Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 6 ppsx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 6 ppsx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 6 ppsx

... 14 253 161 .8 162 .9 7 .54 1.20 aft 7 m 20. 06 3.74 12 258 181 .5 158 .1 7.44 0 .50 aft 0. 45 forward 6 m 19.70 3.21 10 293 207.4 152 .5 7. 46 0. 05 forward 0.80 forward 5 m 19.27 2 .68 8 361 243.2 1 45. 9 ... 0. 25  2X 15 45  2.24 0 .5 Â0.707  0X 353 2.24 0. 35  2X59 60  1.70 0 .5 Â0. 866  0X433 1.70 0.43  2X13 75  0 .68 0 .5 Â0. 966  0X483 0 .68 0.48  1X 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 399 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 9 ppsx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 9 ppsx

... Àma  30 100 Â 15 Â 5 Â 10 4 50 Â10 À 30 100 Â 15 Â 5  56 X 25 477X5  0X12 m (c) To Find I OZ I CL  LB 3 12 À mlb 3 3  50 Â10 3 12 À 30 100 Â 15 5 3 3  4 166 X7 À 187X5  3979 m 4 List due to bilging ... upper edge and spaced at 3 m intervals, are as follows: 15. 4, 15. 4, 15. 4, 15. 3 and 15 m respectively. Liquid pressure and thrust. Centres of pressure 271 Fig. 3...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 412 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 11 ppsx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 11 ppsx

... 11.188 0.74 9 .64 7 10. 850 0.72 9.329 10 .51 3 0.70 9.014 10.1 75 0 .68 8.7 16 9. 858 0 .66 8.402 9 .54 1 0 .64 8.1 06 9.204 0 .62 7.790 8.887 0 .60 7.494 8 .57 1 Chapter 44 Simpli®ed stability information DEPARTMENT ... x': Ay  17X 25 cm 2 b  1 2 cm q b  30 Â 17X 25 254 Â 0X5  4X07 t/cm 2 (c) At 3 cm from Neutral Axis m  17X 25 2X5 Â 0X5Â4X 25  22X 56 cm 3  Ay b ...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 447 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 1 potx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 1 potx

... Âx. 4 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 1 .5 Fig. 1 .6 Fig. 1.7 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fifth edition Captain D. R. Derrett Revised by Dr C. B. Barrass OXFORD AUCKLAND BOSTON ... is now landed on the quay it is in effect being discharged from the derrick head 16 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates f Fig. 2.9 18 Ship Stability...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

28 364 1
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 2 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 2 ppt

... 0X137 cu. m Let d draft, and r  radius of the drum, where r  60 2  30 cm  0X3m. 28 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 4 .6 32 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 360 tonnes of iron are ... further to the low side and there will be a moment to return her to the angle of loll as shown in Figure 6 .5( c). 48 Ship Stability for Masters and...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 1,3K 3
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 3 potx

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 3 potx

... for Masters and Mates Fig. 10.7 Draft (m) Area SM Volume function 0 65 0 1 65 0 1 66 0 4 264 0 2 66 2 2 1324 3 66 1 4 264 4 4 66 0 1 66 0 7918  S 1 Area 1 2 WP  Area 1 Area 2  Area 3  ha3 1 2 a 2b ... 22.0 5. 8 2 11 .6 5. 9 4 23 .6 5. 9 2 11.8 5. 8 4 23.2 4.8 1 1 2 7.2 3 .5 2 7.0 0.2 1 2 0.1 117X6  S 1 92 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Exercise 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 490 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 4 pps

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 4 pps

... What state of equilibrium is the ship in? Draft (m) 3 4 5 6 7 8 KM (m) 6. 75 5.94 5. 64 5. 62 5. 75 5. 96 112 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Fig. 12 .6( b). Metacentric diagram for triangular-shaped vessel. Since ... displacement  64 X 560 10 000 Final KG  6X 4 56 m (KG 1 ) i.e. a rise of 0. 0 56 m above the original KG of 6. 4 m. 120 Ship Stability...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 958 1
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 5 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 5 ppt

... Â1X0 25 W  258 3 tonnes BM L  L 2 12d  60 60 12 Â4X2 BM L  71X42 metres MCT 1 cm 9 W ÂBM L 100L because GM L 9 BM L 150 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 160 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates What ... Masters and Mates  e  Fig. 15. 9 Weight Distance from C.F. Moments 50 0 À40 20 000 50 0 À 25 12 50 0 50 0 20 À10 000 50 0 50 À 25 000  15...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 674 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 7 ppt

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 7 ppt

... area, remains amidships. Old drafts A 6. 00 m F 6. 00 m Bodily increase 0X 06 m 0X 06 m 6X 06 m 6X 06 m Change due to trim À0X 16 m 0X 16 m Ans. New Drafts A 5. 90 m F 6. 22 m Effect of bilging on stability It ... trim  35 75 Â 221X4  103X3cm 1X033 m Change of draft forward  40 75 Â 221X4  118X1cm 1X181 m 212 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates Increase...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 530 0
Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 8 pps

Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 5 Episode 8 pps

... A " X 2 260 Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 1 2 ord. 1 2 ord. 3 S.M. Products for I CL 00 1 0 1.2 1.728 4 6. 912 1 .5 3.3 75 2 6. 750 1.8 5. 832 4 23.328 1.8 5. 832 2 11 .66 4 1 .5 3.3 75 4 13 .50 0 1.2 ... 4.8 1 .5 2 3.0 2 6. 0 2 12.0 1.8 4 7.2 3 21 .6 3 64 .8 1.8 2 3 .6 4 14.4 4 57 .6 1 .5 4 6. 0 5 30.0 5 150 .0 1.2 1 1.2 6 7.2 6 43.2 25X8...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

35 475 0