... cheap 10 4 -10 9 Adverb: tomorrow, rather, really, here 11 3 -11 7 Preposition: at, to, on, in 11 8 -12 5 Determiner: an, this, our, the 83-97 Pronoun: I, it, you 98 -10 3 Linking word: so, and 15 0 -15 3 ... in ……………………… 1 the…………………………. 9 and ……………………. 2 told………………………… 10 totally ……………………. 3 they………………………. 11 an ……………………… 4 there ……………………. 12 excellent ……………………. 5 he ……………...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 16:15
... take up take off take to Business English Lesson – Advanced Level's archive Finance (1) 1. The one big fear of all world economies is that of regression repression recession receding ... value. yield take up increase throw up long exact profits wealth assets products 10 . The loan you have taken out is for a term, which in your case is 5 years. steady fi...
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 10:20
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveReal Life: Farm Animals (1) pdf
... babies that are called . calves kids lambs English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Real Life: Farm Animals (1) 1 are farm animals that lay the eggs we normally eat. Chickens ... male chicken, called a , often sings very loudly at the break of dawn. mouse rooster pigeon 10 generally stay together in flocks. We can get wool and make sweaters from the fur of...
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20
English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level''''s archiveIrregular Verbs (1) pdf
... at the wedding last Saturday. wears wore wear English Grammar Tests-Elementary Level's archive Irregular Verbs (1) 1. Have you your ticket for the concert on Friday yet? getting ... choose chose chosen 10 .Luther has to four new tires for his car. He wants higher quality tires so they will last longer.
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Student''''s Book: Business Benchmark_Cambridge_Part 1 pdf
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Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 17:15
... exactly how much. But (10 ) (that / not / matter) to me. (11 ) (I / not / want) to do anything else. (12 ) (that / annoy) you? Rita: No, (13 ) (it / not / annoy) me. I just (14 ) (find) it a bit ... something to eat. 7 I usually go to work by bus. 8 It's OK. I understand your problem. OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR 5 THE PRESENT SIMPLE A Use We use the present simple for •...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15
... until (10 )…………………………… (I/hear) from you. But don't ring before (11 )…………………………… (I / be) awake in the morning. Mark: (12 )…………………………(I / lie) down for a couple of hours before (13 )………………………………. ... OXFORD PRACTICE GRAMMAR 27 WHEN I GET THERE, BEFORE YOU LEAVE, ETC A Introduction Mark: Did I tell you ... couple of hours before (13 )………………………………. (I/go). Sarah: Good id...
Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15