design patterns in ajava 2nd edition addison wesley

Introduction to Design Patterns in C#

Introduction to Design Patterns in C#

... Operators 37 Combining Arithmetic and Assignment Statements 37 Making Decisions in C# 38 Comparison Operators 39 Copyright â , 2002 by James W Cooper Introduction to Design Patterns in C# ... original introduction of this statement into the C language was, like the post-increment operators, to give hints to the compiler to allow it to produce more efficient co...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15

424 522 2
Introduction to Design Patterns in C# doc

Introduction to Design Patterns in C# doc

... Logical Operators in C# Increment and Decrement Operators Like Java and C/C++ , C# allows you to express incrementing and decrementing of integer variables using the ++and operators. You can ... Cooper 2 1. What are Design Patterns? 21 Defining Design Patterns 23 The Learning Process 25 Studying Design Patterns 26 Notes on Object-Oriented Approaches 26 C# Design...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 11:20

100 481 0
Introduction to Design Patterns in C# pot

Introduction to Design Patterns in C# pot

... original introduction of this statement into the C language was, like the post-increment operators, to give hints to the compiler to allow it to produce more efficient code, and to reduce typing ... Writing Windows C# Programs 47 Objects in C# 47 Managed Languages and Garbage Collection 48 Classes and Namespaces in C# 48 Building a C# Application 49 The Simplest...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 20:20

424 417 0
An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt™, 2nd Edition doc

An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt™, 2nd Edition doc

... program in Example 1.14. ptg7041395 An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt ™ , 2nd Edition Alan Ezust and Paul Ezust Upper Saddle River, NJ ã Boston • Indianapolis ... example, y points to the integer x . e asterisk * following the type name int indicates that y is a pointer to int . Here the int pointer y is initialized to the ad...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 01:21

766 3,1K 1
o'reilly - mastering regular expressions in java 2nd edition

o'reilly - mastering regular expressions in java 2nd edition

... matches — when you bring in search-and-r eplace, or perhaps string splitting (splitting a string into substrings separated by matches of a regex), it can become much more complex. Thinking about search-and-r eplace, ... the processing: PatternMatcherInput inputObj = new PatternMatcherInput(inputCSVtext); while ( matcher.contains(inputObj, rCSVmain)) { String field;//We’ll fill this in wit...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:50

36 570 0
Windows Powershell in Action, 2nd Edition potx

Windows Powershell in Action, 2nd Edition potx

... streaming is accomplished by splitting cmdlets into three clauses: BeginProcessing , ProcessRecord , and EndProcessing . In a pipeline, the BeginProcessing clause is run for all cmdlets in ... > In this example, you see a string that extended across multiple lines. When that string was displayed, the newlines were preserved in the string. The handling of end-of-line charact...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 14:20

1K 2,6K 0
windows forms in action 2nd edition

windows forms in action 2nd edition

... 3 CHAPTER 1 Getting started with Windows Forms 1.1 Programming in C# 4 1.2 Windows Forms controls 14 1.3 Loading files 19 1.4 Resizing forms 26 1.5 Recap 32 With the introduction behind us, we ... alt="" vii brief contents Part 1 Hello Windows Forms 1 1 Getting started with Windows Forms 3 2 Getting started with Visual Studio 33 Part 2 Basic Windows Forms 63 3Menus...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 15:35

841 8,4K 10
design patterns in ruby, addison-wesley (2008)

design patterns in ruby, addison-wesley (2008)

... on OO design an d patterns. In the process of describing design patterns, Russ has captured the essence of solving many of the common programming hurdles that we face in day-to-day programming ... runtime: Patterns for Patterns 11 Vehicle Car Engine start() stop() Figure 1-3 Assembling a car with composition Car Engine DieselEngineGasolineEngine Figure 1-4 A car can now have dif...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 14:42

384 2,5K 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 1 potx

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 1 potx

... Hill Getting Started in 4 01( k) Investing by Paul Katzeff Getting Started in Security Analysis by Peter J. Klein Getting Started in Global Investing by Robert P. Kreitler Getting Started in Futures ... Gelb Getting Started in Online Investing by David L. Brown and Kassandra Bentley Getting Started in Online Brokers by Kristine DeForge Getting Started...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

30 264 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 2 ppt

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 2 ppt

... Savings Bonds Series HH Savings Bonds, unlike other savings bonds, are not accrual bonds; they are coupon bonds that pay out U.S. GOVERNMENT BONDS 26 issued January 1986 at 100; in June 20 02 ... falling as interest rates rise. This is because interest rates tend to rise when there is in a- tion in an attempt to keep in ation from getting out of control. Most bonds pr...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 312 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 3 ppt

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 3 ppt

... viable business again. The reason for the distinction between investment- grade and high-yield bonds is because at one time banks were allowed to invest only in bonds ranked in the top four rating ... be used for other things. INSURED BONDS Some investors like the added peace of mind that comes with buying insured municipal bonds. They are willing to forgo some yield to have an in...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 341 0
Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 4 pps

Getting started in bonds 2nd edition phần 4 pps

... 79.75 69. 64 117.70 60 .41 15. 84 12.99 CHF 1.51 14 2.26 34 SELF 1. 246 4 0.9 940 0.8680 1 .46 71 0.7530 0.19 74 0.1619 GBP 0.6677 SELF 0 .44 18 0.5507 0 .43 92 0.3835 0. 648 2 0.3327 0.0872 0.0715 USD SELF 1 .49 76 ... the unsuspecting individual investor. RISKS OF INTERNATIONAL INVESTING As mentioned at the beginning of our discussion about international investing, when you invest in...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 16:21

31 275 0
design patterns in ajava 2nd edition addison wesley

design patterns in ajava 2nd edition addison wesley

... Patterns explains. Design Patterns describes 23 design patterns. Many other books on design patterns have followed, so there are at least 100 design pat- terns worth knowing. The 23 design patterns ... I INTERFACE PATTERNS 9 CHAPTER 2 INTRODUCING INTERFACES 11 Interfaces and Abstract Classes 11 Interfaces and Obligations 13 Summary 15 Beyond Ordinary Interfaces 16 CHAPTER...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2014, 00:44

478 582 0