Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 6 ppsx

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 6 ppsx

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 6 ppsx

... examina- tion and questionnaire-based follow-up. Eur Urol 2001; 40 (6) :64 8 65 1. 35. Lemack G, Zimmern P, Margulis V. The levator myor- raphy repair for vaginal vault prolapse. Urology 2000; 56( 6 suppl ... the apex. 166 Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse pelvic support defects: a prospective randomized study with long-term outcome evaluation. Am J Obstet G...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

30 463 1
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 2 ppsx

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 2 ppsx

... (94% and 91% for right-sided defects and 90% and 88% for left-sided defects) but specifi cities and positive predictive values to be low (54% and 65 % for right-sided defects and 50% and 57% for ... of the home pad test for quantifying incon- tinence. Br J Urol 1989 ;64 :155–157. 48 Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse emptying. Proctography ma...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

30 360 0
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 1 pdf

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 1 pdf

... Number: 20 069 21442 ISBN-10: 1-8 523 3-9 1 2-8 e-ISBN 1-8 462 8-3 4 6- 9 ISBN-13: 97 8-1 -8 523 3-9 1 2-8 Printed on acid-free paper © Springer-Verlag London Limited 20 06 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes ... from Elsevier.) Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse Foreword Vaginal surgery has a great tradition empowered by the tremendo...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

30 232 0
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 3 pptx

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 3 pptx

... lling (31), 52 Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse 214. Washington, DC: American College of Obstetri- cians and Gynecologists, 1995. 6. Rosenzweig BA. Genital prolapse and lower urinary ... DeLancey’s vaginal support levels I, II, and III. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1995;172 (6) :1778–1782. 56 Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse might indi...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

30 295 0
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 4 pot

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 4 pot

... sling (22) and the United Kingdom–based trial of TVT versus Burch (21). In the former, a strict Part III Surgery for Urinary Incontinence Transvaginal Surgery for Stress Urinary Incontinence ... rst- line surgical approach for genuine stress incontinence with urethral hypermobility: long-term follow up. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2004;15:132–1 36. 96 Vag...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

30 557 1
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 5 pdf

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 5 pdf

... Saunders, 2002:1172–11 86. 61 . Monga AK, Robinson D, Stanton SL. Periurethral col- lagen injections for genuine stress incontinence: a 2- year follow-up. Br J Urol 1995; 76: 1 56 160 . 62 . Herschorn S, ... function (ISD), a well-supported urethra, and normal bladder function (60 ). Despite the 1 46 Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse fascial attachment...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

30 361 0
Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 10 pot

Vaginal Surgery for Incontinence and Prolapse - part 10 pot

... diverticula, 2 46, 260 –270 anatomy and embryology of urethra, 259– 260 and associated conditions, 269 –270 classifi cation, 266 fi stula diagnosis, 2 46 imaging, 264 – 266 magnetic resonance imaging, 265 – 266 positive ... urethrography and voiding cystourethrography, 264 – 265 ultrasound, 265 pathophysiology and etiology, 260 – 262 presentation, evaluation, and diagnos...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 01:22

27 337 0
Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 6 ppsx

Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scienteists part 6 ppsx

... integer p and q (q ≠ 0). It is only the rational numbers that can be written in the form of finite (terminating) or periodic (recurring) decimals (e.g., 1/8 = 0.125 and 1 /6 = 0. 166 66 ). Any integer ... A and |b| ≤ B it follows that |a + b| ≤ A + B and |ab| ≤ AB. 1.3. Powers and Logarithms 1.3.1. Powers and Roots 1.3. 1-1 . Powers and roots: the main definitions. Given a pos...

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Tài liệu A resource for reading and words part 6 doc

Tài liệu A resource for reading and words part 6 doc

... action to be it has to cause some form of critical reaction and disapproval from others in the particular society. PASSAGE 41 BLINDNESS A blind baby is doubly handicapped. Not only is it unable ... development. Now the ten-month-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Denis is the subject of an unusual psychological experiment designed to prevent a lag in the learning process. VOCABULARY &...

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Supply Chain Management Pathways for Research and Practice Part 6 doc

Supply Chain Management Pathways for Research and Practice Part 6 doc

... long-term collaboration with their partners and subsequently gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. 10 Will-be-set-by-IN-TECH 6. References Chen, F., Drezner, Z., Ryan, J., Simchi-Levi, ... time scales for business and production aspects. Dhaenens- Flipo & Finke (2001) modelled a multi-facility, multi-item, multi-period production and distribution model in the form of a...

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