SystemVerilog For Design phần 8 docx

SystemVerilog For Design phần 8 docx

SystemVerilog For Design phần 8 docx

... types that reflects the nature of the design. The two ATM formats used in this ATM design are the UNI format and the NNI format. 3 18 SystemVerilog for Design 11.5.2 Transmitter state machine The ... Norwell, MA: Springer 2006, 0- 387 -27036-1. i n t er f aces can use generate blocks commun i ca ti on protocols can be verified before a design is modeled 3 08 SystemVerilog f...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

43 517 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 5 docx

SystemVerilog For Design phần 5 docx

... before the start of the loop. a d o w hil e l oop will execute at least once 188 SystemVerilog for Design always_comb begin do begin done = 0; OutOfBound = 0; out = mem[addr]; if (addr < 1 28 ... in sequential logic 186 SystemVerilog for Design end When hierarchical references to a for loop control variable are required, the variable should be declared outside of the for...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 297 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 1 pdf

SystemVerilog For Design phần 1 pdf

... Introduction to SystemVerilog 1 1.1 SystemVerilog origins 1 1.1.1 Generations of the SystemVerilog standard 2 1.1.2 Donations to SystemVerilog 4 1.2 Key SystemVerilog enhancements for hardware design ... assertions for writing efficient, race-free test- benches for very large, complex designs. Accordingly, the discussion of SystemVerilog is divided into two books. This boo...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

41 427 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 2 ppt

SystemVerilog For Design phần 2 ppt

... than what the design or testbench block is using. The file name for the example listed in 2-6 does not end with the common convention of .v (for Verilog source code files) or .sv (for SystemVerilog ... SystemVerilog for Design The line: ‘include "definitions.pkg" should be placed at the beginning of every design or testbench file that needs the definitions in the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

43 427 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 3 pot

SystemVerilog For Design phần 3 pot

... examples of SystemVerilog classes can be found in the companion book, SystemVerilog for Verification 1 . 1. Spear, Chris SystemVerilog for Verification”, Norwell, MA: Springer 2006, 0- 387 -27036-1. Chapter ... State; endmodule pr i n ti ng enumerated type values and labels 64 SystemVerilog for Design SystemVerilog semantics change the behavior of in-line variable initializat...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

48 444 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 4 pps

SystemVerilog For Design phần 4 pps

... blocks • Task and function enhancements T 132 SystemVerilog for Design 5.5 Array querying system functions SystemVerilog adds several special system functions for working with arrays. These system functions ... with $left. For the array: logic [7:0] word [1:4]; $low(word,1) returns 1, and $low(word,2) returns 0. spec i a l sys t em functions for working with arrays 112 Syst...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

39 338 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 6 ppsx

SystemVerilog For Design phần 6 ppsx

... post-synthesis models. 224 SystemVerilog for Design 9.1 Module prototypes A module instance in Verilog is a straight-forward and simple method of creating design hierarchy. For tool compilers, however, ... mo d u l e declarations 2 08 SystemVerilog for Design 8. 1 Modeling state machines with enumerated types Section 4.2 on page 79 introduced the enumerated type construct t...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

44 412 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 7 pdf

SystemVerilog For Design phần 7 pdf

... connect the blocks of a design together is that detailed interconnections for the design must be determined very early in the design cycle. This is counter to the top-down design paradigm, where ... complex design hierar- chy easier to model and maintain. The next chapter presents SystemVerilog interfaces, which is another powerful construct for simplifying large netlists. 244...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

40 358 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 9 pps

SystemVerilog For Design phần 9 pps

... book, SystemVerilog for Verification 1 . 1. Spear, Chris SystemVerilog for Verification”, Norwell, MA: Springer 2006, 0- 387 -27036-1. 356 SystemVerilog for Design From IEEE Std. IEEE 180 0-2005, ... the companion book, SystemVerilog for Verification 1 . 1. Spear, Chris SystemVerilog for Verification”, Norwell, MA: Springer 2006, 0- 387 -27036-1. 324 SystemVerilog for...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

44 217 0
SystemVerilog For Design phần 10 ppt

SystemVerilog For Design phần 10 ppt

... 1076 VHDL-1 987 language – developed to document US DoD designs. 04 05 06 07 08 091 981 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 HILO Peter Fl ake (GenRad) Verilog 86 Verilog ... 95 VHDL 87 VHDL 93 US Gov. VHDL 00 Verilog 01 Syst emVer i l og Simon Davi dmann Peter Fl ake (Co -Design) SUPERLOG 04 05 06 07 08 091 981 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 03:20

54 392 0