Finding main idea 6 pdf

Finding main idea 6 pdf

Finding main idea 6 pdf

... third, in addition, and most importantly. Main Idea By the way, what is the main idea of the two para- graphs above? Do you see a topic sentence? Write the main idea of the paragraphs in this space. You ... other ideas first and build up to the most impor- tant. You might present the ideas differently, but here are two versions of the resulting paragraph as examples. – ORDER OF IMP...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 249 1
Finding main idea 3 pdf

Finding main idea 3 pdf

... and factual enough to encompass the whole paragraph. 5. True. This sentence expresses the main idea. 6. True. This sentence is an opinion. It is debatable. Someone else might think that altering ... means a. permanent, impossible to remove. b. fleeting, brief. c. troubling, disturbing. 12. The main idea of this paragraph is best expressed in which sentence in the paragraph? 13. Indicat...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 410 1
Finding main idea 4 pdf

Finding main idea 4 pdf

... use: chronological order, or arrangement of events by the order in which they occured. 6 53

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 299 1
Finding main idea 1 docx

Finding main idea 1 docx

... terrible boss. I really don’t like him. He just can’t get along with people. And he has stupid ideas about politics. Why is the first paragraph so much better? Because it’s not just opinion. ... rate.”  How Much Context Do You Need? In the previous example, you would still be able to understand the main message of the passage even if you didn’t know—or couldn’t figure out—the meaning of obs...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 240 1
Finding main idea 2 potx

Finding main idea 2 potx

... and how. ■ Lesson 2: Find the main idea. You learned about topic sentences and how they express an assertion about the subject of the paragraph. You saw how the main idea must be general enough ... All Together LESSON SUMMARY This lesson reviews what you learned in Lessons 1–4: getting the facts, finding the main idea, determining what words mean in context, and distinguishing bet...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 292 1
Finding main idea 5 pot

Finding main idea 5 pot

... until at last, you reach the president. Likewise, in writing, ideas may be arranged in order of importance. In this pattern, which idea comes first? Not the one that happened first, but the one ... in a piece of writing. 7 61 Practice Passage 3 Read the following paragraph, which describes a local community event. – START FROM THE BEGINNING: CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER– 56 The International Dinne...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 326 1
Finding main idea 7 ppsx

Finding main idea 7 ppsx

... analysis. This reason or point is the main idea, which is often stated in a topic sentence. – SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: COMPARE AND CONTRAST– 71 Finding the Main Idea Now that you’ve answered those ... What is the main idea of this passage? Did you notice that the opening sentence, “Planting a garden is a lot like having a family,” is the topic sen- tence that expresses the...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 442 5
Finding main idea 8 pot

Finding main idea 8 pot

... point out by putting these two things side by side for analysis. This reason or point is the main idea, which is often stated in a topic sentence. – SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: COMPARE AND ... encouraged him. Effect 5: Ed could tear an engine apart by himself. Cause 6: Ed could tear an engine apart by himself. Effect 6: He got a job as the chief mechanic.  Variations When One Cause Ha...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 431 1
Finding main idea 9 pot

Finding main idea 9 pot

... importance (least important idea to most important idea) or in order of decreasing importance (most important idea to least important idea) . ■ Lesson 8: Compare and contrast. Ideas are arranged so ... information and ideas: ■ Lesson 6: Chronological order. Ideas are arranged in the order in which they occurred (or in the order in which they should occur). ■ Lesson 7: Order of importan...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 378 0
Finding main idea 10 ppsx

Finding main idea 10 ppsx

... importance (least important idea to most important idea) or in order of decreasing importance (most important idea to least important idea) . ■ Lesson 8: Compare and contrast. Ideas are arranged so ... information and ideas: ■ Lesson 6: Chronological order. Ideas are arranged in the order in which they occurred (or in the order in which they should occur). ■ Lesson 7: Order of importan...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:22

6 257 1