apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 2 pptx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 2 pptx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 2 pptx

... textContent=" ;And this sentence is in a span."> ] 1 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#ID-13 122 957 72 CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 29 Additionally, ... CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 56 ■ Tip The values returned are CSS shorthand properties. 3 An added bonus of jQuery is the ability to set CSS proper...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

40 383 0
apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 1 pptx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 1 pptx

... Comfortable with jQuery 1 ■Chapter 1: Introducing jQuery 3 ■Chapter 2: Common jQuery Actions and Methods 25 ■PART 2: Getting Into Advanced PHP Programming 85 ■Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming ... Introducing the jQuery Function ($) 9 Selecting DOM Elements Using CSS Syntax 10 Summary 23 ■Chapter 2: Common jQuery Actions and Methods 25 Understanding the Bas...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

40 308 0
apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 10 pptx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 10 pptx

... events, 22 9 overview, 22 3 logging out button for, 21 8 21 9 form submission handling, 22 1 22 2 method to process, 22 0 login credentials class defining, 20 2 form submission handling, 21 3 21 8 ... 22 password protection database table setup, 199 limiting display of components admin options method, 22 4 22 5 disallowing access to event creation, 22 8 22 9 event opti...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

41 352 0
apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 4 potx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 4 potx

... 00:00:00', &apos ;20 10- 01-01 23 :59:59'), ('Last Day of January', 'Last day of the month! Yay!', &apos ;20 10- 01-31 00:00:00', &apos ;20 10- 01-31 23 :59:59'); ... people’s information being processed in a file. They need names, occupations, and ages. The Procedural Approach Here’s the procedural approach to our example: < ?php...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

40 291 0
apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 5 potx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 5 potx

... files—header.inc .php and footer.inc .php to contain those common elements. First, create a file called header.inc .php in the common folder (/public/assets/common/header.inc .php) . This file will ... created using object-oriented PHP and MySQL. Along the way, you learned how to handle dates, how to organize entries into objects for easy access, and how to output markup and s...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

40 272 0
apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 7 ppsx

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 7 ppsx

... find the code at the book’s Apress page: http:/ /apress. com/book/view/143 022 8474. Save this code and refresh http://localhost/. Click the Add a New Event button, and you’ll see the following ... click event handler that prevents the default action and (for now) logs a message to confirm it fired properly: jQuery( function($){ var processFile = "assets/inc/ajax.inc .p...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

40 287 0
apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 9 pps

apress pro php and jquery 2010 phần 9 pps

... match the end of the string: /^(\d{4}(-\d {2} ) {2} (\d {2} )(:\d {2} ) {2} )$/ (see Figure 9 -21 ). Figure 9 -21 . Validating the seconds section of the date string and completing the pattern CHAPTER 9 ■ ... 3 32 Figure 9-19. Validating the hour section of the date string To validate the minutes, you match a colon and exactly two digits: /^(\d{4}(-\d {2} ) {2} (\d {2} )(:\d {2...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 15:23

40 529 0
apress pro php and jquery

apress pro php and jquery

... Comfortable with jQuery 1 ■Chapter 1: Introducing jQuery 3 ■Chapter 2: Common jQuery Actions and Methods 25 ■PART 2: Getting Into Advanced PHP Programming 85 ■Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming ... two-step process: install Firefox, and install Firebug. CHAPTER 2 ■ COMMON JQUERY ACTIONS AND METHODS 26 • Access to all attributes of an element, including CSS...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:25

401 4,3K 0
Apress pro Silverlight 3 in C# phần 2 doc

Apress pro Silverlight 3 in C# phần 2 doc

... by hand than wade through a sequence of windows. And in Visual Studio 20 08, hand-written XAML is absolutely mandatory, because there’s no graphical design support to help you out. CHAPTER 2 ... class, which provides a static property for each one. (The property names are based on CHAPTER 2 ■ XAML 34 XAML Basics The XAML standard is quite straightforward once you understand a...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22

78 532 0
Pro WPF in C# 2010 phần 2 doc

Pro WPF in C# 2010 phần 2 doc

... into the Grid and configure their margin and alignment settings in the Properties window or by editing the XAML by hand. Fine-Tuning Rows and Columns If the Grid were simply a proportionately ... window with settings shown in Figure 3 -22 . This window arranges its individual components—labels, text boxes, and buttons—into a tabular structure. Figure 3 -22 . Folder settings in...

Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 09:20

105 596 0