Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 3 pdf

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 3 pdf

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 3 pdf

... 20% = 0.2 then q = 32 0 − 55(0.2) 6.5 + 4(0.2) = 32 0 − 11 6.5 + 0.8 = 30 9 7 .3 = 42 .33 If t = 30 % = 0 .3 then q = 32 0 − 55(0 .3) 6.5 + 4(0 .3) = 32 0 − 16.5 6.5 + 1.2 = 30 3.5 7.7 = 39 .42 These examples ... 6720 19 30 0 6000 20 32 0 5120 21 34 0 4080 22 36 0 2880 23 380 1520 24 400 0 25 420 -1680 © 19 93, 20 03 Mike Rosser A Demand B 0 q £ 9.99 2.20 94 120 16...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 839 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 4 pdf

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 4 pdf

... 1752.55 35 31 19254.05 1884.05 36 32 21274.40 2020 .35 37 33 234 35.85 2161.45 38 34 257 43. 20 230 7 .35 39 35 28201.25 2458.05 40 36 30 814.80 26 13. 55 41 37 33 588.65 27 73. 85 42 38 36 527.60 2 938 .95 ... 158 11.5 -5 13 22.5 -700 33 .5 -4 03 6 1 117 12 - 532 23 -697 34 -37 8 7 1.5 77 12.5 -550 23. 5 -6 93 34.5 -35 2 8 2 38 13 -567 24 -688 35 -32 5 9 2.5 0...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 546 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 2 ppsx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 2 ppsx

... factor. Example 3. 33 x 2 + 2x x + 2 = x(x + 2) x + 2 = x Example 3. 34 x 2 + 5x +6 x + 3 = (x + 3) (x + 2) x + 3 = x + 2 Example 3. 35 x 2 + 5x +6 x 2 + x − 2 = (x + 2)(x + 3) (x + 2)(x − 1) = x + 3 x − 1 Test ... Rosser 8.Yousell900sharesviayourbrokerwhochargesaflatrateofcommissionof£20 onalltransactionsoflessthan£1,000.Yourbankaccountiscreditedwith 34 0 fromthesharesale.Whatpri...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 440 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 5 ppt

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 5 ppt

... 38 6.81 8 16.00% 1.24% 38 7.64 9 16.25% 1.26% 38 8.47 10 16.50% 1.28% 38 9 .30 11 16.75% 1 .30 % 39 0. 13 12 17.00% 1 .32 % 39 0.95 13 17.25% 1 .33 % 39 1.78 14 17.50% 1 .35 % 39 2.61 15 17.75% 1 .37 % 39 3. 43 ... 81 .38 4 11 2.25% 81.6 13 12 2 .30 % 81.844 13 2 .35 % 82.075 14 2.40% 82 .30 7 15 2.45% 82.540 16 2.50% 82.7 73 17 2.55% 83. 008 18 2.60% 83. 2 43...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 364 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 7 potx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 7 potx

... L 0.75 (2) Taking (1) to the power of 3 L 0.75 =  42 186 K 0.7  3 = 42 3 186 3 K 2.1 (3) Setting (3) equal to (2) 42 3 186 3 K 2.1 = 31 K 0 .3 K 1.8 = 31 (186) 3 42 3 = 2, 692.481 K = 80.471179 (4) Substituting ... TC 2 = (32 0q 1 + 32 0q 2 − 0.1q 2 1 − 0.2q 1 q 2 − 0.1q 2 2 ) − (36 + 0.003q 3 1 ) − (45 + 0.005q 3 2 ) = 32 0q 1 + 32 0q 2 − 0.1q 2 1 − 0.2q 1 q 2 −...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 829 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 8 docx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 8 docx

... 0 175 23. 13 Stability => UNSTABLE 11 1 157.5 25 .31 2.19 12 2 1 83. 75 22. 03 -3. 28 13 3 144 .37 5 26.95 4.92 14 4 2 03. 437 5 19.57 -7 .38 15 5 114.8 437 5 30 .64 11.07 16 6 247. 734 38 14. 03 -16.61 ... λ18K −0.6 L 0 .3 R 0 .3 = 0 λ = 80K 0.6 18L 0 .3 R 0 .3 (1) ∂G ∂L = 35 − λ 13. 5K 0.4 L −0.7 R 0 .3 = 0 λ = 35 L 0.7 13. 5K 0.4 R 0 .3 (2) ∂G ∂R = 50 − λ 13. 5K 0.4...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 1,1K 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 9 ppsx

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 9 ppsx

... 19 9 265 .36 37 5 .36 20 10 265.22 37 5.22 21 11 265. 13 375. 13 22 12 265.08 37 5.08 23 13 265.05 37 5.05 24 14 265. 03 375. 03 25 15 265.02 37 5.02 26 16 265.01 37 5.01 27 17 265.01 37 5.01 28 ... = 37 5 9 t C Y 10 0 30 1.00 411.00 11 1 286.60 39 6.60 12 2 277.96 38 7.96 13 3 272.78 38 2.78 14 4 269.67 37 9.67 15 5 267.80 37 7.80 16 6 266.68 37 6.68...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

53 328 0
Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 10 doc

Basic Mathematics for Economists phần 10 doc

... -0.1805 0. 031 94 0.08268 values 2 12 0. 033 98 -0.0162 -1E-17 -0.0512 0. 033 43 -1E-17 12 13 -0.07 23 0. 034 16 0.06457 0.05788 -0.02 53 -0.0591 1 14 0. 031 84 -0.0257 -0. 133 9 -0.0156 0. 033 1 0.11024 8 ... 5 93 5 24 41 9 3 0 1 31 7 6 6 5 0 -1 3 -7 35 7 9 11 39 23 15 0 678 8 28 49 4 5 9 7 39 1 9 Inverse A^-1 A^-1*b = x 10 -0.04 53 0.087 83 0.11969 0 .32 077 -0.0 634 -0...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20

57 594 0