từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học pps
... / zmnə/ noun a person who conducts an exam example example / zɑmpəl/ noun something chosen to show something ć This is a good example of French architecture of the eleventh century. ... used for showing that something is more important or true ć She does get tired, especially on school day. essay essay /ese/ noun a piece of writing on a specific subject ć a collection...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
... something hard ć The yard was full of planks and metal bars. í a solid piece of a sub- stance such as chocolate or soap í noun a place where you can buy and drink al- cohol ć Let’s meet in the bar ... someone’s behalf acting for someone ć She is speaking on behalf of the trade association. ć He was cho- sen to speak on the workers’ behalf. behave behave /b hev/ verb to act in...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
... is bullies.) í verb to be unkind to some- one often ć She was bullied by the other children in school. (NOTE: bullies – bullying – bullied) bump bump /bmp/ noun 1. a slight knock ć The boat ... without be- ing careful ć He bundled the papers into a drawer. ć She bundled the chil- dren off to school. ć The police bundled him into the back of their van. 2. to sell a software program...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học pdf
... to choose. 2. to decide to do one thing when there are several things you could do ć In the end, they chose to go to the cinema. ı choice (NOTE: choos- es – choosing – chose / tʃəυz/ – has chosen ... after- noon chopping wood for the fire. 2. ˽ to chop and change to do one thing, then another ć He keeps chopping and changing and can’t make his mind up. (NOTE: chops – chopping – chopped)...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học pptx
... fur of an ani- mal ć These dogs have thick shiny coats. cocoa cocoa /kəυkəυ/ noun 1. a brown choc- olate powder ground from the seeds of a tree, used for making a drink ć a tin of cocoa ć ... on her face. ć We are concerned about her behaviour – do you think she is having problems at school? 2. involved in or affected by something ć I’ll speak to the parents concerned. 3. showing
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học pot
... can hear the echo very clearly. (NOTE: The plural is echoes.) í verb 1. ( of sound ) to make an echo ć Their voices echoed down the tunnel. 2. to repeat ć The newspaper article echoed the opinions put ... Come on, eat up – it’s time to go. echo echo /ekəυ/ noun a sound which is re- peated such as when you shout in a place such as a tunnel ć We could hear the echo of voices in the tun...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học potx
... address, not to my office. homework homework /həυmwk/ noun work which you take home from school to do in the evening ć Have you finished your maths homework? ć I haven’t got any homework ... of spices, giving you a burn- ing feeling in your mouth ć This curry is particularly hot. ć He chose the hot- test dish on the menu. hot dog hot dog /hɒt dɒ/ noun a snack consist- ing of ......
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
từ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học docx
... kid 176 knife kid kid /kd/ noun 1. a child ( informal ) ć There were a few school kids on their bi- cycles. ć They’re married with two kids. 2. a young goat í verb to make ... secretary doesn’t know where he is. 2. to have met someone ć I know your sister – we were at school together. ć I used to know a man called Peter Jones who worked in your company. 3. to have ... travel through...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20
flat129flimsyfloply andtừ điển tiếng anh căn bản giành cho người bắt đầu học ppt
... friendliest) friendship friendship /frendʃp/ noun the state of being friends ć He formed several last- ing friendships at school. fries fries /fraz/ 3rd person singular present of fry fright fright /frat/ noun fear frighten frighten ... good form in a good mood; well ć She’s in good form today. 3. a class, usually in a secondary school ć She’s in the third form. í verb 1. to sit...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 22:20