UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''''''s Edition phần 2 ppt

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 2 ppt

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 2 ppt

... the following command: strings -o -15 strings 6 027 1.17 com/cmd/scan/strings.c, cmdscan, bos 320 , 922 7 320 b 5/7/ 92 10 :21 :20 620 0 /usr/mbin/strings 622 4 Usage: strings [ -a ] [ -o ] [ -# ] [ file ... 30 72 Nov 25 00:41 . drwxr-xr-x 36 root system 20 48 Nov 23 19:51 -rw-r r 1 testuser author 0 Nov 24 14:54 .dot1 -rw 1 testuser author 10 Nov 24 17:36 test1 drwxr-xr-x 2 t...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 239 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 5 pptx

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 5 pptx

... "The UNIX File System. " Briefly, file permissions indicate who may read, write, or execute the file. The file-creation mask is a device you use to indicate what permissions UNIX is to ... the fifth and eighth bits. A file-creation mask of 000010010 (in octal 022 ) would do the trick. When the file is created, UNIX lines up the bits in the file permissions requested by the co...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 243 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 1 pps

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 1 pps

... worked with UNIX systems since 19 82 as a programmer and systems administrator. He has administered mail, news, security, and the domain name system on several varieties of UNIX including 2. 9 BSD, ... DEC's flavor of UNIX (ultrix). comp .unix. unixware Discussion about Novell's UnixWare products. comp .unix. user-friendly Discussion of UNIX user-friendliness. comp .unix...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 195 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 3 potx

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 3 potx

... trimblef Sun Apr 27 14:36 376 /22 723 tif file ? s file.tif "file.tif" [New file] 376 /22 723 ? q $ uudecode file.tif $ ls -l total 26 0 -rw-rw-rw- 1 trimblef users 22 733 Apr 27 14:38 file.tif -rwxrwxrwx ... phones.com (phones.com [22 9.46. 62. 22] ) by happy.phones.com (8.6.5/QC-BSD -2. 1) via ESMTP; id IAA13973 Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:14:59 -0800 for <rdippold@happy.phones.c...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 183 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 4 docx

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 4 docx

... /tmp/job.control.ms 2) /tmp/ 7) /tmp/job.control.ps 3) /tmp/.X11 -unix 8) /tmp/ps_data 4) /tmp/intro7.html 9) /tmp/sunpro.c. # set/unset optional shell behavior # available in v2.00.0 or newer ... chsh. On some systems where chsh is not available, passwd -s or passwd -e can be used to change the shell. On still other systems, ypchsh must be used to change the shell. On many sys...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 236 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 6 ppsx

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 6 ppsx

... 027 37 25 600 30 720 0134 20 0 25 0 irene 027 04 25 600 30 720 0070 20 0 25 0 bert 03070 25 600 30 720 0173 20 0 25 0 al 00613 25 600 30 720 0 021 20 0 25 0 connie 00558 25 600 30 720 0 025 20 0 25 0 charlene 00539 25 600 ... 000 02 25600 30 720 0003 20 0 25 0 steve 11786 25 600 30 720 0155 20 0 25 0 judy 00015 25 600 30 720 0013 20 0 25 0 jamie +- 26 015 25 600 30...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 187 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 7 pps

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 7 pps

... 25, 25 5 .25 5.0.0 and 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0, respectively (see Figure 20 .15). In order to extend the network ID to include the third byte in a Class B address, its subnet mask then becomes 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 ... divided further into subdomains. DNS allows nesting of up to 127 domains in one tree. Figure 20 .22 . Analogy between DNS domain and UNIX file system organization. Ea...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 171 0
UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 8 potx

UNIX Unleashed, System Administrator''''s Edition phần 8 potx

... READ TOTALS 82 12. 68 0.06 21 .91 20 9. 92 0.00 0 .28 6.636e+06 0.00 man 1 7.56 0. 02 1.68 440.00 0. 02 1. 02 5.566e+06 0.00 vi 1 2. 24 0. 02 0.53 121 .00 0. 02 3.49 71936.00 0.00 ls 5 1.15 0.01 0. 02 108.15 ... context switches 28 556694 device interrupts 1885547 traps 6653394 42 system calls 622 350 total name lookups (cache hits 94%) 4 toolong 22 819 92 user cpu 31...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 02:22

95 192 0
Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition phần 2 pptx

Essential System Administration, 3rd Edition phần 2 pptx

... the Unix operating system that remains running at all times when the system is up. The kernel executable image itself, conventionally named unix (System V-based systems), vmunix (BSD-based system) , ... Section 10 .2 . Checking and mounting the root filesystem The root filesystem is the first filesystem that the boot process accesses as it prepares the system for use. On...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:21

111 324 0
Automating Linux and Unix System Administration Second Edition phần 2 pps

Automating Linux and Unix System Administration Second Edition phần 2 pps

... CFENGINE 56 `a^e]j[0[,ba4,[[.5,[.3bb[baa4[51-,ba4,[[.5,[.3bb[baa4[51 elr0[-5.elr0[-5.[ -24  elr0[-5.[ -24 [-elr0[-5.[ -24 [-[-hejqthejqt[. [2[ -4[1[]i `20 hejqt[t 42[ 20 hejqt[t 42[ 20[. [2[ -4[1[]i `20  hejqt[t 42[ 20[. [2[ -4[1[]i `20 [[-[OIL[O]p[@a_[ [.,[0/[15[QP?[.,,3jap jap[eb]_a[apd,jap[eb]_a[apd-jap[eb]_a[hkjap[eb]_a[lll, jap[eb]_a[lll-bkkbkk[_]ilej[japbkk[ejpt 42[...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 04:21

44 300 0