, can you? doc

Find the mistake, can you? doc

... English". 7 - We are comparing two things (Italy and England) so we need to use Find the mistake, can you? Bạn có thể tìm lỗi của câu không? Đọc 10 câu dưới đây xem chúng có đúng không? ... xem giải thích đầy đủ. Read these ten sentences. Are they OK? Do they have any mistakes? There are some, but how many? When you think that you have found all the mistakes click o...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 13:22

3 248 0
FIND THE MISTAKES 300 sentenceslevel b

FIND THE MISTAKES 300 sentenceslevel b

... s e the < /b> p ub lic telephone because m y is out o f order. a. use b. public c. my d. of Page 3 FIND < /b> THE < /b> MISTAKES < /b> (THE < /b> B LEVEL CERTIFICATE REVISION) a. are b. on c. smoking d. on the < /b> tube 222. ... surprised t h a t they chose Sally. a. to put b. into c. the < /b> d. that 221. There a r e a ban o n s m o ki n g o n t h e t...

Ngày tải lên: 23/08/2014, 08:08

14 387 0
correct English mistakes from A to Z + Keys

correct English mistakes from A to Z + Keys

... See AGGRESSIVE. alga (singular) algae (plural) See FOREIGN PLURALS. allege (not -dge) alley or ally? An ALLEY is a little lane. An ALLY is a friend. alley (singular), alleys (plural) ally (singular), allies ... (ii). aggravate Strictly speaking, aggravate means to make worse. His rudeness AGGRAVATED an already explosive situation. It is, however, widely used in the sense of to irritat...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2015, 10:00

203 211 1
BT on thi vao 10 theo dang: FIND THE MISTAKES (30 bai)

BT on thi vao 10 theo dang: FIND THE MISTAKES (30 bai)

... them. The zipper is an wonderful invention. They are very common such we forget that they are wonderful. They are strong, but they open and close very easy. They come in many colors or sizes. In the ... people in the US wore high shoes or clothes with a long row on buttons. It was hard for them to wear anything. They wanted a easier way to put on and take of clothes. Whitcomb Judso...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2015, 01:00

15 555 2
Find the mistakes

Find the mistakes

... D 3) Calcium, the most abundantly mineral in the body works with phosphorus in maintaining bones and teeth a) A b) B c) C d) D 4) Soil science begun with the formulation of the theory of humus ... 1) Mahogany is often considered the finest cabinet wood because they has most of the qualities desired for furniture making a) A b) B c) C d) D 2) The situation comedy has proved to...

Ngày tải lên: 18/05/2015, 16:00

3 406 0


... igloo in the winter m o n t h s a s w e ll a s in the spring. A B C D 50 .The harder he t r i ed , the w o r st he d an c e d before the l a rg e audience. A B C D 51 .The ... r e s . A B C D 29.W h ile they w e r e away at the beach, they allowed t he ir n e i g hbo r s u se their barbecue grill. A B C D 30 .The artist tried st i...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2015, 20:40

5 310 1
Correct the mistake

Correct the mistake

... Correct the mistake A part of the sentence has been underlined. From the given options choose the one that can replace the underlined part and make the sentence grammatically correct. 1. ... stealing the policeman’s helmet. a) accused about c) accused of c) accused at 3. We have finished repairing the roof yesterday. a) finished b) had finished c) were finishing 4. His f...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 10:18

2 276 0