Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 1 pot

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 1 pot

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 1 pot

... interest in [g/cm 3 ]. 10 00 500 200 10 0 50 20 10 5 2 1 [ 10 Pa ] × -9 -1 C 012 3 Viscosity [cP]η 0 0.0 01 0.002 0.005 0. 01 0.02 0.05 0 .1 0.2 0.5 1 10243852 65 79 93 10 7 12 1 14 9 17 7 204 Viscosity [Pas]η 0 Oil ... expression: α = 1. 216 +4 .14 3×(log 10 υ 0 ) 3.0627 +2.848 10 −4 ×b 5 .19 03 (log 10 υ 0 ) 1. 5976 −3.999× (log 10 υ 0 ) 3.0975 ρ 0 .11 62 (2 .12...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 157 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 3 potx

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 3 potx

... 3.0 C 10 .1 D 22.5 Apparent viscosity [P] 10  -2 10  -1 10  0 10  1 10  2 10  3 10  4 10  5 10  6 Shear rate [s ] -1 FIGURE 3 .13 Non-Newtonian behaviour of calcium soap based greases ... region present FIGURE 3 .12 Temperature-life limits for typical greases [27]. 10  0 10  1 10  2 10  3 10  4 10  5 B A C D Soap content [%] A 0.0...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 131 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 9 potx

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 9 potx

... p max = πbl W = = 17 48.96 [MPa] π (1. 82 × 10 −4 ) × (5 × 10 −3 ) 5 × 10 3 hence: 2.45 × 0.2 × (17 48.96 × 10 6 ) 1. 5 (46.7 × 7800 × 460) 0.5  2 − 1  = 18 4. 91 [°C] T f maxc = 6 × 10 −3 2.308 × 10 11 () 0.5 Frictional ... × 10 −3 ) × (2.308 × 10 11 ) () = 1. 82 × 10 −4 [m] 0.5 · Thermal Diffusivity χ= ρσ K = 46.7 7800 × 460 = 13 .02 × 10 −6 [m 2 /s] ·...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 228 0
Tribology Handbook 2E Episode 1 pot

Tribology Handbook 2E Episode 1 pot

... -( 31 76 11 000 overlay -(’I 11 4 16 500 tin- -( 31 -( 31 aluminium 15 00-2000 Aluminium-tin-silicon 11 8 13 000 10 -14 Aluminium-20% tin 90 13 000 14 2000 usually - Notes: (1) Fatigue ... "C 10 61 C W/m"C Btu/ft h "F Thermoplastics Nylon, acetal, 10 1. 5 10 0 10 0 0.24 0 .14 Inexpensive UHMWPE Thermoplastics Above+MoSz, 15 -20 2-3 15...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 17:20

40 172 0
Engineering Tribology 2011 Part 1 potx

Engineering Tribology 2011 Part 1 potx

... 2.00 2 .10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3 .10 3.20 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.90 4.00 4 .10 4.20 4.30 4.40 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.80 4.90 5.00 5 .10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 5.90 6.00 6 .10 6.20 6.30 6.40 6.50 6.60 6.70 6.80 6.90 7.00 7 .10 7.20 7.30 7.40 7.50 7.60 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 8 .10 8.20 7.994 8.640 9.309 10 .00 10 . 71 11. 45 12 . 21 13.00 13 .8...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 03:20

45 288 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 2 ppsx

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 2 ppsx

... 10 0 90.0 10 0 11 0 ISO VG 15 0 13 5 15 0 16 5 ISO VG 220 19 8 220 242 ISO VG 320 288 320 352 ISO VG 460 414 460 506 ISO VG 680 612 680 748 ISO VG 10 00 900 10 00 11 00 ISO VG 15 00 13 50 15 00 16 50 For petroleum ... 4 .14 4.6 5.06 ISO VG 7 6 .12 6.8 7.48 ISO VG 10 9.00 10 11 .0 ISO VG 15 13 .5 15 16 .5 ISO VG 22 19 .8 22 24.2 ISO VG 32 28.8 32 35.2 ISO VG 46 41. 4 46...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 198 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 4 pptx

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 4 pptx

... in Figure 4 .12 . 12 6 ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY p max p z x h 0 h 1 B 2 B B 1 ZONE 2 ZONE 1 U FIGURE 4 .11 Geometry of the Rayleigh step bearing. dp dx () 1 ZONE 1 = − p max B 1 (4. 71) = p max B 2 dp dx () 2 ZONE ... LUBRICATION 15 3 0 0 .1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1. 0 0. 01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0 .1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 8...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 243 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 5 pptx

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 5 pptx

... - 10 T max [°F] 2 .19 18× 10 -1 0.097 -0.055 -0.064 -0. 314 0 .17 0 -0 .17 6 - - 11 1. 7580× 10 -1 0.005 0 .13 4 0. 010 -0.302 0 .19 0 -0.244 - - - 0.422 - 1. 699 - - -0. 011 - 0 .16 2 - - -2.020 -1. 470 - 0.962 ... [N] 1. 7575 10 4 -0.793 2.033 2.596 1. 042 0.884 -1. 510 - - 1. 108 - 8 H [W] 2.7 915 × 10 3 -0.579 1. 530 0.873 2.500 1. 642 -0.225 - - 9 ε 1. 0 516 ×...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 217 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 6 pdf

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 6 pdf

... 36°. 1 1. 3 0 0 .1 Groove len g th/axial bearin g len g th Dimensionless load 1. 2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 4 1 Dimensionless side flow Load Side flow 2 3 1. 1 L/D ... given by: ∂M v ∂x* ≈ M v,i +1 − M v,i 1 2δx* ( ( i M v,i 1 M v,i +1 M v x* x* i x* i +1 x* i 1 M v,i 2δx* ∂M v ∂x* ( ( i Approximation to (5.7) where the subscripts i- 1 and i...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 195 0
Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 7 doc

Engineering Tribology 2E Episode 7 doc

... Tekniska Hoegskolas Madlinar, Vol. 19 0, 19 57, pp. 1- 116 . 14 K.O. Olsson, Cavitation in Dynamically Loaded Journal Bearings, Chalmers University of Technology, 19 65, Goteborg. 15 D. Dowson, A.A.S. Miranda ... by Hamrock and Anderson in 19 73 [10 ,11 ]. The simplified equations for the determination of these parameters were developed later in 19 77 by Brewe and Hamrock [12 ,11 ]. T...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:21

45 191 0