The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 4 docx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 1 ppt

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 1 ppt

... recycled paper Qt 4 Qt 4 THE ART OF BUILDING Qt APPLICATIONS DANIEL MOLKENTIN THE BOOK of THE BOOK of Qt 4 THE BOOK of THE BOOK of Qt 4 đ MOLKENTIN 1 Basics,Tools, and First Code Several Qt classeshaveQObject ... 2 51 8 .11 .1Items 2 51 8 .11 . 2The List View 2 51 8 .11 . 3The Tree View 252 8 .11 . 4The Table View 253 8 .11 .5Clon...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 388 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 2 docx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 2 docx

... enter them in theIndextabofthe Assistant. From thestart page you can also accessalistofall classesand alist groupedaccordingtotopics. 20 ForQt4.1,see /4. 1/. 59 2 TheToolsNeeded ... now ByteConverterDialog decEdit textChanged() setText() hexEdit textChanged() setText() binEdit textChanged() setText() decChanged() hexChanged() binChanged() We can connect thesignal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 377 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 3 pptx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 3 pptx

... usingthe Designer,which allowsthe basicgraphical frameworkofmostapplications to be puttogether “bymouseclick” in Qt versions 4. 1and later .The basisofthisisthe QMainWindowQt class. 4. 1The Anatomy of ... key. Alternatively,while in thenormaldesignmode,you can setthe name of thede- siredBuddywidgetinthe PropertyEditor, usingthe Buddyproperty. 3 Using this ap- proach,wewould setthe...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 308 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 4 pot

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 4 pot

... ClickSplitterHandle::mouseDoubleClickEvent()wefirstdetermine thealignment of thesplitter.Weobtainthe positionofthe splitter,using theQSplitter::indexOf() method. This is also thepositionofthe widgetlyingtothe rightof(or directly beneath) thesplitter. Forreasons ... as the rstargu- ment,thenthe dialog willnot be modal .The nexttwoargumentsare thedialog heading andthe startdirectory. TheQDir...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 274 0
The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 9 docx

The book of qt 4 the art of building qt applications - phần 9 docx

... translators. Figure 14. 1showsthe main windowof theLinguistafter it hasloadedthe filecute- edit_de.ts. Thecontextdockwindowon theleft-hand page gives an overviewof thetranslation context, anditusuallydisplaysthe ... the rsttimeinthe UserRole, in this casethe com- plete contents of <description>. We willuse this later to displaythecontents of thecurrent entryin aQTextBrowser. In the...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

45 271 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 1 ppsx

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 1 ppsx

... standard array of the binary linear (4, 2, 2) code is the following: ¯s 00 01 10 11 00 0000 011 0 10 11 110 1 11 10 00 11 10 0 011 010 1 10 010 0 0 010 11 11 10 01 01 00 01 011 1 10 10 11 00 Decoding with the standard ... =  11 1  and parity-check matrix H =  11 0 10 1  . Accordingly, its standard array is the following: ¯s 01 00 000 11 1 11 10 0 011 10 0...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 253 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 2 pps

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 2 pps

... the binary representation of integers, then the value of the syndrome directly gives the position of the error. This is the idea in the algorithms for encoding and decoding presented below. The ... EG(m, 2) . The columns of the matrix ( ¯x  1 ¯x  2 ¯x  m )  are taken as the coordinates of points of the geometry EG(m ,2) . Then, there is a one-to-one...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 371 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 3 doc

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 3 doc

... 1. (3. 17) ã Find the coefcients of the error- locator polynomial (x). ã Find the inverses of the roots of σ(x), that is, the locations of the errors, j 1 , , j . ã Find the values of the errors ... knowledge of the WDS of a code C, the error performance can be estimated, as discussed in Chapter 1. The WDS and the union bound (1 .36 ) give good estim...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 260 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 4 docx

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 4 docx

... (4. 23) where P s denotes the probability of a symbol error at the input of the RS decoder, P S = 1 − (1 − p) m , and p denotes the probability of a bit error at the input of the RS decoder. The ... vectors of length 3, code C becomes a binary (21, 9, 5) code that is capable of correcting up to 2 random errors, as well as any single burst of up to 4 bits....

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 312 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 5 docx

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 5 docx

... received (one error in the second position). The operation of the VD is illustrated in Figures 5. 12 to 5. 17. The evolution of the metric values with respect to the decoding stages is shown in the following ... with Example 5. 5.1, using the traceback technique, at the end of the i = 6 received pair of bits from the channel, the traceback memory would hav...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 213 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 6 pot

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 6 pot

... that the syndrome of a binary SPC (n, n − 1, 2) code is simply the sum of the n bits. The second row and the first column will have nonzero syndromes, indicating the presence of an odd number of errors. ... Dd) code. The purpose of the interleaver between the outer and the inner code is twofold. First, it serves to convert the bytes of size k into vectors of...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 244 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 7 ppt

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 7 ppt

... e −|δ 1 −δ 2 |  , (7. 30) SOFT-DECISION DECODING 165 where ¯e(j) is the set of all length-K vectors of Hamming weight one. The vector ¯e(j) is the coset representative of the partition of code C 1 (equivalent ... =+0.2 − 1. 57 =−1. 37   (u 4 ) =  c 4 +  e 1 (u 4 ) =+0.3 + 0. 87 =+1. 17 SOFT-DECISION DECODING 159 The operation of a SOVA decoder can be divided into...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 363 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 8 pptx

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 8 pptx

... has the advantage that the number of bits per symbol is increased by a factor of ν, thus increasing the spectral efficiency of the system. On the other hand, the required average energy of the ... iterative BF decoding on the basis of the extended matrix H ext . Analyze the performance on the basis of the structure of the Tanner graph, by considering sin...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 309 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 9 potx

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 9 potx

... 2000) P (NS) b1 ≤ n  w=d 1 w n A (1) w 2 −w w  i=0  w i  Q   2RE b N 0 d 2 P (i)  , (9. 9) where d 2 P (i) = 1 w [ i 1 + (w − i) 2 ] 2 . The probability of a bit error in the second decoding stage upper is also bound by (9. 9) using the same arguments above. The bound (9. 9) ... (correlations) from the subsets selected at the second partitioning stage – given the de...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

27 320 0
The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 10 potx

The Art of Error Correcting Coding phần 10 potx

... 1990. E. L. Blokh and V. V. Zyablov, Coding of Generalized Concatenated Codes,” Probl. Pered. Inform., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 45–50, 1974. The Art of Error Correcting Coding, Second Edition Robert H. ... ed., Key Papers in the Development of Coding Theory, pp. 109 –120, IEEE Press, 1974. W. W. Peterson and E. J. Weldon, Jr., Error Correcting Codes, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 1...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 12:20

26 249 0