Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 8 docx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 8 docx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 8 docx

... [ p 74 6 144 .46 ° ] 4 D p 74 4 6 4 ð 144 .46 ° D 547 6 6 577. 84 ° D 547 6 66 217. 84 ° or 547 6 66 217 ° 15  in polar form. Since r 6  D r cos  C jr sin Â, 547 6 6 217. 84 ° D 547 6 cos 217. 84 ° C j 547 6 ... 2197 6 742 . 14 ° D 2197 6 382 . 14 ° since 742 . 14 Á 742 . 14 °  360 ° D 382 . 14 °  D 2197 66 22. 14 ° since 382 . 14 ° Á 382 . 14 °  360 ° D...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 206 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 2 docx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 2 docx

... Determine (a) the coefficient of 68 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Substituting x D 4 into equation (5) gives: 4  8y D20 4 C 20 D 8y 24 D 8y y D 24 8 D 3 Checking: substituting x D 4, y D 3intheoriginal equations, ... giving: 4x C8y D 4 3 Subtracting equation (3) from equation (2) gives: 4x  3y D 18 2 4x C 8y D 4 3 0  11y D 22 Hence y D 22 11 D2 (Note, in the above s...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 327 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 1 ppsx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 1 ppsx

... given: 1. 23.6 C 14. 71  18. 9  7 .42 1 [11. 989 ] 2. 73. 84  113. 247 C8.21  0.0 68 [31.265] 3. 3 .8 ð 4. 1 ð0.7 [10.906] 4. 3 74. 1 ð 0.006 [2. 244 6] 5. 42 1 .8 ł 17, (a) correct to 4 significant figures ... using algebraic substitutions 41 4 48 .1 Introduction 41 4 48 .2 Algebraic substitutions 41 4 48 .3 Worked problems on integration using algebraic substitutions 4...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

24 167 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 3 pptx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 3 pptx

... 5.0 988 (b) 0.0 640 37 (c) 40 .44 6] In Problems 5 and 6, evaluate correct to 5 decimal places: 5. (a) 1 7 e 3 .46 29 (b) 8. 52e 1.2651 (c) 5e 2.6921 3e 1.1171  (a) 4. 55 84 8 (b) 2 .40 444 (c) 8. 051 24  6. ... e 0.25 e 0.25 C e 0.25  D 5  1.2 84 0 2 541  0.7 788 00 78 1.2 84 0 2 541 C 0.7 788 00 78  D 5  0.5052 246 2.06 282 61  D 1.2 246 , correct to 4 decimal place...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 238 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 4 potx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 4 potx

... 1 or n P r = n! .n − r /! Thus, 4 P 2 D 4 3 D 12 or 4 P 2 D 4! 4 2! D 4! 2! D 4 ð3 ð2 2 D 12 Problem 19. Evaluate: (a) 7 C 4 (b) 10 C 6 (a) 7 C 4 D 7! 4! 7 4 ! D 7! 4! 3! D 7 ð6 ð5 4 ð3 ð2 4 ð3 ð23 ð2 D ... theorem to determine, correct to 4 decimal places: (a) 1.003 8 (b) 0. 98 7 [(a) 1.0 243 (b) 0 .86 81] 9. Evaluate (4. 044 ) 6 correct to 3 decimal pla...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 444 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 5 pptx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 5 pptx

... 1.0724x 0. 344 3x C 0. 344 3120 D 1.0724x 0. 344 3120 D 1.07 24 0. 344 3x 41 .316 D 0.7 281 x x D 41 .316 0.7 281 D 56. 74 m From equation (2), height of building, h D 1.0724x D 1.07 24 56. 74 D 60 .85 m Problem ... tan 1 1.7629 D 60 .44 ° Measured from 0 ° , the two angles between 0 ° and 360 ° whose tangent is 1.7629 are 60 .44 ° and 180 ° C 60 .44 ° ,i.e. 240 .44 ° 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 1,4K 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 6 ppsx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 6 ppsx

... is: (a) 2 74. 7 m (b) 36 .4 m (c) 34. 3 m (d) 94. 0 m 32. (7, 141 ° ) in Cartesian co-ordinates is: (a) (5 .44 , 4. 41) (b) (5 .44 , 4. 41) (c) (5 .44 , 4. 41) (d) (5 .44 , 4. 41) 33. If tanA D 1 .42 76, sec ... cos P sin Q D 0 .8 142 0 .44 32   0. 580 60 .89 64 D 0.3609 0.52 04 D −0.160 (b) cosP CQ D cos P cos Q  sin P sin Q D 0. 580 60 .44 32  0 .8 142 0 .89 64...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 304 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 7 ppsx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 7 ppsx

... 30 40 50 60 80 100 s 4. 9 7.6 11.1 15 .4 20 .4 26 .4 40.6 58. 0 s 3 t 0.19 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39 0 .47 0.55 240 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Stress s N/cm 2 8 .46 8. 04 7. 78 Temperature t ° C 70 200 280 Stress ... 2x 2  3x  4and y D 2 4x y D 2x 2 3x 4 is a parabola and a table of values is drawn up as shown below: x 2 1012 3 2x 2 82 0 281 8 3x 6303 6 9 4 4 4 4...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 354 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 9 pptx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 9 pptx

... distribution for these data having seven classes 81 83 87 74 76 89 82 84 86 76 77 71 86 85 87 88 84 81 80 81 73 89 82 79 81 79 78 80 85 77 84 78 83 79 80 83 82 79 80 77 The range of the data is the value ... 1 73–75 11 76– 78 11 79 81 11 82 – 84 1111 85 87 1 88 –90 111 Table 36.1(b) Class Class mid-point Frequency 70–72 71 1 73–75 74 2 76– 78 77 7 79 81 8...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:21

40 530 0
Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 10 ppsx

Engineering Mathematics 4 Episode 10 ppsx

... x 2 y 2 45 9.2 43 .2 48 86  744 .8 25.7 21 580 8. 9 9 .4 8 4. 3 0 3733 46 .5 3.7 581  242 .1 24. 3 241 1 6 74. 8 62.9 7 242  xy D2172  x 2 D 169.2  y 2 D 40 441 Thus r D 2172 p 169.2 40 441 D −0 .83 0 This ... 20 144 11 25 121 9 30 81 7 35 49 5 40 25  X D 145  Y D 180  X 2 D 46 01 XY Y 2 275 25 300 100 240 225 240 40 0 275 625 270 900 245 1225 200 1...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 09:20

40 560 0