unit 5 reading- thao giang

Lesson plan 12-Unit 5-Reading

Lesson plan 12-Unit 5-Reading

... 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. 3. Materials needed : Textbook, pictures, real thing. 4 Students’ preparation : Reading the lesson at home. 5 Previous exercises: ... Presentation of the new material : Time Teacher’s activities Student’s activ ities The content of the lesson 4ms 1 Warm up : - Ask Ss some questions: 1. What are you going to do afte...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2013, 01:26

4 1,1K 6
unit 5 - reading

unit 5 - reading

... Dinh, Tu Liem-Ha Noi 06/06/13 - Learn new vocabulary by heart. - Prepare for next lesson carefully. 2 3 4 6 7 8 A. Central processing unit (CPU) B. CD ROMs. D. Visual display unit (VDU) or ... disks Printer H. speakers 5 1 1 C. Keyboard 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 7 Central proces sing unit (CPU) mouse Keyboard G. Keyboard Floppy disks CD ROMs. speaker s Visual display unit (...

Ngày tải lên: 06/06/2013, 01:26

20 928 4
Unit 5: Reading

Unit 5: Reading

... WORDS II.QUESTIONS III. TASK IV.GUESSING GAME V .CONSOLIDATION V. CONSOLIDATION: Summarize the reading by this diagram AIR POLLUTION SMOG Dust storm Volcanic eruption Forest fires pollen Sulphur ... 1. Fog : Thick mist 2. Smog ? 3.SMOKE STACK 1. Find the words or phrases in the reading text which have the following meaning: 1.to discharge (v) 2.exhaust – pipe of a...

Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:26

34 562 0
unit 5-reading

unit 5-reading

... remembered lightning (n) Lucky number C. keyboard A. central processing unit (CPU) ã UNIT 5 TECHNOLOGY AND YOU READING Task 2: Passage Headings A.The computer – a new invention B. ... E L E V I S I O N H C J R A D I O O P F A N K W L B N K O S R C O M P U T E R B. CD ROMS UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU. LESSON 1: READING. word square T E L E P H O N E T A P L A N E R .....

Ngày tải lên: 25/06/2013, 01:27

39 579 2
unit 5 - reading

unit 5 - reading

... Vocabulary 2. Vocabulary - Miraculous (adj) Miraculous (adj) : : wonderful , fantastic wonderful , fantastic . . - Miracle (n) Miracle (n) : : - Calculating machine (n) - Calculating machine ... system. computer system. 5. hardware 5. hardware e. places where the scenes e. places where the scenes are interesting & beautiful. are interesting & beautiful....

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2013, 11:44

16 510 2
unit 5-Reading-NC

unit 5-Reading-NC

... teenagers that can be criticized? Contestants may dress in no more than a swimsuit Back Unit 5 Unit 5 COMPETITIOns COMPETITIOns Readin g I. Vocabulary - Pageant (n) - Swimsuit (n) - Celibate ... all their lives. 5. 5. The first beauty contest took place in the United States. The first beauty contest took place in the United States. T T F T F True False Next You are lucky to win...

Ngày tải lên: 30/06/2013, 01:28

15 397 0
unit 5 reading.ppt

unit 5 reading.ppt

... year. READING HIGHER EDUCATION Admission to Higher Education Institutions HIGHER EDUCATION READING 5. Official high school transcripts must be sent to the institution’s admissions office. 6. American

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2013, 01:26

16 504 5
UNIT 5. Reading

UNIT 5. Reading

... box. A. A. Central process unit ( CPU) Central process unit ( CPU) B. B. CD ROMs CD ROMs C. C. Keyboard Keyboard D. D. Visual display unit ( VDU) or Visual display unit ( VDU) or computer screen computer ... A. A. Central process unit ( CPU) Central process unit ( CPU) B. B. CD ROMs CD ROMs C. C. Keyboard Keyboard D. D. Visual display unit ( VDU) or Visual display unit (...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2013, 01:27

14 2,4K 5
Unit 5: Reading ( Illiteracy)

Unit 5: Reading ( Illiteracy)

... Unit 5: Lesson 1: Reading Unit 5: Lesson 1: Reading ILLITERACY ILLITERACY Unit 5: Lesson 1: Reading Unit 5: Lesson 1: Reading ILLITERACY ILLITERACY I/ Vocabulary eradicate (v) xoá bỏ ... Vocabulary eradicate (v) xoá bỏ campaign (n) chiến dịch effective (adj) hiệu quả ethnic minority (n) dân tộc thiểu sè  expand (v) më réng  struggle (n) cuéc ch...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:25

12 435 0
Bài giảng English 9 - Unit 5 reading

Bài giảng English 9 - Unit 5 reading

... Internet: It is used for multi- purposes: for getting information, for education, communication, entertainment, and commerce. 5. Yes, there are some disadvantages. It is time- consuming, costly, dangerous ... information Education Communication Entertainment Commerce Time - consuming Costly Dangerous because of viruses and bad programs IV. Summary I. Vocabulary: 1. Surf the web...

Ngày tải lên: 25/11/2013, 16:11

13 772 6
ENGLISH 8- UNIT 13:- READING.(Thao Giảng)

ENGLISH 8- UNIT 13:- READING.(Thao Giảng)

... the 1800s. * TRUE –FALSE SENTENCES: 1.People decorated a tree and put it in the park. 2. An Englishman wanted to send Christmas greeting to his friends. 3. The songs were stories put to ... fighting festival Because he wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends. b. Why did the Englishman have someone design a card?

Ngày tải lên: 19/07/2014, 07:00

25 566 1
unit 5 reading- thao giang

unit 5 reading- thao giang

... Tú Game Game Call my name CD room Key board Central processing unit Computer screen mouse Speaker F l o p p y d i s k P r i n t e r Unit 5 TECHNOLOGY AND YOU A. READING Before You Read ã Do you ... way 4. Miraculous d. A thing to store documents 5. Electronic storage device e. A person or thing that can communicate While - reading Unit 5: Technology and you Task 1 Task 1:...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2015, 19:00

15 388 0
unit 12 reading ( thao giang GVG )

unit 12 reading ( thao giang GVG )

... Vocabulary 1.Express(v) 2. convey (v) 3. funeral (n) 4. solemn (adj) 5. sense (n) diễn đạt biểu lộ đám tang trang nghiêm giác quan Task 1: The words/phrases in the box below all appear in the reading ... music . Pre- teach vocabulary 1. Express (v) /iks'pres / = Convey (v) /kən'vei / 3. Funeral (n) /'fju:nərəl / 4. Sense (n) /sens / : biểu lộ, bày tỏ :biểu l...

Ngày tải lên: 21/04/2015, 10:00

22 463 0
Unit 15: Part A: Reading (Thao giang - Co ban)

Unit 15: Part A: Reading (Thao giang - Co ban)

... housework  Working in the offices Part A: reading – ( Period: 91) Class: 11B4 Teacher: Bui Duc Tien School: Tinh Gia 3 Upper Secondary School Unit 15: Women In Society Throughout much ... opportunity rights D. The right to vote Today, although their status varies in different Today, although their status varies in different countries, women in most parts of the...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2015, 00:00

27 318 0
Unit 15: Part A - Reading ( Thao giang - Co ban)

Unit 15: Part A - Reading ( Thao giang - Co ban)

... Women now enjoy important legal rights such as equal work opportunities and equal pay, the right to vote and to gain education. Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C 3. In the past, women were restricted ... political philosophers in Europe began to began to argue that all individuals, male and female, were argue that all individuals, male and female, were born with natural rights tha...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2015, 01:00

27 1K 0
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